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Nuclide kinetics solving problems with extended single-group cross sections librariesNuclide kinetics solving problems with extended single-group cross sections libraries

Preprint IBRAE-2023-01

E.F. Mitenkova, N.V. Novikov, E.V. Solovjeva

The ambiguous compilation of extended libraries with high-threshold reactions can result in noticeable nuclide composition differences  in accurate calculations of nuclide kinetics  problems. The importance of high-threshold reactions inclusion in libraries is confirmed by methodical calculations using MZK program. The extended libraries effect on irradiated steel ChS-68 and EK-181 composition is analyzed.

Bibliographical reference

Nuclide kinetics solving problems with extended single-group cross sections libraries. / E.F. Mitenkova, N.V. Novikov, E.V. Solovjeva — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2023, ¹ IBRAE-2023-01). — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2023. — 19 p. — Bibliogr.: 9 items. —  ISBN 978-5-907375-13-0. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2023

Calculations of the spatial distributions of gamma dose rates for typical containers with radioactive wasteCalculations of the spatial distributions of gamma dose rates for typical containers with radioactive waste

Preprint IBRAE-2022-02

P.A. Blokhin, Yu.E. Vaneyev, P.A. Kizub, V.M. Soshnikov, Å.V. Kataev

In this work calculations of the spatial distributions of gamma dose rate near typical radioactive waste containers are performed. Calculations are carried out using TDMCC. Transport and storage containers are considered with different waste containing 137Cs and 60Co (light concrete, porous concrete, soil).

Dose rate values presented in tabular and graphical forms correspond to the points at the container surface and at distances up to 2 meters in radial and axial directions and are normalized to unit and integral activity. Examples of using these normalized values to determine dose rates at different distances from container surface for different input data are given.

Bibliographical reference

Calculations of the spatial distributions of gamma dose rates for typical containers with radioactive waste / P.A. Blokhin, Yu.E. Vaneyev, P.A. Kizub, V.M. Soshnikov, Å.V. Kataev. Preprint IBRAE-2022-02. — Ìoscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2022. — 30 p. — Bibliogr.: 14 items. — ISBN 978-5-907 375-05-5. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2022

Results of the Build-up Factors Calculations using the precision code for the Infinite Medium Compared to Referenced DataResults of the Build-up Factors Calculations using the precision code for the Infinite Medium Compared to Referenced Data

Preprint IBRAE-2022-01

Yu. E. Vaneyev

The results of build-up factors calculations in the tasks with point and flat isotropic gamma radiation sources in the infinite medium of iron using the precision code TDMCC are presented. The ranges of energy and optical thickness values are detected where relative deviations of calculated and referenced build-up factors are within ± 1%. Outside those ranges, sufficient understating of calculated build-up factors values (up to 90%) is found, connected to differences in gamma radiation interaction constants when getting referenced data and calculations by TDMCC code. The relations for correct comparison of calculated build-up factors with referenced data are recommended during a verification of code for gamma radiation shield parameters calculation.

Bibliographical reference

Vaneyev Yu. E. Results of the Build-up Factors Calculations using the precision code for the Infinite Medium Compared to Referenced Data. Preprint IBRAE-2022-01. — Moscow : Nuclear Safety Institute, 2022. — 13 p. — Bibliogr.: 19 items. — ISBN 978-5-6041296-9-2.

©Nuclear Safety Institute, 2022

Estimation of the minimum shell thickness of a steel container for disposal of class 1 radioactive waste in crystalline rocks with a bentonite buffer (Preprint IBRAE-2020-04)Estimation of the minimum shell thickness of a steel container for disposal of class 1 radioactive waste in crystalline rocks with a bentonite buffer (Preprint IBRAE-2020-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2020-04

S. A. Bogatov, D. V. Kryuchkov 

The placement of Class 1 radioactive waste in crystalline rocks in carbon steel containers surrounded by a bentonite buffer is considered as one of the possible concepts in the design of the Russian deep disposal site for radioactive waste (PGZRO). Several fundamental issues of this concept are considered - determination of the minimum thickness of a carbon steel container according to the criteria of mechanical strength, taking into account the effect of a bentonite buffer and corrosion. Preliminary computational estimates of the thickness of the bentonite buffer were carried out according to the criterion of the minimum required swelling pressure.  

Bibliographical reference

Bogatov S. A., Kryuchkov D. V. Estimation of the minimum shell thickness of a steel container for disposal of class 1 radioactive waste in crystalline rocks with a bentonite buffer. Preprint IBRAE-2020-04. — Moscow : Nuclear Safety Institute, 2020. — 29 p. — Bibliogr.: 45 items. — ISBN 978-5-6041296-9-2.

© IBRAE, 2020

On the issue of amendments to the Federal Law of January 9, 1996 No.3-FZ “On radiation safety of population” (Preprint IBRAE-2020-03)On the issue of amendments to the Federal Law of January 9, 1996 No.3-FZ “On radiation safety of population” (Preprint IBRAE-2020-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2020-03

M. V. Vedernikova, I. I. Linge, S. V. Panchenko, S. V. Strizhova, O. A. Supotaeva, S. S. Utkin 

The paper describes the reasoning behind the adoption, as well as subsequent regulatory application of the Federal Law of January 9, 1996 No.3-FZ “On radiation safety of population”. Analysis is provided for in-force edition of the Law and for the prospects of its future application and development. Two possible options are considered. The first and the preferable option is to revoke the document due to its very low regulatory effect. The second option (in the case the first option would not be acceptable) is to develop amendments and modifications for the Law.
Special attention is paid to analysis of proposals on amending specific articles of the law (in accordance with the draft law “On introduction of amendments to the Federal Law of January 9, 1996 No.3-FZ “On radiation safety of population”, which was published on the Federal portal of the draft regulatory acts regulation.gov.ru for the purpose of public discussion, ID 02/04/05-20/00101773).
The final section describes the optimal contents of the amended law in the case the second option is taken.  

Bibliographical reference

Vedernikova M. V., Linge I. I., Panchenko S. V., Strizhova S. V., Supotaeva O. A., Utkin S. S.On the issue of amendments to the Federal Law of January 9, 1996 No.3-FZ “On radiation safety of population”. — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, ¹ IBRAE-2020-03). — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2020. — 22 p. — Bibliogr.: 20 items. . — ISBN 978-5-6041296-5-4.

© IBRAE, 2020

Conceptual Site Model as an Example of Best Practices in Remediation (Preprint IBRAE-2020-02)Conceptual Site Model as an Example of Best Practices in Remediation (Preprint IBRAE-2020-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2020-02

I. L. Abalkina, S. V. Panchenko 

The paper describes the main principles for development and use of conceptual site model (CSM), which is widely recognized as a tool for remediation decision making. Based on the analysis of various guidelines, the paper considers CSM goals, evolution, information requirements, application in remediation process.
The practical use of this tool is demonstrated in relation to the area adjacent to the Kirov-Chepetsk Chemical Combine. Radiation dose calculations for the two land use scenarios are presented. The paper also discusses the potential of CSM application in support of activities at nuclear legacy sites.
This publication is addressed to abroad audience of technical and social science experts who deal with nuclear legacy issues and past environmental liabilities.  

Bibliographical reference

Abalkina I. L., Panchenko S. V. Conceptual Site Model as an Example of Best Practices in Remediation. — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, ¹ IBRAE-2020-02). — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2020. — 49 p. — Bibliogr.: 74 items. — ISBN 978-5-6041296-7-8.

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2020

Radioactive contamination of the ground at the construction site of the Southeast Chord: assessment and projections of radiation safety of the population (Preprint IBRAE-2020-01)Radioactive contamination of the ground at the construction site of the Southeast Chord: assessment and projections of radiation safety of the population (Preprint IBRAE-2020-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2020-01

D. V. Aron, Å. À. Ilyichev, V. P. Merkushov, I. I. Linge, Å. Ì. Melikhova, S. V. Panchenko, À. Ì. Shvedov, À. V. Shikin

The paper presents the results of the analysis of the existing radiation situation and projection for the case of the construction of a section of the Southeast Chord near the borders of the Moscow Polymetal Plant. The environmental conflict that arose in 2019 is considered from the standpoint of radiation safety and risk communication. In addition to purely scientific results, the preprint provides a general description of the radiation situation in the city, the basic principles for ensuring radiation protection of the population in case of detection of radiation anomalies, and briefly describes the city’s radiation safety provision system. The paper is supplemented with links allowing a better understanding of the scale of radiation risks, and they are negligible in comparison with other technological risks that accompany the life of Muscovites. The publication is designed for a wide range of readers - from narrow specialists to public figures and environmental activists.  

Bibliographical reference

Aron, D. Radioactive contamination of the ground at the construction site of the Southeast Chord: assessment and projections of radiation safety of the population / D. V. Aron, Å. À. Ilyichev, V. P. Merkushov, I. I. Linge, Å. Ì. Melikhova, S. V. Panchenko, À. Ì. Shvedov, À. V. Shikin — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2020, ¹ IBRAE-2020-01). — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2020. — 44 p. — Bibliogr.: 120 items  — ISBN 978-5-6041296-3-0

Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Deep Geological Disposal Long-Term Safety Assessment for 10 000 Years and Over: Methodology and The Current State (preprint IBRAE-2019-03)Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Deep Geological Disposal Long-Term Safety Assessment for 10 000 Years and Over: Methodology and The Current State (preprint IBRAE-2019-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2019-03

I.L. AbalkinaL.A. BolshovI.I. LingeS.S. UtkinE.A. SavelevaV.S. SvitelmanI.V. Kapyrin

This paper considers the main aspects of the safety case methodology for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. The paper shows that the required predictive capability associated foremost with the large timeframes is at least does not exceed similar requirements for safety analysis of reactor facilities. The main focus is the analysis of the list of significant for deep geological disposal Features, Events, Processes, development of the relevant evolution scenarios based on this list and corresponding computation tools for their assessment. The associated knowledge management issues are also touched upon.

The material takes into account the best international practices and could benefit a wide range of experts in the area of nuclear fuel cycle long-term safety analysis. 

Bibliographical reference

Abalkina I. L., Bolshov L. A., Kapyrin I. V., Linge I. I., Saveleva E. A., Svitelman V. S., Utkin S. S. Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Deep Geological Disposal Long-Term Safety Assessment for 10 000 Years and Over: Methodology and The Current State. Preprint IBRAE-2019-03 — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2019 — 40 p. — Bibliogr: 84 items.

Proceedings of the Twentieth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists (Preprint IBRAE-2019-02)Proceedings of the Twentieth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists (Preprint IBRAE-2019-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2019-02

This volume contains reports presented at the Twentieth Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held September 12—13, 2019. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.  

Bibliographical reference

Proceedings of the Twentieth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held September 12—13, 2019. – (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, September 2019, ¹ IBRAE-2019-02). – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2019 – 168 ð. – ISBN 978-5-9907220-1-9.

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2019

Computational restrictions of ORIGEN2 code in solving the nuclide kinetics problems (preprint IBRAE-2019-01)Computational restrictions of ORIGEN2 code in solving the nuclide kinetics problems (preprint IBRAE-2019-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2019-01

Mitenkova, E.F., Solovjeva E.V.

This paper presents the ORIGEN2 code features when solving the nuclide kinetics problems using all fission products with independent yields. It is shown the impossibility to obtain the reliable solutions with the guaranteed accuracy for all calculated nuclides by ORIGEN2 code. The calculation results using MZK program to solve stiff ODE systems, based on SADEL solvers library (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), are presented. The MZK program is adapted to solve the nuclide kinetics problems, providing reliable solutions with guaranteed accuracy for all calculated nuclides. 

Bibliographical reference

E.F. Mitenkova, E.V. Solovjeva. Computational restrictions of ORIGEN2 code in solving the nuclide kinetics problems / Preprint IBRAE-2019-01. — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2019. — 31 p. — Bibliogr.: 15 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2019

Application methods of the principles of integrated accounting of the evolution of engineering safety barriers in the assessment of the release radionuclides from the object (preprint IBRAE-2018-15)Application methods of the principles of integrated accounting of the evolution of engineering safety barriers in the assessment of the release radionuclides from the object (preprint IBRAE-2018-15)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-15 

Boldyrev K.A., et al. 

The principles and the concept of creating a complex that combines calculation and forecasting tools for analyzing migration of radionuclides outside the facility, taking into account the evolution of security barriers is presented. The description of the processes evolution of engineering safety barriers and the structure of the computational and forecasting complex, taking into account the interacting physical and chemical processes are given. 

Bibliographical reference

K.A. Boldyrev, D.V. Kryuchkov, V.D. Kovalchuk, K.V. Martinov. Application methods of the principles of integrated accounting of the evolution of engineering safety barriers in the assessment of the release radionuclides from the object / Preprint IBRAE-2018-15. — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2018. — 27 p. — Bibliogr.: 22 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

Visualizator for CFD computing module CONV-3D. Graphic post-processing software (preprint ¹ IBRAE-2018-14)Visualizator for CFD computing module CONV-3D. Graphic post-processing software (preprint ¹ IBRAE-2018-14)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-14 

Aksenova A.E., et al. 

The paper presents the Visualizator software that allows you to perform checking of the results of the calculations of CFD module CONV-3D. The document presents a graphical user interface (GUI) and computing features of the program computing experiments results, including visualization of the package that includes. Visualizator is a component of CFD module CONV-3D/V2 built for purposes of analysis of NPP safety. 

Bibliographical reference

A.E. Aksenova, A.A. Korotkov, V.A. Pervichko, V.V. Chudanov. Visualizator for CFD computing module CONV-3D. Graphic post-processing software / Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2018-14. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018. – 46 p. – Bibliography: 9 references. – 100 copies. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

Transitions between Volume-Localized Electron Quantum Levels of Fullerene C60 Ion (Preprint IBRAE-2018-13)Transitions between Volume-Localized Electron Quantum Levels of Fullerene C60 Ion (Preprint IBRAE-2018-13)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-13 

Rafael V. Arutyunyan and Alexander D. Vasiliev

The excited short-lived volume-localized electron quantum levels (VLELs) existent due to Coulomb potential well inside positive ion C60+z  are analytically investigated in the paper using a simplified spherical fullerene model. Hence, those electron levels appear exclusively after the ionization of neutral fullerene taking into account the unique geometrical shape of sphere. The existence of those levels is argued, and their basic parameters (the energy levels, the wave eigenfunctions) are approximately calculated. The analysis of electron beam interaction with the medium consistent of fullerenes ions C60+zis conducted as the application of the methods developed. The analytical dependencies of free electron recombination cross-sections for the capture to the volume-localized electron levels are obtained. It is shown that the probabilities of electron capture to these VLELs are considerably larger compared to capture to SLELs.  Also, the calculational results of dipole moments for quantum transitions from fullerene ions VLELs to other VLELs and to SLELs with spontaneous photon emission are also presented in the paper. Finally, the principal possibility of coherent radiation generation on fullerene ions’ VLELs is discussed. 

Bibliographical reference

Arutyunyan R.V., Vasiliev A.D. Transitions between Volume-Localized Electron Quantum Levels of Fullerene C60 Ion / Preprint IBRAE-2018-13 — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018 — 26 p. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018 

The systems of volume-localized electron quantum levels of charged fullerenes (preprint ¹ IBRAE 2018-12)The systems of volume-localized electron quantum levels of charged fullerenes (preprint ¹ IBRAE 2018-12)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-12 

Arutyunyan R.V., Osadchy A.V. 

The existence of a system of short-live discrete volume-localized electron quantum levels in positively charged fullerenes is theoretically and numerically demonstrated using the example of fullerenes C60 and C20. Unlike well-studied experimentally and theoretically electron states localized in a thin surface layer, these electron states are due to the flat part of the Coulomb potential of a positively charged fullerene sphere. The energy width of the system of such discrete volume-localized levels depends on the charge and increases with charge increasing. For C60+1, the energy width is 0.32 a.u. and increases up to 1.9 a.u. for fullerene C60+10. Thus, the electrons captured on these discrete levels of fullerene form a sort of a short-lived "nano-atom" or “nano-ion”, in which the electrons are localized inside a positively charged spherical “nucleus”. Numerous published papers have demonstrated theoretically and experimentally the existence of metastable positively charged C60 fullerenes with a charge of +10 or more, which suggests the possibility of experimental observation of the considering system of volume-localized electronic states. 

Bibliographical reference

R.V. Arutyunyan, A.V. Osadchy. The systems of volume-localized electron quantum levels of charged fullerenes / Preprint ¹ IBRAE 2018-12. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018. — 13 p. — Bibliogr. 20 refs. 

Script editor EDITINP for CFD computing module CONV-3D (preprint ¹ IBRAE-2018-11)Script editor EDITINP for CFD computing module CONV-3D (preprint ¹ IBRAE-2018-11)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-11 

Aksenova A.E., et al. 

The paper presents the software EDITINP that allows you to quickly create a script for computing the design module. The document presents a graphical user interface (GUI) editor and features of the boundary conditions, materials, and numerical schemes for computing experiments. The script editor is a one component of the system of preparing input data for CFD module CONV-3D for the analysis of the safety and NPP. 

Bibliographical reference

A.E. Aksenova, A.A. Korotkov, V.A. Pervichko, I.V. Romero Reyes, V.V. Chudanov. Script editor EDITINP for CFD computing module CONV-3D / Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2018-11. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018. – 54 p. – Bibliography: 8 references. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

The solution of the Fukushima tritiated waters problem (preprint ¹ IBRAE–2018-10)The solution of the Fukushima tritiated waters problem (preprint ¹ IBRAE–2018-10)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-10 

Arutunyan R.V., Solodov A.A. 

