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 Proceedings of the Twelfth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists (preprint IBRAE-2011-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2011-03

This volume contains reports presented at the Twelfth  Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 28-29, 2011. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.

Bibliographical reference 

Proceedings of the Twelfth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 28-29, 2011. – (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2011, ¹ IBRAE-2011-03). – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2011. – 166 ð.

 The atlas of neutron nuclear cross sections for actinides (preprint IBRAE-2008-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2008-04

Vasilev A.D., Krylov S.F., Pakhomov Å.Ð., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Filippov A.S., Chudanov V.V. 

In this paper results of intercomparison of nuclear neutron cross sections for actinides from different evaluated nuclear data libraries such as BROND-2.2(3) (Russia), ENDF/B-VI.8 and ENDF/B-VII.0 (USA), JENDL-3.3 (Japan), JEFF-3.1 (the Western Europe) are presented. It is shown, that the differences existing between nuclear data from BROND-2.2(3), ENDF/B-VI.8, ENDF/B-VII.0, JENDL-3.3, JEFF-3.1 libraries are outside the required accuracies on knowledge of the evaluated neutron data as for fuel elements, and, in a greater measure, for minor actinides. In the first part of this paper the list of isotopes of actinides with analyzed nuclear reactions and appropriate explanations of such choice are resulted. In the second part of the paper the neutron cross-sections curves are presented from different evaluated nuclear data libraries in the nuclear energy field from 0 to 20 Mev. 

Bibliographical reference

The atlas of neutron nuclear cross sections for actinides. / Blokhin A.I., Mitenkova E.F., Blokhin D.A., Buleeva N.N., Manokhin V.N., Sipachev I.V. — / Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, September 2008, ¹ IBRAE-2008-04. — Part 1. The description of recommended neutron cross-sections for actinides. — 20 p. — Part 2. The neutron neutron cross-sections curves for actinides. — 94 p.  — Refs.: 11 items.

 Comparative analysis of international experience in financing operations of spent fuel and nuclear waste management and decommissioning of nuclear-and radiation-hazardous sites (preprint IBRAE-2006-10)

Preprint IBRAE-2006-10

The purpose of this publication is to lay down the results of comparative analysis of international experience in financing operations of spent fuel and nuclear waste management and decommissioning of nuclear- and radiation-hazardous sites. The publication describes in detail matters of legislative control over creation and functioning of special accumulative funds in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Sweden and Japan. After making a decision about accelerated development of nuclear power system in the Russian Federation it has become necessary to solve the problem of legislative control over providing sufficient financial provision for ensuring long-term nuclear and radiation safety. That is why this publication may be of great interest to leadership and leading specialists of federal and regional authorities.

Bibliographical reference 

Bolshov, L. A. Comparative analysis of international experience in financing operations of spent fuel and nuclear waste management and decommissioning of nuclear-and radiation-hazardous sites [Text] / L. A. Bolshov, I. L. Abalkina, A. A. Eroma, S. V. Kazakov, I. I. Linge, A. B. Malyshev, A. M. Agapov. — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, December 2006, ¹ IBRAE-2006-10. — Moscow : NSI RAS, December 2006. — 29 p.

 Method of orthogonal mesh generating on plane or smooth 3D-surfaces (preprint IBRAE-2006-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2006-06

Korotkov A. A., Pervichko V. A., Plontikova I. G., Chudanov V. V. 

The article describes the method of generating orthogonal quadrilateral meshes on the on plane or smooth 3D-surfaces. The method is based on determining of set of the orthogonal functions, which are defined by mixed boundary value problem, which is based on self-adjoint second-order elliptical equations. Numerical equations solutions are interpolated by linear function or cubic spline functions.

Bibliographical reference

Korotkov A. A., Pervichko V. A., Plontikova I. G., Chudanov V. V.  — Method of orthogonal mesh generating on plane or smooth 3D-surfaces. — (Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2006-05. Nuclear Safety Institute RAS. October 2006. — Moscow : IBRAE RAS, 2006. — 47 p. – Refs.: 4 items

 Methodological approach to determining task priority in ñourse of complex utilization of nuclear submarines (preprint IBRAE-2003-25)

Preprint IBRAE-2003-25

Previously published data are used to assess current problems related to complex utilization of NPS. It is concluded that the development of a methodology to choose priorities of utilization activities and objects is urgent and important. The lists of possible emergency situations for various types of activities are created; factors that directly affect decision making are presented. The main suggested investigation tools are risk matrix and nuclear event scale; the tools are used to develop an algorithm for priority choice.

