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Initiative of TP ISIE establishment was a response to the Order of Vladimir Putin (Minutes No.4 of meeting of the Chief Designers Board under the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation dated 07.12.2009, p.7). The President of Russia (the Prime Minister at that time), appreciating the experience of leading organizations working on the creation of safety systems in the nuclear industry, charged to consider this experience in developing measures to ensure the reliability and safety in the industry and energy sectors. | | 08.05.2014 С Днем Победы!
Дирекция ИБРАЭ РАН поздравляет ветеранов
с 69-й годовщиной Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.
| | 24.04.2014 24 апреля начала работу юбилейная конференция "XV Школа молодых учёных ИБРАЭ РАН"
По традиции на открытии со Вступительным словом выступил директор ИБРАЭ РАН чл.-корр. РАН Л. А. Большов
Целью конференции является расширение кругозора студентов, аспирантов и молодых специалистов в отношении технических, экономических, социальных и прочих аспектов развития и функционирования атомной отрасли, а также координация деятельности молодых учёных как внутри ИБРАЭ РАН, так и с коллегами из других институтов и организаций атомной отрасли. В программе конференции обзорные лекции ведущих ученых отрасли, доклады молодых ученых и специалистов по тематическим направлениям. | | 11.04.2014 On April 10 IBRAE RAN received the representatives from the Atomic Energy Commission and the Universities of Nigeria The meeting was held at IBRAE RAN on the ROSATOM-CICE&T request within the framework of technical cooperation with the IAEA, which started training new experts in the field of nuclear safety for the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NNRA).
The meeting attended the IBRAE RAN staffs: L.G. Shpinkova, A.E. Kiselev, S.N. Krasnopyorov, E.M. Melikhova, T.A. Dolgova, I.G. Obukhov, and the guests: Ayoade Oludayo Ku, nuclear expert of the Center for Energy Studies at the Port Harcourt University, Dunah Abafoni Jackson, assistant director of the Atomic Energy Commission of Nigeria, Oniemaechi Ofodile, department head of Atomic Energy Commission of Nigeria, Ebisu Agueda, chief scientist of Atomic Energy Commission of Nigeria, Francis Ibitoye, chief specialist of the Center for Nuclear Research and Development at the Obafemi Awolowo University, A.V. Goncharova, specialist of ROSATOM-CICE&T international activities department, and D.E. Skripnikov, interpreter
| | 04.04.2014 The IBRAE RAN Directorate congratulated Angelina K. Gus’kova with her anniversaryOn March 29, 2014, Angelina K. Gus’kova was 90 years. On March 31, the celebration meeting was held at the Academic Council of the Burnazyan Federal Medical Biological Center. Among the guests, who came to congratulate Angelina Konstantinovna, was the delegation of Nuclear Safety Institute Directorate. By the anniversary day a collected book was issued based on Gus’kova’s meetings with young scientists of IBRAE RAN.
| | 27.03.2014 Academician Ashot A. Sarkisov was awarded the "Global Energy" PrizeEminent expert in the field of shipboard nuclear energy safety problems, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ashot Sarkisov was awarded the International Energy Prize "Global Energy" for 2014, and he shared the award with Swedish scientist Lars Larsson.
Names of the winners were named on Thursday at the Moscow press conference. Sarkisov and Larsson were honored for their outstanding contribution to the development of nuclear energy, its safety enhancement and solving the radiation- environmental challenges of the Arctic zone.
| | 25.03.2014 FPFC and IBRAE RAN will be engaged in the investment projects on safety of industry and power engineeringThe Federal Project Funding Center (FPFC) and the Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN) will be engaged in joint implementation of investment projects, including the mechanism of public-private partnership (PPP).
Collaboration envisages the preparation and implementation of projects in the field of industrial and energetic safety, which are aimed at the use of research results obtained by the participants of the Technology Platform "Integrated Safety of Industry and Power Engineering " (TP ISIPE). The collaboration agreement was signed by Alexander Bazhenov, Director General of FPFC, and Vladimir Ponomarev, IBRAE Deputy Director on Strategic Development and Innovation, Chairman of the Board of TP ISIPE.
| | 07.03.2014 Поздравление с Международным женским днем от Михаила Михайловича Котюкова | | 20.02.2014 Awarding of prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for 2013On February 20, 2014, by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the title "Laureate of the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology" was awarded to the following employees of IBRAE RAN:
Leonid A. Bolshov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director,
Ashot A. Sarkisov, Academician, Professor, Counselor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the work,
Sergey V. Antipov, Dr. of Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of IBRAE RAN,
Michael N. Kobrinskiy, Ph.D., Head of Laboratory, for the development of scientific and technical basis and information and analytical support of elimination of nuclear legacy in the Northwest Russia;
Rafael V. Arutyunyan, Dr. of Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director of IBRAE RAN for development and implementation of the methods and technologies to ensure radiation safety of the population and territory of the Russian Federation.
Staff of the Institute congratulates heartily our winners and wishes them a great success in their researches!
Full text of the Order of the Government | | 18.02.2014 В Москве открылся Международный форум по ядерному страхованию18 февраля 2014 года в Москве начал свою работу Международный форум по ядерному страхованию. Цель форума – организовать независимую площадку для широкого обсуждения различных аспектов современной модели ядерного страхования с участием российских и зарубежных специалистов по ядерному праву, страхованию и безопасности ядерных технологий. Российское атомное сообщество выступает генеральным информационным спонсором форума.
В мероприятии приняли участие свыше 100 представителей атомной отрасли, страховых компаний и перестраховочных обществ России и зарубежных стран. Открыл форум и председательствовал на его вступительном заседании директор Институт проблем безопасного развития атомной энергетики (ИБРАЭ РАН) Леонид Большов.
| | 07.02.2014 Поздравление с Днем российской науки от коллектива Курской атомной станции | | 05.02.2014 День российской науки, который отмечается 8 февраля. | | 30.01.2014
Коллектив Института проблем безопасного развития атомной энергетики РАН сердечно поздравляет академика Саркисова Ашота Аракеловича с 90-летием.
От всей души желаем здоровья, благополучия, творческих сил, неизменного оптимизма и неиссякаемой энергии.
Директор Л.А. Большов
| | 14.01.2014 The New Year’s game of the Intellectual Tournament of IBRAE RAN On the eve of January holidays, on December 26, 2013, the New Year’s game of the Intellectual Tournament of IBRAE RAN was held. For the first time in the history of such events, the Institute’s teams of seniors (“The Lace”) and youth (“Good Luck With MegaEvil Becquerel”) met in the ring.
| | 09.01.2014 Happy New Year!
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