The purpose of the paper is description and analisys of simplified technology of the disposal of ~106 tons of disaster waters now stored at Fukushima site. The starting “head” operation is distillation of the waters discussed. This operation separates and sends tritium and the rest of radionuclides to the two distinct products: first — 106 tons of the “target” distillate, contaning tritium and only tritium, and second – relatively compact “waste”, that is consentrated chloride brines, accumulating the total of nonvolatile radionuclides.

As the first choice of final operation, the tritiated distillate may be pumped at land into the apropriate underground structures (so-called collectors) to conserve tritium here for some 100—200 years. The second choice is to pump tritiated distilate to the deep ocean waters at the place remote of ocean currents and of tropical cyclons pools. The relatively compacte waste (cloride brines) is to be provisionally stored at Fukushima site. The brines may be treated at the place and preparated for long-time storage or removed to the radiochemical plants for the final utilization. 

Bibliographical reference

R.V. Arutunyan, A.A. Solodov. The solution of the Fukushima tritiated waters problem / Preprint ¹ IBRAE–2018-10. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2018. – 17 p. – Refs.: 18 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

The cost of the molybdenum isotopes (preprint ¹ IBRAE-2018-09)The cost of the molybdenum isotopes (preprint ¹ IBRAE-2018-09)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-09 

Solodov A.A. 

The paper is logically related to the concept of accident–tolerant nuclear fuels and is dedicated to the production of neutron–transparent molybdenum of the isotope composition 98,100Mo. In the frame of gas–diffusion methode the estimate is developed of the 98,100Mo isotope mixtures cost. The new and unexpected result of the analisis is the cost equivalence of centrifugal and gas–diffusion 98,100Mo. The applications are specified which would stimulate industrial–scale production of isotopes 98,100Mo: accident–tolerant molybdenum claddings, advanced composite fuel elements of high radial thermal conductivity. The economics of novel material applications in composite fuel elements is found to be potentially positive. The molybdenum feature of basic importance is the possibility to recycle the post–reactor molybdenum after one–year storage. The conclusion is that molybdenum of isotope composition 98,100Mo is technologically availible and potentially affordable material of the reactor core. 

Bibliographical reference

A.A. Solodov. The cost of the molybdenum isotopes / Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2018-09. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2018. – 14 p. – Refs.: 26 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

Theoretical investigation of electronic properties of highly charged fullerenes. Systems of discrete short-lived volume-localized levels (Preprint IBRAE 2018-08)Theoretical investigation of electronic properties of highly charged fullerenes. Systems of discrete short-lived volume-localized levels (Preprint IBRAE 2018-08)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-08 

Arutyunyan R.V. 

We study the electronic properties of charged fullerenes and onion-like structures in the framework of a simple physical model and show the existence of a system of discrete short-lifetime quantum levels for electrons in the model well potential. In the case of positively charged fullerenes, we find that the energy of the volumelocalized levels ranges from 1 eV to 100 eV. Electrons captured by these discrete levels localized in the volume generate a specific nano-atom wherein electrons or μ-mesons are localized inside a charged hollow sphere of fullerene playing the role of a nucleus in an atom. In case of negatively charged single-layered or onion-like structure fullerenes, Coulomb field creates a spherical potential well for positively charged particles (protons, nuclei of deuterium, tritium). In such a case, a system of discrete levels for positively charged particles is created wherein protons act as electrons and negatively charged sphere of fullerene plays the role of a nucleus. 

Bibliographical reference

R.V. Arutyunyan. Theoretical investigation of electronic properties of highly charged fullerenes. Systems of discrete short-lived volume-localized levels / Preprint IBRAE 2018-08. — Moscow, 2018 — 12 p. — Bibliogr. 44 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

Application of FENIA code for modelling of deep geological radioactive waste repository thermal state (preprint IBRAE-2018-07)Application of FENIA code for modelling of deep geological radioactive waste repository thermal state (preprint IBRAE-2018-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-07 

Butov R. A., et al. 

One of the aspects of long-term safety demonstration for deep geological radioactive waste repository project in Russian Federation — thermal state modeling — is studied in the paper. The computer code FENIA developed by the authors and the numerical simulation results for 3D temperature field inside the repository and in the host rock are presented. 3D non-stationary non-homogeneous heat transfer equation is solved in the code by use of finite-element approach. Further within the scope of this approach coupling with mechanical and hydraulic models will be implemented resulting in fully coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical (THM) code. 

Bibliographical reference

R.A. Butov, N.I. Drobyshevsky, E.V. Moiseenko, Yu.N. Tokarev. Application of FENIA code for modelling of deep geological radioactive waste repository thermal state / Preprint IBRAE-2018-07 — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018 — 27 p. — Bibliogr: 20 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

Prognostic complex CORIDA (Preprint IBRAE-2018-06)Prognostic complex CORIDA (Preprint IBRAE-2018-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-06 

Blokhin P.A., et al. 

The paper presents the description of the developed calculation and prognostic complex CORIDA, intended to solve the tasks appearing when basing the radiation safety of objects using nuclear power in all stages of their life cycle. The explanations of solutions accepted for complex architecture, main modules functions, and selection of basic program means are presented.

Considering the specificity of the tasks solved, the complex provides modules for calculation of radionuclide compositions of irradiated materials and their radiation characteristics, to model the ionizing radiation fields my Monte Carlo method, and specialized graphical editor and converter to simplify the laborious input data preparation procedure in the modeling programs formats. 

Bibliographical reference

P.A. Blokhin, A.I. Blokhin Yu.E. Vaneev, I.V. Sipachev, P.A. Kizub. Prognostic complex CORIDA / Preprint IBRAE-2018-06. — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2018. — 16 p. — Bibliogr.: 27 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

Specialized graphical editor for developing the 3D models of nuclear- and radiation-hazardous facilities and converting the geometrical parameters into the format of the Monte Carlo codes (preprint IBRAE-2018-05)Specialized graphical editor for developing the 3D models of nuclear- and radiation-hazardous facilities and converting the geometrical parameters into the format of the Monte Carlo codes (preprint IBRAE-2018-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-05 

Blokhin P.A., et al. 

In this article, the description of developed specialized graphical editor GRATOR intended for development of 3D graphical models and their conversion into the format of a calculation programs is presented. Within the scope of graphical editor development the algorithm of automatized preparation of input data for the calculation modules of program complex intended for modeling the radiation fields from the ionizing radiation sources is realized.

The specifics of graphical models creation considering their further use in the calculation programs is shown, and examples of the developed models of nuclear waste container as well. 

Bibliographical reference

P.A. Blokhin, Yu.E. Vaneev, I.V. Sipachev. Specialized graphical editor for developing the 3D models of nuclear- and radiation-hazardous facilities and converting the geometrical parameters into the format of the Monte Carlo codes /  Preprint IBRAE-2018-05. — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2017. — 11 p. — Bibliogr.: 11 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

Review of existing approachs to modeling of dispersal of radioactive substances in surface water objects in the framework of development of CPS Review of existing approachs to modeling of dispersal of radioactive substances in surface water objects in the framework of development of CPS "BAKIS" (Preprint IBRAE-2018-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-04 

Nosov A.V., et al. 

Computational prognostic system (CPS) "BAKIS" is designed to simulate the dispersal of radioactive impurities in surface water objects of land and to forecast the radiation impact from their contamination on population and water biota. One of the purposes of its development is the need to justify the safety of existing and decommissioned radiation hazardous facilities, whose activities can affect water objects both by direct discharges of radioactive substances and through contamination in case of accidental atmospheric releases.

The paper provides an overview of existing software tools that can be used to perform calculations of various complexity levels for flowing or weakly flowing water objects, describes the imposed constraints, which require the development of new, more functional software solutions. A detailed description of existing mathematical models of impurity transport in the aquatic environment taking into account auxiliary models, as well as description of approaches to assessing the exposure doses for population due to water use and radiation impact on aquatic biota is given. 

Bibliographical reference

A.V. Nosov, A.L. Krylov, D.V. Aron, V.P. Merkushov. Review of existing approachs to modeling of dispersal of radioactive substances in surface water objects in the framework of development of CPS "BAKIS" / Preprint IBRAE-2018-04 — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2018 — 43 p. — Bibliogr: 54 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

Development of the system of radiation protection of living organisms (preprint IBRAE-2018-03)Development of the system of radiation protection of living organisms (preprint IBRAE-2018-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-03

Panchenko, Sergey 

The emergence of radiobiology and radiation protection system is considered in the first part of review. The fundamental principles of radiobiology are regarded since the science occurrence until the mid-1960s. They have determined the evolution of approaches to the formation of an international system of radiation safety. The paper is written for students studying radiobiology and radioecology, and can also be of interest to everyone who is fond of the history of natural sciences. 

Bibliographical reference

Sergey Panchenko. Development of the system of radiation protection of living organisms. / Preprint IBRAE-2018-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018. — 53 p. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

In the origins of radioecology (preprint IBRAE-2018-02)In the origins of radioecology (preprint IBRAE-2018-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-02 

Panchenko, Sergey 

The development of radioecology in Russia and the USSR as an independent scientific discipline, which grew up in the 20th century from radiobiology and ecology is shown in this paper. The study of the history of radioecology in Russia and in the whole world acquires special significance in connection with the issues of ensuring radiation and environmental safety of nuclear industry enterprises, the oil industry and other industries where the application of radioecological monitoring is required for enterprises. This work is written as part of the course on radioecology, which is taught to students of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology at the Department of Problems of the Safe Development of Modern Energy Technologies. 

Bibliographical reference

Sergey Panchenko. In the origins of radioecology. / Preprint IBRAE-2018-02. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018. — 36 p. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

Computational software for numerical modelling of dispersion of radioactive contamination in large water areas by a Lagrangian puff-particle model realized on state-of-the art high-performance computational technologies. Part I. (preprint IBRAE-2018-01)Computational software for numerical modelling of dispersion of radioactive contamination in large water areas by a Lagrangian puff-particle model realized on state-of-the art high-performance computational technologies. Part I. (preprint IBRAE-2018-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2018-01 

Sorokovikova O.S., et al. 

In this paper computational software for numerical modelling of dispersion of radioactive contamination in large water areas is presented. One of the main purposes of this software is to localize water areas that are appropriate places for environmental monitoring and sampling. Localization of those areas, where contamination peaks might be expected, combined with appropriate measurement campaigns running in them, can be used to justify a more extended sampling strategy in case of increase in pollution levels and can be indicative of a possible breach in protective barriers.

The software is based on a Lagrangian stochastic puff-particle dispersion model. The model employs multi-year ocean currents databases in various large water areas obtained through reanalysis of the coupled ocean-atmosphere circulation based on data assimilation. In this paper a detailed description of the main assumptions and the key processes is given as well as the characteristics of currents needed to run a simulation.

Bibliographical reference

O.S. Sorokovikova, D.V. Dzama, D.G. Asfandiyarov. Computational software for numerical modelling of dispersion of radioactive contamination in large water areas by a Lagrangian puff-particle model realized on state-of-the art high-performance computational technologies. Part I. / Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2018-1. – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2018. – 29 p. – Bibliogr.: 24 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2018

International experience in deep geological disposal of SNF and RW. Part 3. International experience in the development and operation of underground research laboratories (Preprint IBRAE-2017-12)International experience in deep geological disposal of SNF and RW. Part 3. International experience in the development and operation of underground research laboratories (Preprint IBRAE-2017-12)

Preprint IBRAE-2017-12 

Cebakovskaya N. S., et al. 

This paper continues a series of publications summarizing current international experience in the establishment and operation of underground research laboratories and deep geological repositories for spent nuclear fuel and long-lived radioactive waste. This paper overviews current international experience in the establishment and operation of underground research laboratories (URL). The first part introduces international classification of URL types, the key R&D tasks, as well as the changing role of URLs at different stages during the stepwise repository development. The paper provides an example of R&D strategic planning approach developed in the U.S. — repository development matrix comprising rows and columns, where the rows are key activities and the columns are the phases in the repository development timeline from an early research and development phase to later phases such as construction, operations, and closure. The second part provides a general description of R&D performed in four underground research laboratories in granite formations (Switzerland, Sweden, Canada, Finland). 

Bibliographical reference

Cebakovskaya N. S., Utkin S. S., Pron I. A., Konovalov V. Yu. International experience in deep geological disposal of SNF and RW. Part 3. International experience in the development and operation of underground research laboratories. Preprint IBRAE-2017-12 — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017 — 34 p. — Bibliogr: 20 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017

Development of calculation methods for estimating the migration of radionuclides beyond the engineering safety barriers, taking into account their evolution (Preprint IBRAE-2017-11)Development of calculation methods for estimating the migration of radionuclides beyond the engineering safety barriers, taking into account their evolution (Preprint IBRAE-2017-11)

Preprint IBRAE-2017-11 

Boldyrev K.A., et al. 

Computational methods of the complex RPK B Destruct (Degradation struture) is presented. It designed to take into account the evolution of engineering safety barriers in the assessment of migration of radionuclides beyond their limits. Calculation models of leaching from glass matrices, corrosion of metallic, degradation of concrete, evolution of bentonite safety barriers are presented. Examples of calculation of test tasks are given. 

Bibliographical reference

K.A. Boldyrev, D.V. Kryuchkov, K.V. Martinov, A.S. Nuzhny, V.V. Suskin. Development of calculation methods for estimating the migration of radionuclides beyond the engineering safety barriers, taking into account their evolution / Preprint IBRAE-2017-11 — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017 — 23 p. — Bibliogr: 33 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017

Social consequences of the Three-Mile-Island accident and the role of radiation risk perception (Preprint IBRAE 2017-10)Social consequences of the Three-Mile-Island accident and the role of radiation risk perception (Preprint IBRAE 2017-10)


Melikhova E.M. 

The paper considers all different social consequences of the Three-Mile-Island accident in comparison with those of non-radiological disasters. It is concluded that one can explain all but one social consequences of the Three-Mile-Island accident by governmental decisions during the acute phase. The consequences of the radiological emergency with a real but not realized threat of radiation fallout did not differ much from those of natural disasters with official calls for evacuation and without any physical damage (“false alarm”). Only development of social relationships in local communities followed the specific scenario of a technogenic accident with “chronic” pollution of the environment. The social tension resulted from polarization of local residents’ opinion on severity of health hazards persisted for decades. Comparison of governmental decisions taken on negligibility low radiation risk with those taken in the case of chronic chemical contamination of urban territories in Love Canal, NY, revealed one crucial difference: the decision makers’ exaggerated fear of potential health hazards from radiation. It is this particular fear that paves the way for long-term negative social tension in local communities, even if radiation risk is much less than socially acceptable risk levels. 

Bibliographical reference

E.M. Melikhova. Social consequences of the Three-Mile-Island accident and the role of radiation risk perception / Preprint IBRAE 2017-10. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017. — 32 p.

Dose coefficients to estimate the external gamma irradiation effect upon different kinds of biota (Preprint IBRAE-2017-09)Dose coefficients to estimate the external gamma irradiation effect upon different kinds of biota (Preprint IBRAE-2017-09)

Preprint IBRAE-2017-09 

Blokhin P.A., et al. 

Estimation of dose impact upon the biota gradually becomes mandatory requirement by substantiation of safety for objects of radiation danger. The wide specter of radionuclides and enormous number of biota kinds makes one to search for universal ways for development of corresponding calculation methods.

This article shows the results of dose coefficients calculations of external irradiation for different kinds of biota typical for Russian Federation from radionuclides emitting by decay γ-rays with energies from ≈ 0.1 to 2 MeV. The scenarios of referent species being in the air, water, ground, and on the surface of earth are examined. 

Bibliographical reference

P.A. Blokhin, P.A. Kizub, S.V. Panchenko. Dose coefficients to estimate the external gamma irradiation effect upon different kinds of biota /Preprint IBRAE-2017-09. — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2017. — 44 p. — Bibliogr.: 11 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017

Algorithm of automation of input data preparation for modeling the transfer of ionizing radiation (Preprint IBRAE-2017-07)Algorithm of automation of input data preparation for modeling the transfer of ionizing radiation (Preprint IBRAE-2017-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2017-07 

Blokhin P.A., et al. 

The paper presents the algorithm description of the input data automated preparation for calculation modules of the program complex designed for modeling the radiation field from sources of ionizing radiation.
According to the designed algorithm user creates a graphical model of an examined object based on standard primitive bodies assigning to each of them, but their geometrical parameters, additional attributes as conditional numbers of materials used and kinds of radiation sources. 
As shown by example of using the programs TDMCC and MCU included to the program module it is shown that with homogenous input of the initial information as a graphic model of an object, the user is delivered from routine operations of «manual» input of multiple data in the specific formats of those programs which significantly shortens the time of forming the calculation modules and getting the final results. 

Bibliographical reference
P.A. Blokhin, Yu.E. Vaneev, I.V. Sipachev. Algorithm of automation of input data preparation for modeling the transfer of ionizing radiation / Preprint IBRAE-2017-07. — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2017. —11 p. — Bibliogr.: 12 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017

Calculation and forecasting system RELTRAN for safety analysis of the nuclear legacy facilities. Concept development (Preprint IBRAE-2017-06)Calculation and forecasting system RELTRAN for safety analysis of the nuclear legacy facilities. Concept development (Preprint IBRAE-2017-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2017-06 

Bakin R.I., et al. 