Bibliographical reference 

Bolshov L., Sarkisov A., Arutyanyan R., Linge I., Barinov V., Zaitsev I., Kalinin R., Kazakov S., Shvedov P. Methodological approach to determining task priority in ñourse of complex utilization of nuclear submarines. Preprint IBRAE-2003-25. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS. December 2003. 25 p.

 Application PPM of a procedure for modeling of two-phase compressible mediums in view of micro-inertia (preprint IBRAE-2003-19)

Preprint IBRAE-2003-19

Leonov A.A., Chudanov V.V. 

The model of two-phase medium is considered in view of micro-inertia. The basic equations are received by a variation method based on use of a principle of a least action of Hamilton. The numerical modeling is executed with use of a modified method of piecewise parabolic approximation (PPM). The results of test calculations for behavior problem of gas bubbles in a tube with a fluid and for distribution problem of a shock wave in fluid medium with gas bubbles are presented.

Bibliographical reference

Leonov A.A., Chudanov V.V. APPLICATION PPM OF A PROCEDURE FOR MODELING OF TWO-PHASE COMPRESSIBLE MEDIUMS IN VIEW OF MICRO-INERTIA. Preprint IBRAE-2003-19. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, December 2003. 20 p. – Refs.: 8 items

 Modeling of two-component and two-phase compressible flows with usage of method of a piecewise parabolic approximation (PPM) (preprint IBRAE-2003-18)

Preprint IBRAE-2003-18

Bolshov L.A., Solodov A.A.

A generalization of a piecewise parabolic method (PPM) to calculate two-component and two-phase compressible flows is discussed. The offered procedure allows to solve problems of gas dynamics, at which there are sharp breaks of profiles of thermodynamic values and of contact breaks. The technique is extended easily on multidimensional cases through a method of splitting on directions.   

Bibliographical reference

Leonov A.A., Chudanov V.V. Modeling of two-component and two-phase compressible flows with usage of method of a piecewise parabolic approximation (PPM). Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2003-18. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS. 2003. 18 p. – Refs.: 9 items

 Zonation of Hanford formation sediment at the Hanford Site (preprint IBRAE-2003-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2003-07

The current work is devoted to application of different approaches to classification (zonation) of the Hanford formation – the uppermost geologic layer in the Hanford site (Washington, USA). Approaches based on machine learning (artificial neural networks and statistical learning theory) were used together with geostatistical methods (indicator approach) for the current task. The problem was significantly complicated by low number of samples, especially for some classes. Additional available information was also used. Advantages and drawbacks of used methods are discussed in the paper. Obtained results were compared with a map built by experts-geologists using additional geologic knowledge on the region under study. The comparison was performed with the help of the simplest methods developed for image analysis.

Bibliographical reference 

Savelieva E., Bolshov L., Pozdnukhov A., Timonin V., Kanevski M., Chernov S., Murray Ch., Thorne P., Xie Y. ZONATION OF HANFORD FORMATION AT THE HANFORD SITE. Preprint IBRAE-2003-07. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, March 2003. 55 p.

 Robust mapping of spatial data with support vector regression (preprint IBRAE-2002-18)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-18

Pozdnukhov A., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Canu S.

The paper is devoted to the description of the Support Vector Regression - a model based on the Statistical Learning Theory. The methodology of application of the SVR models to the problem of spatial data prediction mapping is considered on a real case study: soil contamination with 137Cs radionuclide in Briansk region. The procedure of SVR hyper-parameters tuning is considered in details. The cases of noisy data and data with outliers were considered. A way of incorporation the additional information on measurements quality is discussed. Preliminary results on multi-scale SVR modeling are presented.

Bibliographical reference 

Pozdnukhov A., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Canu S. ROBUST MAPPING OF SPATIAL DATA WITH SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION. Preprint IBRAE-2002-18. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, July 2002. 17 p. Refs.: 14 items.

 The problems of the Shelter (preprint IBRAE-2002-17)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-17

This paper presents the point of view of the specialists of the leading scientific organizations on the problems of the Shelter. Creation of the Shelter is considered. The information on fuel containing materials inside the Shelter and assessment of nuclear and radiation safety are presented. Significant attention is paid to conversion of the Shelter into safe system.

Bibliographical reference 

Arutyunyan R., Bolshov L., Bogatov S., Borovoi A., Velikhov E., Gavrilov S., Gnedenko V., Pazukhin E. THE PROBLEMS OF THE SHELTER. Preprint IBRAE-2002-17. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, July 2002. 22 p.

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