| Issue 2(27) 2024
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation. |
| Issue 1(26) 2024
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation. |
| Issue 4(25) 2023
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about relevant challenges for the USS RW development; about overview of iternational experience and tests focused on cement-based materials proposed to provide the long term safety of radioactive waste repositories; about strategy for radioactive waste management in the republic of belarus,
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation. |
| Issue 3(24) 2023
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about FSUE RADON’S experience in the conditioning of spent radioactive ion exchange resins from the Kalinin NPP; about the effect of external electron irradiation on the properties of simulated borosilicate glass from PDC MCC; about radionuclide composition of solid radioactive waste from conversion production; about uranium deposits capped by permafrost seen as natural analogues of a geological repository considering the upcoming climate cooling period,
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 2(23) 2023
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about assuring the uniformity in the measurements of rw characteristics during waste transfer for disposal; about assessment of gamma radiation dose rate from a container with radioactive waste; about leaching factors for a phosphate radioactive waste form under deep disposal conditions; about waterproofing properties of clay-based barrier materials and their experimental demonstration;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 1(22) 2023
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about development of a cement compound formulation for the solidification of evaporation residues from a new generation nuclear power plant with a VVER-1200 reactor unit; about efficient use of licensed subsurface sites in the management of liquid radioactive waste during its geological disposal; about modelling carbon steel corrosion considering different factors seeking to forecast the container lifetime; about methodological approaches to the survey of storage facilities for the radioactive waste from uranium-graphite reactors;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 4(21) 2022
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about methodological support for monitoring compliance with quality indicators of a polymer compound based on radioactive spent resins; about results of computational and experimental studies on the long-term safety justification of deep disposal facilities for LRW; about underground research facility: findings from 12-year GNSS observations of modern crust movements; about formation of atmospheric air contamination with tritium above the water areas of industrial water bodies;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 3(20) 2022
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Radioactive Waste Cementation via the in-Container Hot Pressing Method; about Forecasted Timeframes for the Long-Term Safety of Near-Surface Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste Calculated Considering Various Scenarios of their Operation; about Numerical Modeling of Moisture Transfer in the Structures of a Near-Surface Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 2(19) 2022
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Strategy for the Fractionation of HLW from SNF Reprocessing; about Issues Associated with the Detritiation of Low-Level Aqueous Radioactive Waste; about Borehole RW Disposal Concept and Prospects of Its Implementation in Russia; about Model of a Thermally Induced Liquid Inclusion,
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 1(18) 2022
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Methods of Radioactive Waste Managment Costs Estimation under Initial Data Uncertainty; about Feasibility Study Of Process Parameters Providing RW Class 2 And 3 Disposal in the PJSC PIMCU’S Underground Mines; about Kinetic Model Showing the Evolution of Liquid Inclusions in Salt Rocks under High Temperature Gradients; about Analysis of the Russian Federation Regulatory Framework Requirements for Disposal of Very Low-Level Radioactive Waste;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 4(17) 2021
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Training of Specialists for Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning in the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Technology; about Magnesium Immobilization Matrices for LRW of a Complex Chemical Composition; about Scientific and Design Aspects in the Development of Near-Surface Disposal Facilities for Low-and Intermediate-Level Waste; about Method for the Coextraction of Actinides and Technetium from Aqueous Solutions for Radiological Monitoring Purposes; about Challenges Faced under the IAEA’s Project Global Status of Decommissioning;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 3(16) 2021
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about On the Training of Specialists for Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning in the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Technology; about Assessing the Mobility of Clay Materials Used in the Construction of Engineered Safety Barriers for Radioactive Waste Disposal; about Interpretation of Groundwater Inflow Testing from Imperfect Wells in Low-Permeable Rock Mass; about Research on the St3 Carbon Steel Corrosion in the Presence of Microorganisms Isolated from the Groundwater at the Yeniseiskiy Site;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 2(15) 2021
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about the challenge associated with the final stage of irradiated graphite management from water-graphite NPP reactor units; about method for radioactive waste disposal in underground mines; about the selection of a method allowing to evaluate the sensitivity of a model to its parameters within the safety Assessment of RW disposal facilities; about assessment of requirements to the geological environment for the subsoil siting of a radioactive waste disposal facility in deep geological formations;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 1(14) 2021
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about experience in the Development and Operation of Facilities for Primary Characterization of Waste from Nuclear Facilities; about materials and Technologies Providing Radical Improvement of RW Storage Facility Waterproofing Capacities; about evolution of the Repository in Nizhnekanskiy Massif under the Influence of Climatic Factors; about mesh Generation for Radioactive Waste Management Tasks;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 4(13) 2020
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about state-of-art in the improvement of industrial waste management with radionuclide levels not complying with radioactive waste assignment criteria; about dismantlement of building structures in MR reactor hall; about conditioning of solid radioactive waste using cement matrix;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 3(12) 2020
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about the International Legal Regulation Framework for Radioactive Waste Management in the Russian Federation; about System Approach to the Selection of Safety Barriers for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste Class 3 and 4; about Methods for Measuring the Radiation Characteristics of Waste; about the Concept of Large-scale Thermomechanical URL Experiments in the Nizhnekanskiy Rock Massif.