The paper considers the concept of the basic calculation and forecasting system RELTRAN (CFS "R"). The system is developed in the course of the R&D "Establishment of practical methodology for comprehensive safety justification of the nuclear legacy facilities and radioactive waste disposal sites, including the development and implementation of system of codes and calculation and forecasting systems" within the framework of the FTP NRS-2.
The system is designed to assess the parameters of atmospheric release, to simulate the atmospheric transport of radioactive substances, to assess the parameters of radiation situation and to determine the need for and effectiveness of countermeasures, and, along with other basic CFSs, is a part of the integrated CFS "M" complex.
Based on the purpose and tasks to be solved, the composition of the physical and mathematical models of the complex CFS "R" is determined, and the functional requirements for them are formulated. The necessary initial data sets, functional and program modules, the principles of their operation and information interaction are determined for the functioning of the system. 

Bibliographical reference
R.I. Bakin, A.V. Zaryanov, A.A. Kiselev, S.N. Krasnoperov, V.P. Merkushov, D.A. Pripachkin, A.M. Shvedov, A.V. Shikin. Calculation and forecasting system RELTRAN for safety analysis of the nuclear legacy facilities. Concept development / Preprint IBRAE-2017-06 — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2017 — 18 p. — Bibliogr: 10 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017

The review of uncertainty analysis software (Preprint IBRAE-2017-05)The review of uncertainty analysis software (Preprint IBRAE-2017-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2017-05 

Svitelman V.S., Saveleva E.A. 

The paper includes the overview the existing uncertainty assessment software and the analysis of their applicability to the safety case and safety assessment for a radioactive waste disposal. The review shows that none of these software products covers full range of uncertainty analysis problems essential in long-term safety assessment. But many of them could be useful for selection, comparison and validation of the required computational techniques. 

Bibliographical reference

V.S. Svitelman, E.A. Saveleva. The review of uncertainty analysis software / Preprint IBRAE-2017-05 — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017 — 18 p. — Bibliogr: 50 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017

International experience in deep geological disposal of SNF and RW. Part 1. Current progress in deep geological disposal of radioactive waste and spent fuel in the U.S., Canada and Asian countries (Preprint IBRAE-2017-04)International experience in deep geological disposal of SNF and RW. Part 1. Current progress in deep geological disposal of radioactive waste and spent fuel in the U.S., Canada and Asian countries (Preprint IBRAE-2017-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2017-04 

Cebakovskaya N.S., et al. 

This paper continues a series of publications summarizing current international experience in the establishment and operation of underground research laboratories and deep geological repositories for spent nuclear fuel and long-lived radioactive waste.
This paper examines recent developments in the field of RW and SNF deep geological disposal (2014–2017) in Canada, the U.S. and Japan. It provides up-to-date information on the planned schedule of disposal operations, relevant costs and management aspects.
Owning to the fact that very few publications are available in Russian literature discussing RW and SNF management issues in China, the Republic of Korea and India, the paper provides a more extensive study on relevant topics for these countries, including data on institutions and organizations responsible for waste disposal; RW classification and inventory (forecasted and currently accumulated), operated waste management facilities, geological disposal projects and underground research laboratories. 

Bibliographical reference

N.S. Cebakovskaya, S.S. Utkin, V.Yu. Konovalov. International experience in deep geological disposal of SNF and RW. Part 1. Current progress in deep geological disposal of radioactive waste and spent fuel in the U.S., Canada and Asian countries / Preprint IBRAE-2017-04 — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017 — 41 p. — Bibliogr: 42 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017

International experience in deep geological disposal of SNF and RW. Part 1. Current progress in deep geological disposal of radioactive waste and spent fuel in European countries (Preprint IBRAE-2017-03)International experience in deep geological disposal of SNF and RW. Part 1. Current progress in deep geological disposal of radioactive waste and spent fuel in European countries (Preprint IBRAE-2017-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2017-03 

Cebakovskaya N.S., et al. 

This paper is the first in a series summarizing current international experience in the establishment and operation of underground research laboratories and deep geological repositories for spent nuclear fuel and long-lived radioactive waste.
This paper examines recent developments in the field of RW and SNF deep geological disposal (2014–2017) in eight European countries: Belgium, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Germany, Finland, France, Sweden, Switzerland. It provides up-to-date information on the planned schedule of disposal operations, relevant costs and management aspects.
The final part of the paper introduces a short list of key definitions widely used in the field of geological disposal that was compiled based on relevant IAEA and NEA/OECD documents. 

Bibliographical reference

N.S. Cebakovskaya, S.S. Utkin, I.I. Linge, I.A. Pron. International experience in deep geological disposal of SNF and RW. Part 1. Current progress in deep geological disposal of radioactive waste and spent fuel in European countries / Preprint IBRAE-2017-03 — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017 — 35 p. — Bibliogr: 47 items. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017

Fractionation of radioactive mixture in Chernobyl deposits and peculiarities of behavior of isotopes of cesium (Preprint IBRAE-2017-02)Fractionation of radioactive mixture in Chernobyl deposits and peculiarities of behavior of isotopes of cesium (Preprint IBRAE-2017-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2017-02 

Panchenko Sergey, et al. 

Empirical data on the fractionation of radioactive elements emitted into the atmosphere as a result of the Chernobyl accident are systematized in the paper. With regard to volatile elements such as the isotopes of iodine and cesium, the fractionation factor varied from 0.5–0.7 to several thousands. When radionuclides were deposited on different surfaces under various weather conditions, differences between superficial fractionation factor and the air one were also noticed. The behavior of cesium isotopes in deposition among all the elements considered was the most unusual. 

Bibliographical reference

Sergey Panchenko, Aleksandr Simonov, Ekaterina Gavrilina. Fractionation of radioactive mixture in Chernobyl deposits and peculiarities of behavior of isotopes of cesium / Preprint IBRAE 2017-02. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017. — 14 p. 

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017

The structure of SMP NKM data base (Preprint IBRAE-2017-01)The structure of SMP NKM data base (Preprint IBRAE-2017-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2017-01

Cebakovskaya N.S., et al.

The paper introduces the structure of a database designed to store the outputs of the first R&D phase “Development of a Strategic Master Plan Supporting the Safety Case and Safety Assessments for a Deep Geological Disposal Facility for Class 1 and Class 2 RW in the Nizhnekansk massif (Eniseysk area)”. The paper overviews the international experience in the development of databases and information systems used to organize huge arrays of data supporting RW and SNF disposal projects gained during the past decades (USA, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and Japan).

Perspectives for the enhancement of the purposed SMP NKM database were outlined based on this analysis enabling its transformation from a design history file into a comprehensive information system involving three main sub-systems: requirement management sub-system, knowledge management sub-system and R&D management sub-system. 

Bibliographical reference

N.S. Cebakovskaya, V.S. Svitelman, In.I. Linge, I.A. Pron, V.Yu.Konovalov. The structure of SMP NKM data base / Preprint IBRAE-2017-1 — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2017 — 35 p. — Bibliogr: 31 items.

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017

Automatic calibration of the variogram model parameters (Preprint IBRAE 2016-04)Automatic calibration of the variogram model parameters (Preprint IBRAE 2016-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2016-04

Gorelov M.M., et al.

The estimates obtained by numerical simulation are commonly used in the safety case and safety assessment. Numerical simulation is inevitably associated with the various types of uncertainties. And the variation of model parameters (that can be represented by two-dimensional or multi-dimensional fields) is required for uncertainty analysis. Thus the problem of random fields generation based on the spatial correlation model of the input data arises. The classic way to describe the spatial correlation is a variogram. In isotropic case the variogram has the same appearance and parameters for all directions. Anisotropic spatial correlation can be parameterized using the isotropic model and anisotropy ellipse. In this case automatic calibration with optimization strategies and clear stop criteria becomes more efficient than manual parameter fitting. Another issue is the selection and configuration of the automatic calibration method, the efficiency and comparative analysis of different algorithms. In this paper we consider Levenberg-Marquardt and Particle Swarm optimization methods.

Bibliographical reference

Gorelov M.M., Svitelman V.S., Savelyeva E.A. Automatic calibration of the variogram model parameters. Preprint IBRAE 2016-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2016. — 17 p.

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2016

Infrastructure for the complex decommissioning of nuclear submarines, surface nuclear-powered ships, and nuclear maintenance vessels in the North-West Russia (Preprint IBRAE 2016-03)Infrastructure for the complex decommissioning of nuclear submarines, surface nuclear-powered ships, and nuclear maintenance vessels in the North-West Russia (Preprint IBRAE 2016-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2016-03

Bilashenko V.P., et al.

In order to accelerate decommissioning of the retired NS, SNS, NMS, and ecological rehabilitation of the temporary SNF and RW storage facilities, within the period 1998-2002 Minatom of Russia organized implementation of works aimed at modernization of the infrastructure for complex decommissioning in the North-West Russia. The existing infrastructure might be required in solving the problem of rehabilitation of Arctic seas from dumped and sank radiation-hazardous objects. In this paper, we present the systematic information on the infrastructure for complex decommissioning. The preparedness of the infrastructure significantly affects making decisions about options and time of the required activities. We also consider the prospective of further usage and development of the infrastructure to meet the branch demands.

Bibliographical reference

Bilashenko V.P., Shvedov P.A., Kulikov K.N., Nizamutdinov P.A., Varnavin A.P., Knivel N.Ya. Infrastructure for the complex decommissioning of nuclear submarines, surface nuclear-powered ships, and nuclear maintenance vessels in the North-West Russia. Preprint IBRAE 2016-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2016. — 22 p.

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2016

Description of the emergency radionuclide propagation prediction system (PARRAD) for existing russian nuclear power plants. Technology and functioning (Preprint IBRAE-2016-02)Description of the emergency radionuclide propagation prediction system (PARRAD) for existing russian nuclear power plants. Technology and functioning (Preprint IBRAE-2016-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2016-02

Arutyunyan R.V., et al.

PARRAD system developed in collaboration with NSI RAS and Hydrometeorological Research Center of Russia. The system is based on the Lagrangian stochastic model of the NOSTRODAMUS software coupled with numerical weather prediction model WRF-ARW. Current version of PARRAD includes the data base for the 9 domains of Russian nuclear power plants. This paper describes the methodological and functional components of the PARRAD system, and results of its tests.

Bibliographical reference

Arutyunyan R.V., Pripachkin D.A., Semenov V.N., Sorokovikova O. S., Krasnoperov S.N., Rubinstein K.G. Description of the emergency radionuclide propagation prediction system (PARRAD) for existing russian nuclear power plants. Technology and functioning. Preprint IBRAE 2016-02. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2016. — 42 p.

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2016

Information and analytical support of the federal target program «Nuclear and radiation safety in 2008 and until 2015». (Preprint IBRAE-2016-01)Information and analytical support of the federal target program «Nuclear and radiation safety in 2008 and until 2015». (Preprint IBRAE-2016-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2016-01

Tikhonova A. A., et al.

The paper summarizes the experience gained from the implementation of information and analytical support processes for the Federal Target Program «Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2008 and until 2015», including the Program adjustment, drafting relevant reporting documents, as well as evaluating the efficiency of particular efforts and the Program as a whole.

Another issue considered is the development of summary and inventory lists of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities and a data base for information and analytical support of efforts implemented under the Program. This work ensured effective reduction of risks associated with spent fuel and radioactive waste management.

Bibliographical reference

Tikhonova A. A., Tolstykh S. D., Arefinkina S. E., et al. Information and analytical support of the federal target program «Nuclear and radiation safety in 2008 and until 2015». Support experience and upgrading. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2016-01. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2016. — 19 p.

© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2016

 The composite fuel for BREST reactor (preprint IBRAE-2015-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2015-05

Bolshov L.A., Solodov A.A.

The revue is exposed on operational, technological and cost properties of the novel nuclear fuel for fast power reactor. The fuel element is made as a sandwich structure of thin oxides or nitridepellets and interposed molybdenum spacers. The molybdenum spacers are responsible for the high effective heat conduction constant of the fuel, typically in the range of 25 W/m·K or 40 W/m·K if oxide/nitride pellets are used. The startpoint  of the design is that molybdenum would be enriched in neutron – transparent isotopes 92,94Mo or 98,100Mo. The unique property of molybdenum from the viewpoint of recycling of that material is that its specific activity is low after postreactor storing ~ 1 year long, which enables recycling of molybdenum used after relatively short stay.  The estimate is performed on  the isotopes  92,94Mo and  98,100Mo mixtures cost.

By the virtue of specific structure of composite nitrides fuel as thin nitrides pellets and molybdenum spacers the blocking of pellets fragmentation is achieved. So the general degradation mechanism of fuel rods with nitrides pellets is turned off. The novel composite nitrides fuel should be regarded as reliable and safe candidate fuel for the BREST reactor.   

Bibliographical reference

Bolshov L.A., Solodov A.A. THE COMPOSITE FUEL FOR BREST REACTOR. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2015-05. Moscow Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2015. – 20 p. – Refs.: 23 items 

 The method of the nitrogen isotope 15N production (preprint IBRAE-2015-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2015-04

Lizunov A.V., Solodov A.A. 

The method of the nitrogen isotope N15 production is exposed, which is based on distillation of the liquid dinitrogen tetroxide. The method makes use of the early proposed multichannel isotope exchange column, which is made upon the cascade scheme with the stage including short multichannel column and a gas mixer element. The mathematic model of the channel, stage and column as a whole is described. The criteria of the column optimization is formulated. Essentials of practical items are discussed, such as: the needed and achieved precision of liquid and vapor distribution in the column channels, the list of candidate construction materials and the cost of N15 isotope produced. To minimize the cost of isotope the heat fluxes in  condenser/boiler  of the column are generated by use  of  vapor absorption chiller, by preference the lithium–bromide absorption chiller. In the case of available free waste heat to drive the chiller and production scale  ~ 600 kG of N15 per year, the cost of isotope is as low as ~ 10–15  doll/g–at of N15.

Bibliographical reference

Lizunov A.V., Solodov A.A. THE METHOD OF THE NITROGEN ISOTOPE 15N PRODUCTION. – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2015-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2015. – 35 p. – Refs.: 24 items

 Neutron source for loosely-coupled systems in Monte-Carlo criticality calculation (preprint IBRAE-2015-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2015-02

Kizub P.A., Mitenkova E.F. 

The neutron source correctness has a special significance in neutronic calculations using Monte Carlo methods. For supercritical and subcritical systems the evolution of neutron source is investigated for different calculation parameters. Stability and sensitivity of neutron source to variations of statistical parameters are analyzed for loosely-coupled systems and pin-cells. The calculation dominance ratios for pin-cells are obtained by fission matrix and noise propagation matrix methods using TDMCC program. The comparison of dominance ratio values is presented.

Bibliographical reference

Kizub P.A., Mitenkova E.F.  NEUTRON SOURCE FOR LOOSELY-COUPLED SYSTEMS IN MONTE-CARLO CRITICALITY CALCULATION  — Preprint IBRAE RAS IBRAE-2015-02. — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2015. — 30 p. — Bibliogr.: 11 items.

 Proceedings of the Sixteenth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists (preprint IBRAE-2015-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2015-01

This volume contains reports presented at the Sixteenth Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 23—24, 2015. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.

Bibliographical reference


 Geometric editor GEOMETRY_EDITOR for computing modules CONV-3D/V2 (preprint IBRAE-2015-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2015-03

Aksenova A.E., Korotkov A.A., Pervichko V.A., Romero Reyes I.V., Chudanov V.V.

The paper presents the software GEOMETRY_EDITOR which allows you to quickly build a three-dimensional geometric model without the use of modern CAD, as well as to build computational grid for this model. The document presents a graphical user interface (GUI) editor and features constructing with its help of geometric areas, and computational grids which required for the computational experiments. Geometric editor is a one component of the system of preparing input data for CFD module CONV-3D for the analysis of the safety and NPP.

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Korotkov A.A., Pervichko V.A., Romero Reyes I.V., Chudanov V.V. GEOMETRIC EDITOR GEOMETRY_EDITOR FOR COMPUTING MODULES CONV-3D/V2. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2015-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2015. - 40 p. - Bibliography: 12 refs.

 Ranking nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities according to the potential hazard (preprint IBRAE-2014-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-07

Bakin R.I., Biryukov D.V., Ilyushkin A.I., Kiselev A.A., Kovalchuk D.V., Krasnopyorov S.N., Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Shikin A.V. 

The paper examines the main aspects of ranking nuclear facilities according to the potential hazard using the methodology developed by the U.K. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to calculate the indicator integrating the environmental safety and the environmental damage. The paper involves an adaptation of the methodology, in particular, for accounting radiological emergencies, and shows the necessity of such adaptation. This was exemplified by typical applications of the adapted methodology in Russian practices – to meet the challenges in inventorying, ranking and prioritizing legacy facilities under the nuclear and radiation safety programmes. 

Bibliographical reference 

Bakin R.I., Biryukov D.V., Ilyushkin A.I., Kiselev A.A., Kovalchuk D.V., Krasnopyorov S.N., Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Shikin A.V. RANKING NUCLEAR AND RADIATION HAZARDOUS FACILITIES ACCORDING TO THE POTENTIAL HAZARD. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2014-07. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2014. — 16 p.

 Dynamic of radiological parameters in rural settlements contaminated by the Chernobyl accident in april 1986 (preprint IBRAE-2014-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-06

Sergey Panchenko, Aram Arakelyan, Ekaterina Gavrilina

The systematization of empirical data on radiation situation in the village of Novye Bobovichi contaminated by the Chernobyl accident for the period from 1986 to 2014 is carried out. Based on the performed analysis, the dynamic of the levels of external radiation dose rates for various typical points of the settlement is considered. The radiation dose rates are estimated for the study period.

The isotope cesium-137 behavior in human environment and its migration in soils is observed.

Bibliographical reference 

Sergey Panchenko, Aram Arakelyan, Ekaterina Gavrilina. DYNAMIC OF RADIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN RURAL SETTLEMENTS CONTAMINATED BY THE CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT IN APRIL 1986. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2014-06. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciensis (IBRAE RAN), 2014. — 35 p.

 Inventatization of nuclear and radiation facilities: results and their application in future (preprint IBRAE-2014-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-05

Abalkina I. L., Birukov D. V., Vedernikova M. V., et al.

The paper describes general aspects of nuclear and radiation hazard facilities (NRHFs) inventory, including primary registration of radioactive wastes (RWs), conditions at the RW storages and disposals. Outcomes of performed works are presented. Three-level approach of preliminary, basic and detailed inventory is considered. The analysis of the three alternative methods for ranking of NRHFs according to potential hazards was carried out and further steps for their application were recommended. Ranking for already registered facilities and for main part of facilities indicated in the Consolidated List of NRHFs was demonstrated. It means the periodic revision of ranking results is needed. Expected final outcomes of work by the end of the Federal Target Program «Nuclear and Radiation Safety» in 2015 are formulated. Recommendations for the State System of Radioactive Sources and Wastes Accounting and Control improvement are given. It is considered to use the Consolidated List of NRHFs as a base for monitoring of works concerning the nuclear legacy.

Bibliographical reference 

Abalkina I. L., Birukov D. V., Vedernikova M. V., et al. INVENTATIZATION OF NUCLEAR AND RADIATION FACILITIES: RESULTS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN FUTURE. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2014-05. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2014. — 39 p.

 Evolution of approaches used to justify RW assigment to the category of special RW (preprint IBRAE-2014-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-04

Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Abalkina I.L., Dorogov V.I., Utkin S.S. and others authors

The paper lays down and substantiates the refinements and modifications to previously developed basic approaches to assessing collective effective doses, generalized risks of potential exposure, costs associated with radioactive waste retrieval and in-situ disposal, as well as the total extent of environmental hazard in case of radioactive waste disposal in-situ to justify radioactive waste attribution to special RW.

Methodology refinement is based on the experience of its application at pilot radioactive waste storage facilities during RW initial registration and proposals on how to improve the approaches pragmatically introduced by experts from regulatory bodies, scientific institutions and operating organizations. These refinements are consistent with laws and regulations, including federal norms and rules in the field of atomic energy use, sanitary rules for radiation safety, and Russian legislation on environmental protection.

Bibliographical reference 

Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Abalkina I.L., Dorogov V.I., Utkin S.S., Ivanov V.A., Vedernikova M.V., Panchenko V.S., Myznikova O.G., Kuryndina L.A., Kryshev I.I., Bochkarev V.V., Nepeypivo M.A., Shchadilov A.E., Repin V.S., Mokrov Yu.G., Kochetkov O.A., Barchukov V.G. EVOLUTION OF APPROACHES USED TO JUSTIFY RW ASSIGNMENT TO THE CATEGORY OF SPECIAL RW. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2014-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciensis (IBRAE RAN), 2014. — 29 p.

 Discontinuous Finite Element Method for Solving the Sn Transport Equation on Unstructured Tetrahedral Grids (preprint IBRAE-2014-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-03

Sychugova, E., Seleznev, E.

This volume contains reports presented at the Fifteenth Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 24-25, 2014. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.

Bibliographical reference 

Sychugova, E., Seleznev, E. DISCONTINUOUS FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR SOLVING THE SN TRANSPORT EQUATION ON UNSTRUCTURED TETRAHEDRAL GRIDS — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2014, ¹ IBRAE-2014-03). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2014. — 21 p. — Refs.: 14 items.

 Proceedings of the Fifteenth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists (preprint IBRAE-2014-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-02

This volume contains reports presented at the Fifteenth Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 24-25, 2014. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.

Bibliographical reference 

Proceedings of the Fifteenth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 24-25, 2014. – (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2014, ¹ IBRAE-2014-02). – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2014. – 230 ð.

 Analysis of thermal interaction between the corium and sodium (preprint IBRAE-2014-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-01

Melikhov V.I., Melikhov O.I., Rtischev N.A., Tarasov A.E.

Analysis of heat transfer processes during a sodium pool boiling is performed. Sodium coolant heat transfer map when it contact with a high temperature corium is prepared. Based on the heat transfer sodium map concluded that the direct contact between the corium surface and liquid sodium or transient heat transfer regime will be occurred, in a typical sodium cooled fast reactors severe accidents conditions. Integral model is developed to simulate thermal interaction between the corium and sodium coolant. Validation results are provided on the base of the THINA (Germany) and PLUTON (Russia) facilities experimental data.

Bibliographical reference 

Melikhov V.I., Melikhov O.I., Rtischev N.A., Tarasov A.E. ANALYSIS OF THERMAL INTERACTION BETWEEN THE CORIUM AND SODIUM. Preprint IBRAE-2014-01. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2014. 33 p. — Refs.: 39 items.

 Approaches to the evaluation and comparison of doses, risks and costs used to justify RW assignment to the category of special RW (preprint IBRAE-2013-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-06

Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Vedernikova M.V., Abalkina I.L., Dorogov V.I., Utkin S.S. and others authors

The paper presents the main approaches to the estimation of collective effective doses, risks of potential exposure, costs associated with elimination of radioactive waste and their disposal in situ, as well as the estimation of total potential damage caused to the environment if radioactive waste are disposed of in situ, for the purpose of radioactive waste assignment to the category of special or removable waste. 

The approaches were developed in accordance with laws and regulations including the federal norms and rules in the field of atomic energy use, sanitary rules of radiation safety and the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation.

Bibliographical reference 

Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Vedernikova M.V., Abalkina I.L., Dorogov V.I., Utkin S.S., Kuryndina L.A., Kryshev I.I., Bochkarev V.V., Nepeypivo M.A., Shchadilov A.E., Repin V.S., Mokrov Yu.G., Kochetkov O.A., Barchukov V.G. APPROACHES TO THE EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF DOSES, RISKS AND COSTS USED TO JUSTIFY RW ASSIGNMENT TO THE CATEGORY OF SPECIAL RW. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2013-06. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciensis (IBRAE RAN), 2013. — 38 p.

 Processing procedures of neutronic characteristics in CFC_BN (preprint IBRAE-2013-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-05

Mitenkova E., Solovieva E.

Processing procedures of neutronic characteristics in CFC_BN are intended for balance analysis of accumulation of actinides and fission products in burn-up calculation using MCNP5MONTEBURNS1.0ORIGEN2. They include the special procedures for express analysis of large output data sets. The program CFC_BN is designed for fuel cycle simulation using MCNP5MONTEBURNS1.0ORIGEN2.

Bibliographical reference

Mitenkova E. Processing procedures of neutronic characteristics in CFC_BN — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, October 2013, ¹ IBRAE-2013-05). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2013. — 19 p. — Bibliogr.: 8 items.

 Neutron characteristics analysis for VVER reactor lattice calculations using MCNP5 and MCU_FREE codes (preprint IBRAE-2013-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-04

E.F. Mitenkova, Kizub P.A.,  Koltashev D.A.

On the basis of VVER-1000 reactor lattice calculations using MCNP5 and MCU_FREE codes, the comparative analysis results of basic neutronic characteristics (effective multiplication factor, neutron flux, reaction rates and acquisitions division) are discussed. Ensuring the correct calculation results is largely determined by the use of the adequate neutron source. Generation of guaranteed-stable and correct neutron source is shown by example of a symmetric FA calculation model.

Bibliographical reference

Mitenkova E. Neutron characteristics analysis for VVER reactor lattice calculations using MCNP5 and MCU_FREE codes / P.A. Kizub, D.A. Koltashev, E.F. Mitenkova— (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, October 2013, ¹ IBRAE-2013-04). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2013. — 23 p. — Bibliogr.: 12 items.

 Proceedings of the Fourteenth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists (preprint IBRAE-2013-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-03

This volume contains reports presented at the Fourteenth Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 25-26, 2013. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.

Bibliographical reference 

Proceedings of the Fourteenth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 25-26, 2013. – (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2013, ¹ IBRAE-2013-03). – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2013. – 18􀀔 ð.

 The application of the variogram, covariance, and the spectral density functions in the geostatistical analysis of the rock microstructures (preprint IBRAE-2013-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-02

Savelyeva E., Dinariev O., Svitelman V. 

The adaptation of geostatistical methods for the analysis of microstructural properties on the basis of the Xray microtomographic (μCT) data is discussed in this manuscript. It is shown that the fields of correlation functions contain the information about the structural properties of the rock micromodels, in particular, about the anisotropy at different scales and about inhomogeneity scale sizes. The following techniques are described:

• the anisotropy estimation and classification using the spherical harmonics expansion of the variogram;
• the spectrum of correlation lengths extraction using the spectral representation of the covariance.

These methods represent the mathematical tools required for the geostatistical analysis application to classification and the typification of the three-dimensional μCT models. The techniques are validated on artificially generated samples with various characteristics and applied to the real μCT images

Bibliographical reference


 BR-FUEL programming module for breeding ratio calculations (preprint IBRAE-2013-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-01

Mitenkova E. 

The breeding ratio and other characteristics of plutonium accumulation are analyzed in fast sodium reactors with UO2, MOX, UC and metallic (U-Pu-Zr) fuel. For reactor of BN-800 type the analysis of accumulation factors are performed by using BR-FUEL for different calculated models. The dependence of breeding ratio on a burnup is also considered.

Bibliographical reference 

Mitenkova E. BR-FUEL programming module for breeding ratio calculations / E.F. Mitenkova, E.V. Solovjeva — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, February 2013, ¹ IBRAE-2013-01). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2013. — 16 p. — Bibliogr.: 6 items.

 Some Problems of the Long Live Education in Russia (preprint IBRAE-2012-08)

Preprint IBRAE-2012-08

Ponomarev V.

Papers of this issue are combined around the main paper “Common Scientific Knowledge, Scientific and Technical Progress and Several Problems of the Long Live Education System Formation”. This paper was written 20 years ago but its ideas were actual till nowadays. So, new generation of teachers could feel their interest in these ideas. All authors of this issue have Doctor’s or Master’s Degree and all of them have long experience of teacher’s work. Subject matter of presented papers is covered the most important problems of modern education: Long Live Education, school-university alliance, Bologna system and its adaptation in Russia, some experiments by innovation using in educational process organization.

Bibliographical reference 

Some Problems of the Long Live Education in Russia – (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, October 2012, ¹ IBRAE-2012-08). – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2012. – 67 p.

 Chernobyl NPP Accident Mitigation Activities (preprint IBRAE-2012-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2012-07

Arutunyan R., Bogatov S., Borovoi A., Gavrilov S., Orekhov S., Strizhov V.

Main activities, undertaken for Chernobyl accident mitigation (26.04.86 – 10.05.86) are described. Their efficacy is assessed both on the base of many years studies carried out at the Shelter and the model of active phase of the accident developed by RRC “Kurchatov Institute” and NSI of RAS during 2006-2008. Foregoing interpretation of situation in 1986 is presented with the measures undertaken, then their efficacy is assessed from nowadays viewpoint. The most significant measure, resulted in environment protection against radioactive substance in the Shelter was creation of a “ChNPP Unit 4 Shelter”. Associated items are considered as well.

In conclusion some assessments are presented concerning the accident at the Japanese NPP Fucushima-Daich

Bibliographical reference 

Arutunyan R., Bogatov S., Borovoi A., Gavrilov S., Orekhov S., Strizhov V. Chernobyl NPP Accident Mitigation Activities. — Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS IBRAE-2012-07. Moscow: NSI RAS, 2012 — 51 p. — Bibliogr.: 49 items

 Specification of GrayS program for γ-source generation (preprint IBRAE-2012-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2012-06

Blokhin P.A., Mitenkova E.F. 

GrayS program (Gamma-ray Source) for γ-source generation for given mixture of radionuclides, is presented. The calculations results of γ-sources and activity of spent fuel for BN and VVER-1000 reactors are discussed. The intercomparison of γ-radiation for isotopes (W188, Np237, Pu238, Pr150, Eu156, Ra228, Ru105) are based on BROND-3/DD, ENDF/B-VII.0 and JEFF-3.1.1.

Bibliographical reference 

Blokhin, P.A. Specification of GrayS program for γ-source generation / P.A. Blokhin, E.F. Mitenkova — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, IBRAE-2012-06). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2012. — 28 p. — Bibliogr.: 15 items.

 RECYCL programming module for core simulation with fuel recycling (preprint IBRAE-2012-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2012-05

Mitenkova  E.F., Solovjevà E.V. 

The RECYCL programming module from CFC_BN is intended for generation of calculated files used when scenario realizing of recycling fuel cycles. This work is realized as a part of the specialized programming complex CFC_BN, intended for fuel cycle simulation using MCNP-MONTEBURNS-ORIGEN core calculations. RECYCL description is represented in the paper

Bibliographical reference

Mitenkova E. RECYCL programming module for core simulation with fuel recycling / E.F. Mitenkova, E.V. Solovjeva — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, November 2012, ¹ IBRAE-2012-05). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2012. — 18 p. — Bibliogr.: 11 items.

 NMC Code for Statistical Modeling of Neutron Transfer in Fissile Media (preprint IBRAE-2012-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2012-04

Brednikhin S.A., Lezhnin S.I., Frolov S.A., Yurov D.M.

The paper describes the structure of NMC, a new generation Monte-Carlo particle transport code. The code is capable to solve a wide range of standard problems such as computation for reactor unit flux. Besides of this it can easily be refined to solve highly specialized tasks with most effective method. The paper presents the results of: code validation with computation of effective multiplication factor and neutron flux energy density function of benchmark experiments from International Handbook Of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments; neutron-physical characteristics study of the subcritical nuclear assembly, designed to operate in the hybrid fission-fusion system with a neutron source based on plasma gas-dynamic trap (GDT).
Based on the obtained results it is concluded about the possibility of using the code for scientific search purposes for modeling of the neutral particles transport processes as well as for testing new algorithms for statistical modeling.

Bibliographical reference 

Brednikhin S.A., Lezhnin S.I., Frolov S.A., Yurov D.M. NMC CODE FOR STATISTICAL MODELING OF NEUTRON TRANSFER IN FISSILE MEDIA. — Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS IBRAE-2012-04. — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2012. — 24 p. — Refs.: 10 items.

 Methodical Aspects of Evaluating Longterm Population Development in Contaminated TerrItories (by Example of the Bryansk Region) (preprint IBRAE-2012-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2012-03

Melikhova E.M., Barkhudarova I.E.

Evaluation of current demographic situation and long-term trends of population development in radiation contaminated territories requires proper choice of reference regions and consistent accounting for statistical errors. Review of last decade publications considering quality of vital statistics in Russia at national and regional levels provided us with basic information for estimation of statistical errors of different demographic indices in Central Russia regions. The errors were not omissible, and the Bryansk Region was taken as an example to get low-bound-estimates of the errors, validate reference regions selection and demonstrate the effect of consistent accounting for statistical errors in comparative analysis. It was shown that after Chernobyl accident demographic development of the Bryansk Region followed the general tendencies of the Central District (excluding the capital city). Against prevailing opinion, the Bryansk Region has never been among outsiders. It has neither progress, no regress in comparison with the typical middling regions of the Central District. A number of publications were analyzed to demonstrate typical mistakes in methods that lead to wrong interpretations of the Bryansk Region demographic situation.

Bibliographical reference 

Melikhova E.M., Barkhudarova I.E. Methodical Aspects of Evaluating Longterm Population Development in Contaminated TerrItories (by Example of the Bryansk Region). Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2012-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2012. 33 p.

 Localization of the Chernobyl accident measures (preprint IBRAE-2012-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2012-01


Bibliographical reference 

Arutyunyan R.V., et al. LOCALIZATION OF THE CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT MEASURES. — Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS IBRAE-2012-01. — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2012. — 54 p. — Refs.: 49 items.

 Generation of pointwise nuclear data library on the basis of ENDF/B-VII.0, JEFF-3.1.1, JENDL-4.0 (preprint IBRAE-2011-08)

Preprint IBRAE-2011-08

The transport point-wise nuclear data libraries are generated on the basis of latest versions of evaluated neutron data files ENDF/B-VII.0, JEFF-3.1.1 and JENDL-4.0 when using the software system NJOY-99. These libraries can be used in MCNP5 calculations. When ENDF processing, the features in the evaluated nuclear data representation were fixed and the appropriate corrections were produced for them. The libraries were prepared at the temperature T = 300 K including the additional information for self-shielding factors of the neutron cross sections using in Monte Carlo calculations with point-wise libraries.

Bibliographical reference 

Blokhin D.A. . Generation of pointwise nuclear data library on the basis of ENDF/B-VII.0, JEFF-3.1.1, JENDL-4.0. /D.A. Blokhin, E.F. Mitenkova, A.I. Blokhin — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, December 2011, ¹ IBRAE-2011-08). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2011. — 58 p. — Bibliogr.: 8 items.