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 2(11) 2020
In this issue of the Journal you can read:
about decommissioning radioactive waste storage facilities of FSUE RosRAO’s Murmansk department branch in the North-Western territorial district; about scientific and design aspects of liquid radioactive waste vitrification from nuclear power plants with WWER-1200 reactor units; about potential of a “Digital Twin” technology for the purposes of research in the Nizhnekanskiy Rock Mass underground research laboratory;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 1(10) 2020
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about underground research laboratory in the Nizhnekanskiy massif: evolutionary design study; about buffer properties of bentonite barrier systems for radioactive waste isolation in geological repository in the Nizhnekanskiy massif; about development of an integral digital model of FSUE “RADON” radioactive waste management facility for strategic decision-making;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 4(9) 2019
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about the ideas on expanding the RW management system to cover industrial waste containing man-made radionuclides; about assessing the state of the geological environment at the Yeniseyskiy site (Krasnoyarsk region); about decontamination of soil contaminated by uranium using hydroseparation method with further reagent treatment of fractions;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 3(8) 2019
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about workflow for the regulatory basis development in the realm of RW management; about nuclear safety of disposal facilities for radioactive waste containing fissile nuclear materials; about source term assessment software for atmospheric releases of radioactive gases and aerosols;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 2(7) 2019
In this Issue you can read about:
Optimization of Contaminated Materials and Radioactive Waste Management within Industrial Sites; Contemporary IAEA Activities at Safe Management of Radioactive Waste; Studying Biogenic Processes under HLW Disposal Project of URL in the Nizhnekanskiy Massif;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, and more. |
| Issue 1(6) 2019
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about development of USS RW in the framework of federal targeted program of nuclear; about cost of radwaste disposal a foreign assessment; about experience and issues of reprocessing liquid radioactive waste of complex chemical composition;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 4(5)2018
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about the near-surface disposal facilities of radioactive waste; about technologies of radioactive waste disposal; about experience of recycling the liquid radioactive waste at the Kola NP; about review of Russian scientific publications on radioactive waste management printed in 2017—2018.
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Radioactive Waste. Issue 3(4) 2018 english version
In this issue of the Journal you can read:
about peculiarities of decommissioning waste management; about mutual influence of non-human biota and radioactive waste disposal facilities; about subsoil condition monitoring in nuclear and radiation facilities and the estimation of long-term maintenance safety guide; about results of the review of the National Report of the Russian Federationon under the Joint convention on the safety of SF and RW management;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.
| Issue 3(4) 2018
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about peculiarities of decommissioning waste management; about mutual influence of non-human biota and radioactive waste disposal facilities; about subsoil condition monitoring in nuclear and radiation facilities and the estimation of long-term maintenance safety guide; about results of the review of the National Report of the Russian Federationon under the Joint convention on the safety of SF and RW management;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.
| Radioactive Waste. Issue 2(3) 2018 english version
In this issue of the Journal you can read:
about safety assessment of geological repositories of HLW and SNF: the international experience in the application to the Eniseiskiy project; about analysis of the RW radionuclide composition in the context of long-term sfety of its disposal; about magnesium potassium phosphate matrix for solidification of intermediate level waste containing actinides and ammonium nitrate;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Radioactive Waste. Issue 1(2) 2018
In this issue of the Journal you can read:
about the issue of generation and management of radioactive waste from remediation of contaminated territories; about technical aspects of creating a regional disposal facility for radioactive waste; about steady-state model for numerical migration analysis based on hydro-geological conditions of «Eniseyskii» site;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 2(3) 2018
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about safety assessment of geological repositories of HLW and SNF: the international experience in the application to the Eniseiskiy project; about analysis of the RW radionuclide composition in the context of long-term sfety of its disposal; about magnesium potassium phosphate matrix for solidification of intermediate level waste containing actinides and ammonium nitrate;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 1(2) 2018
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about the issue of generation and management of radioactive waste from remediation of contaminated territories; about technical aspects of creating a regional disposal facility for radioactive waste; about steady-state model for numerical migration analysis based on hydro-geological conditions of «Eniseyskii» site; about major science and engineering events in the field of radioactive waste management held in Russia and abroad in 2018;
and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Radioactive Waste. Issue 1, 2017
In this issue of the Journal you can read:
greeting to the readers from A. E. Likhachev, O. V. Kryukov and L. A. Bolshov; about current state and prospects of development of the RW managements system in the Russian Federation; about Strategic master plan for substantiation of safety of construction, operation and closure of a deep geological disposal facility for RW; about evolution in the safety case for liquid radioactive waste geological repositories;
and about the Mission of the Journal, recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |
| Issue 1(1) 2017
In the first issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
greeting to the readers from A. E. Likhachev and O. V. Kryukov; about current state and prospects of development of the RW managements system in the Russian Federation; about improve the efficiency of the regulatory framework of the Unified State System of RW; about Strategic master plan for substantiation of safety of construction, operation and closure of a deep geological disposal facility for RW; about 3D numerical modelling of the thermal state of geological radioactive waste repository in Nizhnekansky rock massif; about experience of studying clay formations and crystalline arrays as geologic media for the final isolation of RW; about evolution in the safety case for liquid radioactive waste geological repositories;
and about the Mission of the Journal, recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more. |