 Some results of modeling the radiation conditions and assessing the source term at Fukushima-1 NPP with three-dimensional fields of meteorological data (preprint IBRAE-2011-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2011-07

The results of assessment of source term in the accident at Fukushima-1 NPP and modeling of the radiation situation in Japan territory using detailed three-dimensional fields of meteorological data are presented. It is shown that the wind, temperature and precipitation fields found from the WRF-ARW model with resolution of 10 km are in good agreement with the results of NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA). The dose rates assessed on the basis of modeling at the points of radiation monitoring in Japan differ from results of airborne gamma survey no more than 2 times. Proposed assessments of the sources of accidental releases into the atmosphere during March 15, 2011 due to a series of accidents at the units of Fukushima-1 NPP, on the whole, correspond to the real radiation conditions. This is confirmed by the simulation results, data of dose rate measurements, results of airborne gamma survey and estimates of Cs-137 fallout based on the data of monitoring services.

Bibliographical reference 

Arutyunyan R.V., Bakin R.I., Bolshov L.A., Dzama D.V., Pripachkin D.A., Semyonov V.N., Sorokovikova O.S, Fokin A.V., Tsaun S.N., Shikin A.V. (IBRAE RAN), Ignatov R.Y., Rubinstein K.G., Smirrnova M.M. (State Institution “Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia”). Some results of modeling the radiation conditions and assessing the source term at Fukushima-1 NPP with three-dimensional fields of meteorological data. Preprint No. IBRAE-2011-07. Moscow, Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2011, 20 p.

 VAR-GM module generation of calculated files for varying geometry and core material parameters in MCNP-MONTEBURNS-ORIGEN multiple calculations (preprint IBRAE-2011-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2011-06

Mitenkova E.F., Solovjeva E.V.

This work is realized as a part of  the specialized programming complex CFC_BN for fuel cycle simulation on the basis of cores in MCNP-MONTEBURNS-ORIGEN calculations. The VAR-GM is intended for generation of calculated files for fuel pins, fuel assembly at varying geometry and material parameters. Also the core variations are considered for its row and FA representation at some MCNP5 limitations of format possibilities. The VAR-GM results are represented at the applicability analyses of metallic (U-Pu-Zr) fuel in the mode of single loading for initial stage of BN-800 operation.

Bibliographical reference 

Mitenkova E.F., Solovjeva E.V. VAR-GM MODULE GENERATION OF CALCULATED FILES FOR VARYING GEOMETRY AND CORE MATERIAL PARAMETERS IN MCNP-MONTEBURNS-ORIGEN MULTIPLE CALCULATIONS. — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, July 2011, ¹ IBRAE-2011-06). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2011. — 25 p. — Refs.: 10 items.

 Mechanisms for the excitation of isomer nuclei in hot dense plasma (preprint IBRAE-2011-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2011-05

Ahrameev E.V.

The paper presents analytical expressions for the scattering cross sections of nonrelativistic electrons on nuclei. For several real nuclei (with transitions E1 and M1) it contains calculations for: cross sections of excitation of nuclei by inelastic scattering of electrons (in the Born and nonrelativistic approximations, and using Hartree-Fock-Slater method of the self-consistent field); transport cross sections of excitation of nuclei by inelastic scattering of electrons (in the Born approximation); the efficiency of different mechanisms of excitation (inelastic scattering of electrons, the inverse internal electron conversion, excitation of the thermal radiation of the plasma).
Considered the possibility of excitation of the «combustion wave»..

Bibliographical reference 

Ahrameev E.V. MECHANISMS FOR THE EXCITATION OF ISOMER NUCLEI IN HOT DENSE PLASMA. Preprint IBRAE-2011-05. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Insitute RAS, 2011, 52 p. — Refs.: 24 items.

 Gamma-ray source formation of irradiated nuclear fuel on the basis of modern evaluated nuclear data files ENDF/B-VII.0 and JEFF-3.1.1. (preprint IBRAE-2011-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2011-05

Blokhin P.A., Mitenkova E.F.

Practical calculations of radionuclides mixture gamma-radiation require the nuclear data about the individual gamma-ray spectra while radionuclides decay. The modern versions of evaluated nuclear data files ENDF/B-VII.0 and JEFF-3.1.1 contain these data in endf-6 format. This paper presents the results of gamma-ray spectrum formation while using the specialized procedures of processing, analysis and compilation radiation data based on ENDF/B-VII.0 and JEFF-3.1.1.

Bibliographical reference 

Blokhin P.A., Mitenkova E.F. GAMMA-RAY SOURCE FORMATION OF IRRADIATED NUCLEAR FUEL ON THE BASIS OF MODERN EVALUATED NUCLEAR DATA FILES ENDF/B-VII.0 AND JEFF-3.1.1. – Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2011, ¹ IBRAE-2011-04. – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2011. – 31 p. – Bibliogr.: 18 items.

 Proceedings of the Twelfth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists (preprint IBRAE-2011-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2011-03

This volume contains reports presented at the Twelfth  Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 28-29, 2011. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.

Bibliographical reference 

Proceedings of the Twelfth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 28-29, 2011. – (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2011, ¹ IBRAE-2011-03). – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2011. – 166 ð.

 The atlas of neutron nuclear cross sections for actinides (preprint IBRAE-2008-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2008-04

Vasilev A.D., Krylov S.F., Pakhomov Å.Ð., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Filippov A.S., Chudanov V.V. 

In this paper results of intercomparison of nuclear neutron cross sections for actinides from different evaluated nuclear data libraries such as BROND-2.2(3) (Russia), ENDF/B-VI.8 and ENDF/B-VII.0 (USA), JENDL-3.3 (Japan), JEFF-3.1 (the Western Europe) are presented. It is shown, that the differences existing between nuclear data from BROND-2.2(3), ENDF/B-VI.8, ENDF/B-VII.0, JENDL-3.3, JEFF-3.1 libraries are outside the required accuracies on knowledge of the evaluated neutron data as for fuel elements, and, in a greater measure, for minor actinides. In the first part of this paper the list of isotopes of actinides with analyzed nuclear reactions and appropriate explanations of such choice are resulted. In the second part of the paper the neutron cross-sections curves are presented from different evaluated nuclear data libraries in the nuclear energy field from 0 to 20 Mev. 

Bibliographical reference

The atlas of neutron nuclear cross sections for actinides. / Blokhin A.I., Mitenkova E.F., Blokhin D.A., Buleeva N.N., Manokhin V.N., Sipachev I.V. — / Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, September 2008, ¹ IBRAE-2008-04. — Part 1. The description of recommended neutron cross-sections for actinides. — 20 p. — Part 2. The neutron neutron cross-sections curves for actinides. — 94 p.  — Refs.: 11 items.

 Comparative analysis of international experience in financing operations of spent fuel and nuclear waste management and decommissioning of nuclear-and radiation-hazardous sites (preprint IBRAE-2006-10)

Preprint IBRAE-2006-10

The purpose of this publication is to lay down the results of comparative analysis of international experience in financing operations of spent fuel and nuclear waste management and decommissioning of nuclear- and radiation-hazardous sites. The publication describes in detail matters of legislative control over creation and functioning of special accumulative funds in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Sweden and Japan. After making a decision about accelerated development of nuclear power system in the Russian Federation it has become necessary to solve the problem of legislative control over providing sufficient financial provision for ensuring long-term nuclear and radiation safety. That is why this publication may be of great interest to leadership and leading specialists of federal and regional authorities.

Bibliographical reference 

Bolshov, L. A. Comparative analysis of international experience in financing operations of spent fuel and nuclear waste management and decommissioning of nuclear-and radiation-hazardous sites [Text] / L. A. Bolshov, I. L. Abalkina, A. A. Eroma, S. V. Kazakov, I. I. Linge, A. B. Malyshev, A. M. Agapov. — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, December 2006, ¹ IBRAE-2006-10. — Moscow : NSI RAS, December 2006. — 29 p.

 Method of orthogonal mesh generating on plane or smooth 3D-surfaces (preprint IBRAE-2006-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2006-06

Korotkov A. A., Pervichko V. A., Plontikova I. G., Chudanov V. V. 

The article describes the method of generating orthogonal quadrilateral meshes on the on plane or smooth 3D-surfaces. The method is based on determining of set of the orthogonal functions, which are defined by mixed boundary value problem, which is based on self-adjoint second-order elliptical equations. Numerical equations solutions are interpolated by linear function or cubic spline functions.

Bibliographical reference

Korotkov A. A., Pervichko V. A., Plontikova I. G., Chudanov V. V.  — Method of orthogonal mesh generating on plane or smooth 3D-surfaces. — (Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2006-05. Nuclear Safety Institute RAS. October 2006. — Moscow : IBRAE RAS, 2006. — 47 p. – Refs.: 4 items

 Methodological approach to determining task priority in ñourse of complex utilization of nuclear submarines (preprint IBRAE-2003-25)

Preprint IBRAE-2003-25

Previously published data are used to assess current problems related to complex utilization of NPS. It is concluded that the development of a methodology to choose priorities of utilization activities and objects is urgent and important. The lists of possible emergency situations for various types of activities are created; factors that directly affect decision making are presented. The main suggested investigation tools are risk matrix and nuclear event scale; the tools are used to develop an algorithm for priority choice.

Bibliographical reference 

Bolshov L., Sarkisov A., Arutyanyan R., Linge I., Barinov V., Zaitsev I., Kalinin R., Kazakov S., Shvedov P. Methodological approach to determining task priority in ñourse of complex utilization of nuclear submarines. Preprint IBRAE-2003-25. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS. December 2003. 25 p.

 Application PPM of a procedure for modeling of two-phase compressible mediums in view of micro-inertia (preprint IBRAE-2003-19)

Preprint IBRAE-2003-19

Leonov A.A., Chudanov V.V. 

The model of two-phase medium is considered in view of micro-inertia. The basic equations are received by a variation method based on use of a principle of a least action of Hamilton. The numerical modeling is executed with use of a modified method of piecewise parabolic approximation (PPM). The results of test calculations for behavior problem of gas bubbles in a tube with a fluid and for distribution problem of a shock wave in fluid medium with gas bubbles are presented.

Bibliographical reference

Leonov A.A., Chudanov V.V. APPLICATION PPM OF A PROCEDURE FOR MODELING OF TWO-PHASE COMPRESSIBLE MEDIUMS IN VIEW OF MICRO-INERTIA. Preprint IBRAE-2003-19. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, December 2003. 20 p. – Refs.: 8 items

 Modeling of two-component and two-phase compressible flows with usage of method of a piecewise parabolic approximation (PPM) (preprint IBRAE-2003-18)

Preprint IBRAE-2003-18

Bolshov L.A., Solodov A.A.

A generalization of a piecewise parabolic method (PPM) to calculate two-component and two-phase compressible flows is discussed. The offered procedure allows to solve problems of gas dynamics, at which there are sharp breaks of profiles of thermodynamic values and of contact breaks. The technique is extended easily on multidimensional cases through a method of splitting on directions.   

Bibliographical reference

Leonov A.A., Chudanov V.V. Modeling of two-component and two-phase compressible flows with usage of method of a piecewise parabolic approximation (PPM). Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2003-18. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS. 2003. 18 p. – Refs.: 9 items

 Zonation of Hanford formation sediment at the Hanford Site (preprint IBRAE-2003-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2003-07

The current work is devoted to application of different approaches to classification (zonation) of the Hanford formation – the uppermost geologic layer in the Hanford site (Washington, USA). Approaches based on machine learning (artificial neural networks and statistical learning theory) were used together with geostatistical methods (indicator approach) for the current task. The problem was significantly complicated by low number of samples, especially for some classes. Additional available information was also used. Advantages and drawbacks of used methods are discussed in the paper. Obtained results were compared with a map built by experts-geologists using additional geologic knowledge on the region under study. The comparison was performed with the help of the simplest methods developed for image analysis.

Bibliographical reference 

Savelieva E., Bolshov L., Pozdnukhov A., Timonin V., Kanevski M., Chernov S., Murray Ch., Thorne P., Xie Y. ZONATION OF HANFORD FORMATION AT THE HANFORD SITE. Preprint IBRAE-2003-07. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, March 2003. 55 p.

 Robust mapping of spatial data with support vector regression (preprint IBRAE-2002-18)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-18

Pozdnukhov A., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Canu S.

The paper is devoted to the description of the Support Vector Regression - a model based on the Statistical Learning Theory. The methodology of application of the SVR models to the problem of spatial data prediction mapping is considered on a real case study: soil contamination with 137Cs radionuclide in Briansk region. The procedure of SVR hyper-parameters tuning is considered in details. The cases of noisy data and data with outliers were considered. A way of incorporation the additional information on measurements quality is discussed. Preliminary results on multi-scale SVR modeling are presented.

Bibliographical reference 

Pozdnukhov A., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Canu S. ROBUST MAPPING OF SPATIAL DATA WITH SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION. Preprint IBRAE-2002-18. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, July 2002. 17 p. Refs.: 14 items.

 The problems of the Shelter (preprint IBRAE-2002-17)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-17

This paper presents the point of view of the specialists of the leading scientific organizations on the problems of the Shelter. Creation of the Shelter is considered. The information on fuel containing materials inside the Shelter and assessment of nuclear and radiation safety are presented. Significant attention is paid to conversion of the Shelter into safe system.

Bibliographical reference 

Arutyunyan R., Bolshov L., Bogatov S., Borovoi A., Velikhov E., Gavrilov S., Gnedenko V., Pazukhin E. THE PROBLEMS OF THE SHELTER. Preprint IBRAE-2002-17. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, July 2002. 22 p.

 Balance and characteristics chemes with staggered conservative and fluxes variables on picewise-constant initial dates (preprint IBRAE-2002-16)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-16

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A.

It is shown, that the “balance and characteristics” approach to construction of numerical algorithms for hyperbolic conservation laws gives on set piecewise – constant initial functions the exact decision of the elementary equation of convective transport. Two different realizations of the corresponding algorithm named as algorithm « jumping transport » are described. The new algorithm possesses the following properties: is explicit – does not demand procedures of the decision of systems of the linear equations, including procedure of “the running account”; – it is determined on constant minimally possible computing stencil – operates with grid function from two times layers within of one computational cell; – is conservative and monotonous at CFL numbers , smaller units; – on smooth function does not approximate the original equation in classical sense. Generalization of algorithm jumping transport on a case of non-uniform computational grids and on the convection – diffusion equation is given. Examples of test calculations are considered.

Bibliographical reference 

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A. BALANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS CHEMES WITH STAGGERED CONSERVATIVE AND FLUXES VARIABLES ON PICEWISE-CONSTANT INITIAL DATES. (In Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2002-16. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, July 2002. 19 p. — Refs.: 22 items.

 Balance-characteristic schemes with separated conservative and flux variables (preprint IBRAE-2002-15)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-15

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A., Kobrinsky I.M.

The new approach is suggested for the development of difference methods with high resolution for the equation of convection with regard to diffusion. It is based on the introduction of two different types of variables – “conservative” and “flux”, corresponding to the realization of the conservation law and correct calculation of characteristic region of influence respectively. The process of creation of new algorithms consists of two stages. At the first stage, linear uniform conservative difference schemes with improved dissipative and dispertion characteristics are constructed on the minimal computing stencil. At the second stage, conservative algorithm of minimal correction of the calculated values is used for the realization of the sufficient conditions of the principle of maximum. Explicit monotone algorithms were developed, that are stable in the case of the Courant number is less then unity and have the second order of accuracy on the smooth solutions. It is shown that new algorithms have noticeable advantages in comparison with the well-known TVD-schemes, based on the limitation of fluxes.

Bibliographical reference 

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A., Kobrinsky I.M. BALANCE-CHARACTERISTIC SCHEMES WITH SEPARATED CONSERVATIVE AND FLUX VARIABLES. (In Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2002-15. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, July 2002. 25 p. — Refs.: 15 items.

 Modelling of grain face diffusion transport and swelling in UO2 fuel (preprint IBRAE-2002-14)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-14

Berdyshev A.V., Veshchunov M.S.

An advanced model for the grain face transport based on the self-consistent consideration of gas atoms diffusion, sinking to and resolution from bubbles on grain faces, is developed. An important role of grain boundary diffusion of gas atoms to edges before interlinking of inter-granular bubbles, is outlined. The coalescence of face bubbles due to their random migration is considered as the main mechanism of grain face bubbles relaxation. Implementation in the MFPR code of the new model and numerical treatment of  various available data on gas release from irradiated fuel, fuel swelling and grain face microstructure, show a satisfactory agreement of the code predictions with measurements.

Bibliographical reference 

Berdyshev A.V., Veshchunov M.S. Modelling of grain face diffusion transport and swelling in UO2 fuel. Preprint IBRAE-2002-14. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, June 2002. 19 p. — Refs.: 29 items.

 Environmental data mining and modelling based on machine learning algorithms and geostatistics (preprint IBRAE-2002-13)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-13

Parkin R., Kanevski M., Pozdnukhov A., Timonin V., Maignan M., Yatsalo B., Canu S.

The paper presents some contemporary approaches to the spatial environmental data analysis, processing and presentation. The main topics are concentrated on the decision–oriented problems of environmental and pollution spatial data mining and modelling. The set of tools used consists of machine learning algorithms (MLA) – Multilayer Perceptron and Support Vector Regression, and recently developed geostatistical predictive and simulation models. The innovative part of the report deals with integrated/hybrid models, including ML Residuals Kriging predictions and ML Residuals Sequential Gaussian simulations. ML algorithms efficiently solve problems of spatial non-stationarity, which are difficult for geostatistical approach, but geostatistical tools are widely and successfully applied to characterise the performance of the ML algorithms, analysing the quality and quantity of the spatially structured information extracted from data by ML. Moreover, mixture of ML data driven and geostatistical model based approaches are attractive for decision-making process..

Bibliographical reference 

Parkin R., Kanevski M., Pozdnukhov A., Timonin V., Maignan M., Yatsalo B., Canu S. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA MINING AND MODELLING BASED ON MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS AND GEOSTATISTICS. Preprint IBRAE-2002-13. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2002. 13p. — Refs.: 9 items.

 Reseach of opportunities of practical use neural networks for identification of the basic parameters of the fractional diffusion (preprint IBRAE-2002-12)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-12

Goloviznin V., Kiselev V., Korotkin I., Semenov V., Hromov A., Yurkov Y.

The inverse problem of identification of fractional diffusion parameters is considered according to practical measurements. For the decision of this problem it is offered to use neural networks. The brief review neural networks is given The various ways of representation of the information on an input in a neural network are considered. Results of research of noise influence and quantity of training examples on accuracy of definition of parameters fractional diffusion also are given. As results of practical measurements it is used numerical decisions of a direct problem.

Bibliographical reference 

Goloviznin V., Kiselev V., Korotkin I., Semenov V., Hromov A., Yurkov Y. RESEACH OF OPPORTUNITIES OF PRACTICAL USE NEURAL NETWORKS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF THE BASIC PARAMETERS OF THE FRACTIONAL DIFFUSION. (In Russian). Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2002-12. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2002. 37 p. — Refs.: 6 items.

 Stochastic approximation ratio’s property for oscillating processes (preprint IBRAE-2002-11)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-11

Visochansckiy V.B., Islamov R.T.

Results of stochastic approximation ratio’s property analysis for oscillating processes are presented in this paper. Determination of stochastic approximation ratio’s property in the variation of oscillating function parameters is a purpose of the research. Dependence of stochastic approximation ratio’s on such parameters as, function’s mean value, magnitude and phase is carried out for standard function.  Additional investigation of dependence of stochastic approximation ratio’s on range of definition of is developed.

Bibliographical reference 

Visochansckiy V.B., Islamov R.T.  Stochastic approximation ratio’s property for oscillating processes. (In Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2002-11. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2002. 21 p. — Refs.: 3 items.

 Computational methods for one-dimensional fractional diffusion equations (preprint IBRAE-2002-10)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-09

Goloviznin V.M., Kiselev V.P., Korotkin I.A.

In the work the computing algorithms for the numerical decision of a fractional diffusion primal problem in a one-dimensional case have been developed and analyzed. Fractional diffusion essentially differs from classical diffusion by behavior of substance concentration on large distances from the initial data source. In the publication the review of basic definitions of fractional derivatives is given. On the basis of this definitions difference methods of the first and second orders of approximation have been constructed. Explicit, partially implicit unconditionally stable schemes and a method based on Fourior transform are also given. The numerous examples of calculations represent computing properties of new algorithms, their detailed comparison is carried out, the second order of convergence of the decision of stationary boundary value problem by a method of an establishment is shown. The given algorithms are supposed to be used first of all for the adjustment of methodical questions of an inverse problem decision — estimation of unknown values of fractional diffusion parameters by the results of experiments on location.

Bibliographical reference 

Goloviznin V.M., Kiselev V.P., Korotkin I.A. COMPUTATIONAL METHODS FOR ONE-DIMENSIONAL FRACTIONAL DIFFUSION EQUATIONS. Preprint IBRAE-2002-10. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, May 2002. 35 p. — Refs.: 14 items.

 Classification of environmental data with kernel based algorithms (preprint IBRAE-2002-09)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-09

Pozdnukhov A., Timonin V., Kanevski M., Savelieva E., Chernov S.

Soil type classification is an important problem from different points of view. Vertical migration of radio-nuclides in soils can be mentioned as an example. The process of migration depends on a number of different properties corresponding both to radio-nuclides and soils. All soil properties are strongly connected with a soil type. Official soil type maps are not good enough to be used for migration problems. Real soil type is more variable value, than it is usually presented in official maps. Soil type mapping can be improved by using additional information obtained during radio-nuclide concentration measurement.

In this work the classification problem is solved by machine learning methods such as probabilistic neural networks PNN (supervised learning algorithm) and Support Vector Machines SVM. The advantages of both methods are general non-linear modelling that avoids the direct modelling of spatial correlation structure. The methods are compared with the nearest neighbour method, the simplest approach to spatial classification.

Bibliographical reference 

Pozdnukhov A., Timonin V., Kanevski M., Savelieva E., Chernov S. CLASSIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA WITH KERNEL BASED ALGORITHMS. Preprint IBRAE-2002-09. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2002. 23 p. — Refs.: 10 items.

 Science-based modelling of Chernobyl fallout trend (preprint IBRAE-2002-08)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-08

Kanevski M., Savelieva E., Demyanov V., Chernov S., Sorokovikova O., Belikov V.

This work is devoted to the science based modeling of 137Cs contamination due toChernobyl fallout, this fallout is an example of data with non-linear trend and high local variability and that’s why they are very efficient for testing non-linear estimators. Science based atmospheric dispersion modeling is performed on the base of the Lagrange model atmospheric transport model and with the help of software NOSTRADAMUS, developed at IBRAE. Nevertheless of detailed preliminary preparation of model parameters the final result shows only the main orientation of the trace. It does not reproduce the spotted structure presented in measured data. Such situation is caused by not exact knowledge of parameters important for atmospheric modeling – Chernobyl example seems to be too difficult for pure science-based modeling. The residuals of science-based model were studied using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Such hybridization allows to improve the results by introducing some “hot spots” distributed not in the main trace.

Bibliographical reference 

Kanevski M., Savelieva E., Demyanov V., Chernov S., Sorokovikova O., Belikov V. SCIENCE-BASED MODELLING OF CHERNOBYL FALLOUT TREND. Preprint IBRAE-2002-08. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2002. 23 p. — Refs.: 15 items.

 GEOSOM application for data analysis using the self-organizing maps (preprint IBRAE-2002-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-07

Kanevski M., Chernov S., Demianov V., Savelieva E., Timonin V., Trouttse A.

In this work the program application GeoSOM described which was developed and realized to data analyze using Self-Organizing Kohonen’s Maps. The paper contains the theory of SOM method which had been realized. There is given the example of data analysis using GeoSOM application.

Bibliographical reference 

Kanevski M., Chernov S., Demianov V., Savelieva E., Timonin V., Trouttse A. GEOSOM APPLICATION FOR DATA ANALYSIS USING THE SELF-ORGANIZING MAPS. Preprint IBRAE-2002-07. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2002. 16 p. — Refs.: 2 items.

 Modeling of supersonic currents by a method of piecewise parabolic approximation (preprint IBRAE-2002-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-06

Elkina N.V., Leonov A.A., Chudanov V.V. 

An application of a method of piecewise parabolic approximation to calculate supersonic currents with viscosity is considered in paper. 

Bibliographical reference

Elkina N.V., Leonov A.A., Chudanov V.V. MODELING OF SUPERSONIC CURRENTS BY A METHOD OF PIECEWISE PARABOLIC APPROXIMATION. Preprint IBRAE-2002-06. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute RAS. 2002. 24 p. – Refs.: 12 items.

 Assessment of radiological consequences for some hypothetical accidents at «DALRAO» facilities (preprint IBRAE-2002-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-05

Belikov V., Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., Danilyan V., Kiselev V., Semenov V., Tokarchyuk D.

Radiological consequences resulted from aircraft fall have been considered for the sites of former coastal technical naval bases handed over to Minatom for remediation. At present technical sites “Sysoeva bay” and “Gorbushechya bay” are considered as “DalRAO” facilities. Carrier-plane and anti-ship missile were taken as the aircrafts. It has been indicated that basic mechanism of radioactive cloud generation after jet fall is a fire of fuel remaining on the board. Fire results in resuspension of surface contamination from the area of 26 meters in diameter. Release from missile explosion consists of fine-grained particles of destructed substance. Dimension of explosion crater was used to assess the release quantitatively. Following buildings were taken as potential sources of radioactive release: spent fuel storage (building 30) and solid waste storage (building 31) at the site “Sysoeva bay” and solid waste storage (buildings 3 and 16) at the site “Gorbushechya bay”. Assessments having been done indicate that consequences of such accidents can result in evacuation of population from the areas at the distance of dozens kilometer from the source.

Bibliographical reference 

Belikov V., Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., Danilyan V., Kiselev V., Semenov V., Tokarchyuk D. ASSESSMENT OF RADIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES FOR SOME HYPOTHETICAL ACCIDENTS AT «DALRAO» FACILITIES. Preprint IBRAE-2002-05. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, March 2002. 30 p. — Refs.: 31 items.

 Creating a databank of IBRAE RAS electronic maps (preprint IBRAE-2002-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-04

Evdokimova Z.A., Zhilina N.I., Kisselev V.P., Pechenova O.I., Semin N.N., Tokarchuk D.N., Tokarchuk A.D., Yurchenko A.C.

The paper is dealing with different issues of creating a databank of vector & raster electronic maps at IBRAE RAS. The technique of generating the databank of vector electronic maps in MapInfo-system format using the created unified classifier of both layers and objects is considered. Program modules of preparing and review of cartographic information contained within the bank of electronic maps are described. In the paper annexes the description of MapInfo Mif/Mid exchange format and of the unified classifier of layers and objects is given.

Bibliographical reference 

Evdokimova Z.A., Zhilina N.I., Kisselev V.P., Pechenova O.I., Semin N.N., Tokarchuk D.N., Tokarchuk A.D., Yurchenko A.C. (IBRAE RAN); Dynnik A.Y., Rogachev A.V. (Russian State GIS Center). Creating a Databank of IBRAE RAS Electronic Maps. Preprint IBRAE-2002-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, March 2002. 60 p. — Refs.: 5 items.

 Anomalous diffusion in regular fractured media (preprint IBRAE-2002-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-03

Dykhne A.M., Dranikov I.L., Kondratenko P.S., Popov A.V.

Contaminant transport in regular heterogeneous media consisting of narrow areas (“fractures”) with diffusivity D and a matrix with the diffusivity d (D being much greater than d) has been analyzed. Considered are the following models: single flat and single cylindrical fracture, systems of two and of an infinite number of parallel fractures, and an “interconnection” of two semi-infinite flat parallel fractures, coming close to each other. For single fractures it has been found the time range where the contaminant transport is of subdiffusion behaviour When the ratio D/d  is extremely large, the regime of anomalous diffusion (subdiffusion) becomes to be asymptotic. Therefore, in connection with contaminant transport in fractured rocks, we may deal with the effect of suppression of the dispersion in fractures. Fracture “interconnections” are found to be inessential for complex systems diffusion time-patterns. The results obtained may be helpful for the development of methods to assess reliability of radioactive waste storage in rock massifs.

Bibliographical reference 

Dykhne A.M., Dranikov I.L., Kondratenko P.S., Popov A.V. ANOMALOUS DIFFUSION IN REGULAR FRACTURED MEDIA. Preprint IBRAE-2002-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Insitute RAS, February 2002, 15 p. — Refs.: 3 items.

 Fluctuation aspects in diffusion over highly disordered media (preprint IBRAE-2002-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-02

An extension of the model for an impurity transport in highly disordered media with fractal properties is proposed taking into account super-diffusion (at large distances) and fluctuation (at short distances) behavior. It is determined that spatial fluctuations of medium characteristics lead to renormalization of the power of an impurity source. Renormalization factor K considerably decreases with source size R if the latter is less than a correlation length determined by medium properties. In this range of the factor K as well as an effective power of the source experience an increasing statistic scattering.

Bibliographical reference 

Bolshov L.A., Dykhne A.M, Kondratenko P.S. Fluctuation aspects in diffusion over highly disordered media. Preprint IBRAE-2002-02. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Insitute RAS, February 2002. 6 p.

 Some features of computing algorithms for the equations fractional diffusion (preprint IBRAE-2002-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-01

Goloviznin V., Kiselev V., Korotkin I., Yurkov Y.

In the work the analysis of numerical methods of the decision of the equation fractional diffusion is given. A Fourior’s method, explicit and partially implicit difference scheme of the first order of approximation are considered. The elementary methods of identification of parameters fractional diffusion also are given.

Bibliographical reference 

Goloviznin V., Kiselev V., Korotkin I., Yurkov Y. SOME FEATURES OF COMPUTING ALGORITHMS FOR THE EQUATIONS FRACTIONAL DIFFUSION. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2002-01. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, January 2002. 57 p. — Refs.: 22 items.

 Principal component analysis of spatial data (preprint IBRAE-2001-18)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-18

Parkin R., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Raspa G., Hakamata T., Savelieva E. Kalantarov E.

This work presents review of various Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methods and application PCA for the spatial prediction of concentration of metals using software “Multigeo”. Principal component analysis is one of the most popular techniques for processing, compressing and visualizing data, although its effectiveness is limited by its global linearity. The technique is illustrated using the real data on Geneva Lake sediments contamination and Japanese soil contamination by heavy metals.   

Bibliographical reference

Parkin R., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Raspa G., Hakamata T., Savelieva E. Kalantarov E. PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS OF SPATIAL DATA. Preprint IBRAE-2001-18. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2001. 21 p. — Refs.: 41 items. 

 How many attributable cases of mortality associated with air pollution occur in Russia? (preprint IBRAE-2001-17)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-17

Arutyunyan R.V., Reshetin V.P., Sorokin V.S.

Assessment of attributable cases of mortality associated with air pollution is presented. The data of daily monitoring of air pollution in 1993 and 1998 carried out by Rosgidromet were used for assessment. To determine the dose-response function, the well known results of Dockery et al., 1993 were applied. In Dockery’s prospective cohort investigations in six US towns, the statistically significant relationship between mortality and air pollution was confirmed. The estimates obtained by direct formal transition of the Dockery’s results to the conditions of Russian cities allowing for the actual level of the atmosphere pollution, result in the number of the premature deaths on the order of 300 thousand annually. Various factors effecting the accuracy of assessments are discussed.   

Bibliographical reference

Arutyunyan R.V., Reshetin V.P., Sorokin V.S. How many attributable cases of mortality associated with air pollution occur in Russia? (in Russian) Preprint IBRAE-2001-17. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, November 2001. 13 p. — Refs.: 14 items. 

 Analysis of models of restructuring the electric power industry of the Russian Federation (preprint IBRAE-2001-16)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-16

There is given an analysis of models for re-structuring the electric power industry of the Russian Federation, which were prepared by the Government of the Russian Federation (1997), the management of the Russian Corporation "United Power System of Russia" (RAO "EES Rossii"), the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the working group of the State Council of Russia. The model prepared by the State Council of Russia was shown to ensure the electrical power safety of the country at the weighted application of market mechanisms in the electric power industry. It was noted, that the model of re-structuring approved by the government of the Russian Federation retains the basic aspects of the RAO "EES Rossii" concept, which is oriented on formal market principles in the electric power industry operation and does not take into account the problems of reliability of the customer power supply. The results of the expertise showed the accepted solutions inefficiency.   

Bibliographical reference

Discussed at and approved by the scientific seminar of the Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS; participated: specialists from Department of physical and technical problems of power engineering, RAS; Institute of power research, RAS; Institute of Macroeconomics of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. ANALYSIS of MODELS of RESTRUCTURING the electric power INDUSTRY of THE RUSSIAn Federation. Preprint IBRAE-2001-16. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, November 2001. 31 p. — Refs.: 12 items. 

 CABARET schemes for one-dimensional gas dynamics equations in eulerian variables (preprint IBRAE-2001-15)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-15

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A.

In the present paper we develop a few Godunov-type compact upwind difference schemes with a space split time derivative (CABARET) in application to one-dimensional compressible gas flows. As opposed to the conventional approach in improving the order of approximation by incorporating the information from adjacent space cells, we use an approach that does not lead to extending the spatial stencil. Instead the approximation accuracy is improved by using additional time layers. Adopting the first order Roe scheme as the base scheme we construct a few compact schemes which are conservative, not resulting in non-physical oscillations, and second-order accurate in the region of smooth solutions. In numerical experiment there are two shock tube problems with uniform and non-uniform space grid used. For the sake of comparison we consider several classical second-order TVD schemes. In particular, we show that the most successful of CABARETs schemes developed results in a notably better solution quality than the well-known variable extrapolation method MUSCL.   

Bibliographical reference

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A. CABARET schemes for one-dimensional gas dynamics equations in Eulerian variables (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-15. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, November 2001. 20 p. — Refs.: 15 items. 

 Verification and analysis of practical applicability of the models of prognosis of radioactive contamination of water objects (preprint IBRAE-2001-14)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-14

Gilina N., Kazakov S., Kiselev V., Krylov A.

In the work the verification, analysis of practical applicability and conformity to the normative documents of the models included in the GIS-based informational modeling system «Kassandra» are discussed. The test calculation and analysis of consequences of speculative nuclear accident at the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant are presented also.   

Bibliographical reference

Gilina N., Kazakov S., Kiselev V., Krylov A. VERIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF PRACTICAL APPLICABILITY OF THE MODELS OF PROGNOSIS OF RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION OF WATER OBJECTS. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2001-14. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2001, 27 p. — Refs.: 9 items. 

 Mathematical models of cooler flow through cracs in pipes for applying of «leak before break» concept (preprint IBRAE-2001-13)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-13

Semenov V.N., Starodubtseva L.P., Filippov A.S.

The mathematical model for estimation of critical flashing water flow through channels with large length-to diameter ratio (cracks) is described. The problem of critical leak rate estimation arises when applying Leak Before Break (LBB) concept. This concept is an approach for demonstration of NPPs safety. Approximation of homogeneous non-equilibrium two-phase fluid is employed in described model. The comparison of model result with experimental data concerning critical two-phase water flow has been done. The model estimates critical leak rate correctly in general. The simple engineer formulas that are used in practice for estimation of crack opening displacement (COD) on straight pipe with circumferential crack are described as well.   

Bibliographical reference

Semenov V.N., Starodubtseva L.P., Filippov A.S. Mathematical models of cooler flow through cracs in pipes for applying of «Leak Before Break» concept (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-13. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, July 2001. 35 p. — Refs.: 43 items. 

 Impacts of nuclear submarine dismantlement and salvaging on the ecological state of the site of the Russian state center of nuclear shipbuilding (preprint IBRAE-2001-12)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-12

Danilyan V.A., Vysotskiy V.L., Nikitin V.S., Sinitskaya E.A., Stoyanova D.A., Kharitonov E.I., Khrebetova I.V., Shepurev A.M.

The report presented is dealing with the impact of repair, dismantlement and salvaging of nuclear submarines carrying out in Russian State Center of Nuclear Shipbuilding (RSCNS) on the ecological situation of Severodvinsk-town. The research is based on comparative analysis of the data obtained in the course of long-term observations. An estimate of the existent system of the ecological monitoring over different components of the environment in the context of RSCNS increasing productive capacities is presented. Recommendations concerning improvements of the radioecological monitoring system and of its strategic baselines in order to estimate radiation risks from different points of view are given.   

Bibliographical reference

Danilyan V.A., Vysotskiy V.L., Nikitin V.S., Sinitskaya E.A., Stoyanova D.A., Kharitonov E.I., Khrebetova I.V., Shepurev A.M. IMPACTS OF NUCLEAR SUBMARINE DISMANTELMENT AND SALVAGING ON THE ECOLOGICAL STATE OF THE SITE OF THE RUSSIAN STATECENTER OF NUCLEA SHIPBUILDING (In Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-12. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, June 2001. 36 p. — Refs.: 24 items. 

 Anomalous diffusion in regularly non-uniform media (preprint IBRAE-2001-11)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-11

Dykhne A.M, Dranikov I.L., Kondratenko P.S., Popov A.V.

Contaminant transport in homogeneous medium (I), restricted in one direction (plane-parallel layer) or in two directions (straight cylinder) and surrounded by another medium (II) filling the rest of the space has been analyzed. Both media are regular. Diffusivity of the medium I is significantly greater than that for the medium II. The time range has been found where the contaminant transport is of subdiffusion behavior. The results obtained may be helpful for the development of methods to assess reliability of radioactive waste storage in rock massifs.   

Bibliographical reference

Dykhne A.M, Dranikov I.L., Kondratenko P.S., Popov A.V. ANOMALOUS DIFFUSION IN REGULARLY NON-UNIFORM MEDIA (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-11. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2001. 8 p. — Refs.: 1 items. 

 Objectives of and ways towards restructuring the power industry (preprint IBRAE-2001-10)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-10

Platonov V.V.

The paper presents the author’s views of key issues associated with restructuring the Russian electric power industry, viz., objectives, tasks, major principles, and stages of this effort. It is shown that, for a number of reasons, the concept of restructuring put forth by the “UPS of Russia” Company guarantees neither reliable power supply of regions nor the energy safety of the country. Considered are practical solutions on orienting the electric power industry to not only the self-regulating impact of market relations, but also possible state regulation, with regional power systems preserved as base forming links of the industry.   

Bibliographical reference

Platonov V.V. Objectives of and Ways towards Restructuring the Power Industry (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-10. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, May 2001. 17 p. — Refs.: 7 items. 

 New mechanism of burning propagation in two-phase gas-drop systems (preprint IBRAE-2001-09)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-09

Semenov V.N.

The new mechanism of burning propagation is investigated that differs from deflagration and detonation as well. The presence of sprayed water in flammable gas mixture may result in narrowing of concentration limits of usual Chapman-Jouguet detonation. Outside of these limits the usual detonation does not exist, and any initial ignition will damp. However under such conditions quite different mechanism of burning propagation may exist that allows combustion to propagate through large distances. This mechanism is associated with interphase friction and may exist in two-phase systems, where moving gas undergoes resistance force. The gas-drop suspension is the example of such a media.   

Bibliographical reference

Semenov V.N. NEW MECHANISM OF BURNING PROPAGATION IN TWO-PHASE GAS-DROP SYSTEMS (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-09. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, May 2001. 17 p. — Refs.: 10 items. 

 Exact resolution algorithms for linear grid transport (preprint IBRAE-2001-08)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-08

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A.

A radically new numerical algorithm is presented that is free from traditional approximation viscosity and dispersion. The new algorithm called Jumping Transport Algorithm (JTA) allows one to calculate exactly the co-ordinates of strong discontinuities on a sub grid-cell scale. The algorithm is explicit, two-time-layer and operates with a fixed compact computational stencil.

JTA has a linearity property, i.e. the principle of linear superposition is valid for its solutions. For the linear advection equation the algorithm gives the exact solution in the sense of integral averages over computational cells. Under all time steps satisfying the condition mod (CFL)£1 the JTA can translate an initial grid-delta-function without distortion for unlimited distance.

An algorithm extension to the convection-diffusion equation is presented. Numerical examples are provided illustrating uncommon features of the algorithm.   

Bibliographical reference

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A. EXACT RESOLUTION ALGORITHMS FOR LINEAR GRID TRANSPORT (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-08. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, May 2001. 41 p. — Refs.: 17 items. 

 Assessment of radioactive release for several hypothetical navy ship accidents (preprint IBRAE-2001-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-07

Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., Danilyan V., Kiselev V.

On the base of promulgated information an assessment has been done for radiologically significant nuclides inventory of technical service ships and nuclear submarine core and metallic reactor structures depending on fuel burn up. Self-sustaining chain reaction during recharge of active core, submersion of submarine and technical service ships were considered as hypothetical accidents. Some principles of gamma dose rate sensors location to detect such a type accident has been defined.   

Bibliographical reference

Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., Danilyan V., Kiselev V. ASSESSMENT OF RADIOACTIVE RELEASE FOR SEVERAL HYPOTHETICAL NAVY SHIP ACCIDENTS (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-07. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2001. 33 p. — Refs.: 44 items. 

 Assessment of radiological consequences of the accident induced by shelter roofing collapse (preprint IBRAE-2001-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-06

Bogatov S.

An assessment has been done to describe adequately ways of the Shelter roofing collapse (accidental Unit 4 of the ChNPP) as well as lifting and penetration of dust cloud out of the Unit. Expectable air dust concentrations were calculated by two methods – accordingly standard OND-86 recommendations and dynamic compartment model. Integral dust concentrations are similar for both models. Inhalation doses to personnel near the Unit may be of several rem by the order of magnitude, other ways of irradiation are insignificant. Radioactive fallouts and open “ruins” of the Shelter may be sources of dust resuspension and of hazardous air contamination.   

Bibliographical reference

Bogatov S. ASSESSMENT OF RADIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE ACCIDENT INDUCED BY SHELTER ROOFING COLLAPSE (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-06. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2001. 29 p. — Refs.: 23 items. 

 POSTPLO3D — visualization of 3-dimensional spatially-distributed data (preprint IBRAE-2001-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-05

Chernov S., Zhukov S.

This work presents program PostPlot3D that is written specially for visualization of 3-Dimensional spatially distributed data. There’re shown its opportunities, its advantages and restrictions. This preprint also describes some common tasks and problems of 3D-visualization of spatially-distributed data. It contains analysis of software, which could be used for this task.   

Bibliographical reference

Chernov S., Zhukov S. POSTPLO3D — VISUALIZATION OF 3-DIMENSIONAL SPATIALLY-DISTRIBUTED DATA. Preprint IBRAE-2001-05. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2001, 15 p. — Refs.: 5 items. 

 Multivariate geostatistical mapping of contamination in geneva lake sediments. Case study with MULTIGEO (preprint IBRAE-2001-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-04

Parkin R., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Raspa G., Savelieva E.

This work presents geostatistical algorithms for the spatial prediction of concentration of metal (Pb) using software “Multigeo”: ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging. The techniques are illustrated using concentrations of some metals measured at 200 points of Leman Lake and concentration of metal Pb measured at 175 points of Leman Lake. Cross-validation is used to compare the prediction performances of ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging with the various numbers of secondary variables (from cokriging with the only secondary variable to cokriging with the eight secondary variables).   

Bibliographical reference

Parkin R., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Raspa G., Savelieva E. MULTIVARIATE GEOSTATISTICAL MAPPING OF CONTAMINATION IN GENEVA LAKE SEDIMENTS. CASE STUDY WITH MULTIGEO. Preprint IBRAE-2001-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, March 2001, 20 p. — Refs.: 5 items. 

 Development of the working model of radiation monitoring system for faciliries for dismantling of nuclear submarine (project AMEC 1.5-1) (preprint IBRAE-2001-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-03

Belikov A., Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., et al.

In framework of military American-Norwegian-Russian cooperation NSI of RAS takes part in the development of radiation monitoring system for the facilities involved in decommissioning process of Russian nuclear submarines. Description of operating model of the system channel is presented. The channel includes gamma radiation sensors able to operate in spectral mode, smart controller, radio modems and modified Norwegian PICASSO-AMEC software for data acquisition, visualization and storage.   

Bibliographical reference

Belikov A., Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., Danilyan V., Egorkin A., Ermolaev A., Kisselev V., Konoplev A., Medved J., Semin N., Sharova G., Sundling C.-V., Endregard M., Krosshavn M., Moskowitz P, Pomerville J., Jokstad H. DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORKING MODEL OF RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEM FOR FACILIRIES FOR DISMANTLING OF NUCLEAR SUBMARINE (PROJECT AMEC 1.5-1). Preprint IBRAE-2001-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS. January 2001. 16 p. 

 Numerical Simulation of The Thermal Processes with Taking into Account of Reradiation on the Cavity Boundary (preprint IBRAE-2001-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-02

Aksenova A.E., Vabishchevich P.N., Vasilev A.D., Krylov S.F., Pervichko V.A., Chudanov V.V.

The solution for the heat exchange problem with taking into account the reradiation in the cavity is described in this paper. The basic features of numerical realization of the 2D–problem for multiply connected region are discussed. The basic expressions for view factors are obtain for the first time. The test results of the approach developed are also presented.   

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Vabishchevich P.N., Vasilev A.D., Krylov S.F., Pervichko V.A., Chudanov V.V. Numerical Simulation of The Thermal Processes with Taking into Account of Reradiation on the Cavity Boundary (in Russian). Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2001-02. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, January 2001. 30 p. – Refs.: 3 items 

 Geostatistically based methods for electricity load analysis and forecasting (preprint IBRAE-2000-09)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-09

Savelieva E., Kanevski M., Kravetski A., Ogar V. 

In this work some geostatistically based methods are applied to short term and middle term electricity load forecasting. Application of such methods as ordinary kriging, sequential Gaussian simulations, simulated annealing, MLP prediction can be found there. Advantages and disadvantages of application of these methods for 1-dimensional time data are analyzed. 

Bibliographical reference

Savelieva E., Kanevski M., Kravetski A., Ogar V. GEOSTATISTICALLY BASED METHODS FOR ELECTRICITY LOAD ANALYSIS AND FORECASTING. Preprint IBRAE-2000-09. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. December 2000. 26 p. — Refs.: 15 items.

 Development of fission gas bubble models for UO2 fuel in framework of MFPR code (preprint IBRAE-2000-08)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-08

Veshchunov M.S., Berdyshev A.V., Tarasov V.I. 

In order to improve the microscopic description of the fission gas behaviour in UO2 fuel, the new models are developed and implemented in the mechanistic code MFPR. The models treat irradiation and thermal resolution effects on intra- and intergranular bubbles under various conditions of UO2 fuel operation: steady-state irradiation, transient and post-irradiation annealing. Implementation of the newly developed models in the MFPR code allows a significant improvement of code predictions with respect to gas release and fuel swelling, being also in a fair agreement with microstructure observations in various tests. 

Bibliographical reference

Veshchunov M.S., Berdyshev A.V., Tarasov V.I. Development of Fission Gas Bubble Models for UO2 Fuel in Framework of MFPR Code. Preprint IBRAE-2000-08. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. December 2000. 38 p. — Refs.: 44 items.

 Stochastic simulations of spatially distributed data on environment (preprint IBRAE-2000-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-05

Nekhoroshih D.S., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Chernov S.Y., Savelieva E.A. 

This work is a review of different approaches for monitoring network analysis — geometrical, statistical, fractal and interpolation. Methods for network modification — declustering, clusters distinguishing are also described. The great attention was apportioned to methods of network optimization. Optimization was regarded as a way to decrease the error while following interpolation. Program products useful for network analysis, modification and optimization were analysed. The most attention was payed to the special program to deal with monitoring networks NETMAN. 

Bibliographical reference

Nekhoroshih D.S., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Chernov S.Y., Savelieva E.A. STOCHASTIC SIMULATIONS OF SPATIALLY DISTRIBUTED DATA ON ENVIRONMENT (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2000-05. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. April 2000. 28 p. — Refs.: 14 items.

 Analytical review on monitoring networks analysis and optimization (preprint IBRAE-2000-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-03

Savelieva E.A. 

This work is a review of different approaches for monitoring network analysis — geometrical, statistical, fractal and interpolation. Methods for network modification — declustering, clusters distinguishing are also described. The great attention was apportioned to methods of network optimization. Optimization was regarded as a way to decrease the error while following interpolation. Program products useful for network analysis, modification and optimization were analysed. The most attention was payed to the special program to deal with monitoring networks NETMAN. 

Bibliographical reference

Savelieva E.A. ANALYTICAL REVIEW ON MONITORING NETWORKS ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2000-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. March 2000. 39 p. — Refs.: 117 items.

 Informational-modeling «Kassandra» system for prediction of radionuclides behavior in surface water (preprint IBRAE-2000-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-02

Gilina N.N., Kiselev V.P., Krylov A.L., Ulianov A.O. 

Surface water radionuclides behavior prediction informational-modeling system is presented. The system is destined to evaluate and analyze radioactive contamination of water objects consequences. Description of specialized GIS «Komponovka» is presented. There are also presented databases descriptions, user manual and screen samples. 

Bibliographical reference

Gilina N.N., Kiselev V.P., Krylov A.L., Ulianov A.O. INFORMATIONAL-MODELING «KASSANDRA» SYSTEM FOR PREDICTION OF RADIONUCLIDES BEHAVIOR IN SURFACE WATER. Preprint IBRAE-2000-02. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. February 2000. 29 p. — Refs.: 13 itemss.

 The Role of Forest Ecosystems in the Contribution of Radiation Dose (preprint IBRAE-2000-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-01

Panchenko S.V., Panfilova A.A. 

In the report a number of components of wood biocoenoses contributing the greatest values of exposure doses on the population is studied. Particular attention has been given to the primary contamination of forest plants and mushrooms, especially of their productive parts. For the root pathway a special review and analysis of the results concerning the transfer of ruthenium, cerium, cesium and other radionuclides into the productive parts of forest plants and mushrooms have been performed. 

Bibliographical reference

Panchenko S.V., Panfilova A.A. THE ROLE OF FOREST ECOSYSTEMS IN THE CONTRIBUTION OF RADIATION DOSE(in Russian). Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2000-01. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, January 2000. 50 p. — Refs.: 84 items.

 Environmental impact of power cycles: 3. Methodologiccal issues of health damage valuation (preprint IBRAE-1999-12)

Preprint IBRAE-99-11

Afanasiev A.A., Maksimenko B.P. 

Methodical outlines of health damage valuation are considered. Various approaches to quantitative assessment of health condition and damage caused by harmful health impact are described. In the framework of macroeconomic approach an economic-mathematical model of damage due to fatality is developed. Analytic dependencies for economic efficiency of human activity through life («added value through life») and economic damage due to premature death of a man taking into account his age are derived. 

Bibliographical reference

Afanasiev A.A., Maksimenko B.P. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF POWER CYCLES: 3. METHODOLOGICCAL ISSUES OF HEALTH DAMAGE VALUATION. Preprint IBRAE-99-12. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. December 1999. 24 p. — Refs.: 31 items.

 Environmental impact of power cycles: 2. Methodological problems of valuation of economic damage (preprint IBRAE-1999-11)

Preprint IBRAE-99-11

Afanasiev A.A. 

Methodological bases of valuation of economic damage due to energy objects impact on the people health and the environment are considered. It is shown that the most adequate measure of environmental damage appropriate for use in the cost-benefit analysis is the cost of environmental risk. Different techniques of risks and damages valuation, including economic valuation of environmental effects that have no market prices, are discussed. A particular attention is made to the definition of discounting rate appropriate for economic valuations of environmental damage. An analysis of valuations of health risks is carried out. 

Bibliographical reference

Afanasiev A.A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF POWER CYCLES: 2. METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF VALUATION OF ECONOMIC DAMAGE (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-99-11. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. December 1999. 48 p. — Refs.: 112 items.

 Self-organizing maps’ application to classification and analysis of spatialy distributed environmental non-full data (preprint IBRAE-1999-10)

Preprint IBRAE-99-10

Trutse A.A., Savelieva E.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Timonin V.A., Chernov S.Yu. 

The work is devoted to an application of self-organizing Kohonen maps for classification of data on environmental contamination by several substancies. Values of contamination of those substancies are correlated. The reconstruction of lost data is performed on the base of obtained classification map. Detailed analysis of results of reconstruction was performed. Correspondance of statistical characteristics and spatial correlation structure of reconstructed values and initial data were analysed. 

Bibliographical reference

Trutse A.A., Savelieva E.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Timonin V.A., Chernov S.Yu. SELF-ORGANIZING MAPS’ APPLICATION TO CLASSIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF SPATIALY DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENTAL NON-FULL DATA. Preprint IBRAE-99-10. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. November 1999. 40 p. — Refs.: 7 items.

 Review and Application of Non-linear Optimisation Methods for Training of Multilayer Perceptron (preprint IBRAE-1999-09)

Preprint IBRAE-99-09

Timonin V.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F. 

Application of different methods of non-linear optimisation is considered for training of multilayer perceptron ANN. Stochastic, genetic and deterministic optimisation algorithms are considered. Different methods are applied to the real data on the radioactive soil contamination of the Chernobyl fallout. 

Bibliographical reference

Timonin V.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F. REVIEW AND APPLICATION OF NON-LINEAR OPTIMISATION METHODS FOR TRAINING OF MULTILAYER PERCEPTRON. Preprint IBRAE-99-09. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. November 1999. 28 p. — Refs.: 15 items.

 Modelling of Zircaloy Cladding Hydriding in High Burnup Fuel Tests (preprint IBRAE-1999-08)

Preprint IBRAE-99-08

Veshchunov M.S. 

Modelling of the complicated behaviour of hydrogen in the oxidising Zry cladding observed in the high burnup fuel tests, is attempted. The developed model is based on the previous approach to the description of the hydrogen penetration mechanism through the growing oxide scale of the Zr cladding, self-consistently combined with modelling of the multicomponent (hydrogen-oxygen) diffusion in the two-phase zone (hydrides in the metal matrix). As a result, this allows natural explanation of the observed steep spatial gradients in the hydride distribution over the Zr cladding, leading to the brittle mechanical behaviour of the cladding and PCMI failure of the high burnup fuel rods. 

Bibliographical reference

Veshchunov M.S. MODELLING OF ZIRCALOY CLADDING HYDRIDING IN HIGH BURNUP FUEL TESTS. Preprint IBRAE-99-08. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. November 1999. 14 p. — Refs.: 19 items.

 Analyzing of environmental data with GRNN and geostatistics (preprint IBRAE-1999-07)

Preprint IBRAE-99-07

Grachev N.S., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Savelieva E.A., Timonin V.A., Chernov S.Y. 

In this work methods of mapping spatial data by Neural Network and Geostatistic are analysed. Effects of structure in initial data and Network configuration on model quality is studied. All models are applied to real radioactive pollution data in Briansk region. 

Bibliographical reference

Grachev N.S., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Savelieva E.A., Timonin V.A., Chernov S.Y. ANALYZING OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA WITH GRNN AND GEOSTATISTICS. Preprint IBRAE-99-07. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. November 1999. 39 p. — Refs.: 14 items.

 Application and development of radial basis function artificial neural networks to analysis and modeling of spatially distribute information (preprint IBRAE-1999-06)

Preprint IBRAE-99-06

Polishchuk V.V., Kanevski M.F. 

Application of radial basis function neural networks to spatailly distributed data is studied. Geostatistics is used to qualify the results. Network extention allows to obtain the estimate variance. «Thick contour» isolines are presented as the outputs for decision making. 

Bibliographical reference


  Consumption of electricity forecasting: time series analysis, geostatistics, artificial neural networks (preprint IBRAE-1999-05)

Preprint IBRAE-1999-05

The work is devoted to description of several approaches how to analyse and forecast electrical load and consumption. Materials of works supported by the largest elecrtoproductive world companies were used for analysis. Some approaches based on statistics, geostatistics and artificial neural networks were applied to real Russian data on electrical load. Obtained results confirm a perspectiveness of application of scientific methods to improve electrical load forecasting.

Bibliographical reference 

R. Arutyunyan, V. Bogdanov, L. Bolshov, V. Demyanov, M. Kanevski, A. Lasarev, V. Ogar, E. Savelieva, V. Timonin, S. Chernov, V. Jushin. Consumption of electricity forecasting: time series analysis, geostatistics, artificial neural networks. (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE--99--05. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, June 1999. 45 p.

 Mapping of Spatial Data with Multilayer Perceptron and Geostatistics (preprint IBRAE-1999-03)

Preprint IBRAE-99-03

Kravetski A.S., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Savelieva E.A., Timonin V.A, Chernov S.Y. 

In this work methods of mapping spatial data by Neural Network and Geostatistic are analyzed. The effect of Network configuration on model quality is studied. The results are presented as maps of soil contamination. All models are applied to real radioactive pollution data in Briansk region. 

Bibliographical reference

Kravetski A.S., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Savelieva E.A., Timonin V.A, Chernov S.Y. MAPPING OF SPATIAL DATA WITH MULTILAYER PERCEPTRON AND GEOSTATISTICS. Preprint IBRAE-99-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. 1999. 41 p. — Refs.: 12 items.

 Mapping of Spatial Data with Multilayer Perceptron and Geostatistics (preprint IBRAE-1999-03)

Preprint IBRAE-99-03

Kravetski A.S., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Savelieva E.A., Timonin V.A, Chernov S.Y. 

In this work methods of mapping spatial data by Neural Network and Geostatistic are analyzed. The effect of Network configuration on model quality is studied. The results are presented as maps of soil contamination. All models are applied to real radioactive pollution data in Briansk region. 

Bibliographical reference

Kravetski A.S., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Savelieva E.A., Timonin V.A, Chernov S.Y. MAPPING OF SPATIAL DATA WITH MULTILAYER PERCEPTRON AND GEOSTATISTICS. Preprint IBRAE-99-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. 1999. 41 p. — Refs.: 12 items.

 Marginal costs and equilibrium prices in micro-economy (preprint IBRAE-1999-02)

Preprint IBRAE-99-02

Karkhov A.N. 

The role of marginal parameters is treated by the modern micro-economic theory too widely, that  results in significant  distortion of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of economic processes. This lack of the theory is caused by use so-called "the decreasing revenue law" and a postulate about inevitable increase of average costs with growth of output. In the given work is shown how to construct the theory of micro-economic, being based on not growing costs. The uniform approach to the mathematical description of evolution of monopoly, duopoly and oligopoly in conditions of the market with the given demand function  is  offered, and  the decisions of classical tasks on monopoly, Cournot’s and Stakelberg’s duopoly determine only some optimized initial conditions   of their  equilibrium evolution. The expressions of the market prices basic and circulating capitals of developing firms (technologies) are received. The models of financing of their development by means of crediting (investment) and balance in the financial market are considered. 

Bibliographical reference

Karkhov A.N. MARGINAL COSTS AND EQUILIBRIUM PRICES IN MICRO-ECONOMY (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-99-02. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. May 1999. 33 p. — Refs.: 8 items.

 On the issue of the principles of making decision on radiological protection of population in case of a nuclear accident (preprint IBRAE-1999-01)

Preprint IBRAE-99-01

Linge I.I. 

In the study presented the general principles of intervention for radiological protection of population are examined. As demonstrated, the focus on exclusively radiological principles and criteria has not proved itself in full measure. The author suggests that the existing set of basic principles will be extended so that to take into consideration public perception of sufficiency of the protective measures undertaken by the authorities. Introduction of this new principle allows the problems of population and environment protection to be treated more widely. The questions one deals with when neglecting peculiarities of their perception by the society are shown by the example of eliminating consequences of the Chernobyl accident. 

Bibliographical reference


 Environmental Impact of Power Cycles: external costs and problems of decision making (preprint IBRAE-1998-14)

Preprint IBRAE-98-14

Afanasiev A.A. 

Methodological bases of an integrated approach for decision making in power industry are considered. The objective that this approach aims is one of meeting the demand for energy, with an acceptable degree of reliability, at minimum cost.

Appendixes include programs (developed in the end of 80th and in the beginning of 90th, but not realized till now) on the research of environmental impact of energy industry and accounting of the impact in current and prospective projects. 

Bibliographical reference

Afanasiev A.A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF POWER CYCLES: EXTERNAL COSTS AND PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING. Preprint IBRAE-98-14. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. August 1998. 56 p. — Refs.: 82 items.

 Development of the Theory of Fission Gas Bubble Evolution in Irradiated UO2 Fuel (preprint IBRAE-1998-12)

Preprint IBRAE-98-12

Sukhodulov D.A. 

The new obvious three--layer difference scheme of the second order with a space splitting temporary derivative (scheme «Cabaret») for a Kortweg — de Vriez equation have been constructed and investigated. The dispersion properties of the submitted scheme have been analyzed. It has been shown that the scheme «Cabaret» has the improved transport characteristics on non uniform space grids. 

Bibliographical reference

Sukhodulov D.A.  Difference scheme «Cabaret» for a Kortweg — de Vriez equation. Preprint IBRAE-98-12. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. Jule 1998. 21 p. — Refs.: 6 items.

 Development of the Theory of Fission Gas Bubble Evolution in Irradiated UO2 Fuel (preprint IBRAE-1998-11)

Preprint IBRAE-98-11

Veshchunov M.S. 

In the present paper the standard approaches for modelling of the inter- and intragranular bubbles evolution in the UO2 fuel are critically analyzed on the basis of available experimental data. It is demonstrated that the main source of errors in the simplified treatment of the problem by the standard models can be associated with underestimation of the radiation effects at low temperatures (below 1500°Ñ) and thermal effects at high temperatures (above 1500°Ñ). The presented analysis allows quantitative description of the bubble nucleation mechanism, adequate modelling of the bubble diffusional growth, and evaluation of the intragranular bubble number density and stable size attained under steady irradiation conditions. 

Bibliographical reference

Veshchunov M.S. DEVELOPMENT OF THE THEORY OF FISSION GAS BUBBLE EVOLUTION IN IRRADIATED UO2 FUEL. Preprint IBRAE-98-11. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. Jule 1998. 15 p. — Refs.: 33 items.

 Non-liner correction of «CABARET» scheme (preprint IBRAE-1998-08)

Preprint IBRAE-98-08

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A. 

This paper examines a conservative correction mechanism enforcing positivity under big-scale space variations for a linear three time layered finite-difference scheme named «Cabaret». The distinguished features of the latter one are a spatially split time derivative, the second order of consistency for convection transfer equation and enhanced dissipation and dispersion properties. Qualities of the new algorithm are illustrated by a set of test runs for transfer equation. This technique is implemented for classical hyperbolic system of equations for the Bacley-Laverett filtration problem. It is concluded that the proposed method is more accurate than the first-order upwind discretization depicting sharp saturation front and front inversion. 

Bibliographical reference

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A. NON-LINER CORRECTION OF «CABARET» SCHEME. Preprint IBRAE-98-07. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. June 1998. 17 p. — Refs.: 8 items.

 The equilibrium price formation in energy generation on basis of the discount cost (preprint IBRAE-1998-07)

Preprint IBRAE-98-07

Karkhov A.N. 

Price formation for electricity generation is discussed  on the basis of the production, levelized and discount costs. It is demostrated that discount rate is determining by the electricity cost decline rate as the result of scientific and technical progress and is not connected with percent on capital investment. Starting from famous determination of levelized cost, firm’s theory and also setting line of the applied tasks is came by common equation for the price formation law.  It is shown that rule of equilibrium price formation used in the levelized cost theory from the very beginning. However  enactment into this theory of the investment efficiency normative lead to violation of this bedrock rule. The equilibrium price formation is considered as the basis of the economy matching of the energy development versions into market economy. 

Bibliographical reference

Karkhov A.N.THE EQUILIBRIUM PRICE FORMATION IN ENERGY GENERATION ON BASIS OF THE DISCOUNT COST. Preprint IBRAE-98-07. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. June 1998. 58 p. — Refs.: 28 items.

 The model of data acquisition channel for automatic radiation monitoring system (preprint IBRAE-1998-06)

Preprint IBRAE-98-06

Bogatov S.A., Gavrilov S.L., Glushko A.V., Danilyan V.A., Egorkin A.A., Ermolaev A.I., Kabalevsky S.A., Kanevsky M.F., Kiselev V.P., Kulik A.V., Leonov A.F., Serov A.N., Chernov S.Y. 

The description of the model of data acquisition channel for automatic radiation monitoring system is presented. The model includes two measurement channels (spectral and integral) and software for data acquisition, processing and visualization and modeling of development of accidental situations. 

Bibliographical reference

Bogatov S.A., Gavrilov S.L., Glushko A.V., Danilyan V.A., Egorkin A.A., Ermolaev A.I., Kabalevsky S.A., Kanevsky M.F., Kiselev V.P., Kulik A.V., Leonov A.F., Serov A.N., Chernov S.Y. THE MODEL OF DATA ACQUISITION CHANNEL FOR AUTOMATIC RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEM. Preprint IBRAE-98-06. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. May 1998. 19 p. — Refs.: 1 items.

 World electricity reforms (preprint IBRAE-1998-05)

Preprint IBRAE-98-05

Dyakonov Ye.I., Kanevskaya E.V., Ogar V.P., Trunov V.M., Sharov Ye.I. 

This work is the review of world electricity reforms. The most detailed characteristics of industry reforming in Australia, Argentina, the United Kingdom, Norway, New Zealand, the USA and Chile — the countries, which initiated electricity privatization and restructuring — are presented here. The main features and problems of these countries reforms are common for other nations and allow to analyze world electricity reform policy. Industry reforms of selected nations can also be considered as the models for electricity transformations carried elsewhere. This review is largely based on Internet information and data analyzing. 

Bibliographical reference

Dyakonov Ye.I., Kanevskaya E.V., Ogar V.P., Trunov V.M., Sharov Ye.I. WORLD ELECTRICITY REFORMS. Preprint IBRAE-98-05. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. May 1998. 33 p. — Refs.: 38 items.


Preprint IBRAE-98-04

Abalkina I.L., Blinov B.K., Linge I.I., Simonov A.V. 

Eliminating the consequences of an accident is a complex problem, involving technological, economic and social factors. Decisionmakers have to analyse and assess multiple parameters affecting the effectiveness and credibility of specific measures taken. The proposed decision-aiding system can be used to formalize and prioritize both quantitative and qualitative information collected from various sources. Varying data inputs to make calculations gives the opportunity to compare and assess very different projects in respect to selected goals of rehabilitation. 

Bibliographical reference

Abalkina I.L., Blinov B.K., Linge I.I., Simonov A.V. TECHNIQUE FOR ASSESSING THE EFFECTIVENESS AND CHOICE OF REHABILITATION MEASURES TAKEN TO ELIMINATE THE CONSEQUENCES OF NATURAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CATASTROPHES (the case of Chernobyl NPP Accident). Preprint IBRAE-98-04. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. March 1998. 43 p. — Refs.: 17 items.

 Databases development program for the specialized geographical information system RVS on radiation and hygienic consequences of the chernobyl accident (preprint IBRAE-1998-02)

Preprint IBRAE-98-02

Glushko A.V. 

The work presents the specialized databases development and processing program system. The system was developed while creating the Generalized Databank on the Chernobyl accident consequences in IBRAE RAS. 

Bibliographical reference


 Stochastic cosimulation of spatial variability and uncertainly of 90Sr and 137Cs (preprint IBRAE-1998-01)

Preprint IBRAE-98-01

Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Savelyeva E.A., Timonin V.A., Chernov S.Yu. 

The work deals stochastic cosimulation of 90Sr and 137Cs soil contamination after the Chernobyl fallout. Cosimulation is to model spatial variability and uncertainty of the spatial distribution. Cosimulation results are significantly improved by additional data on the secondary variable 90Sr, which has more measurements than 90Sr. Cosimulations are compared with sequential Gaussian simulations of single 90Sr. All the modelling is applied to real data on the Chernoby fallout. 

Bibliographical reference

Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Savelyeva E.A., Timonin V.A., Chernov S.Yu. STOCHASTIC COSIMULATION OF SPATIAL VARIABILITY AND UNCERTAINLY OF 90Sr AND 137Cs. Preprint IBRAE-98-01. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. January 1998. 27 p. — Refs.: 11 items.

 Code package “PROGNOZ” - smart system to support decision making by the operator of the RBMK Reactor (preprint IBRAE-1997-21)

Preprint IBRAE-1997-21

New mathematical methods are presented allowing for the times of about 1~sec to prognosticate at PC~IBM type the special changes of full--scale filds of neutrons, power density, moderator temperature, etc. resulting from the local insertion of reactivity into the reactor core (displacements of shim rods, overloading of channels, etc.). Computation speed of proposed algorithms allow to use them for the development of mathematical support of simulators, programs of “operator adviser” type and other system of operator support.

Bibliographical reference 

Arutyunyan R.V., Afanasyev A.M., Afanasyeva A.A., Bolshov L.A. Code package “PROGNOZ” - smart system to support decision making by the operator of the RBMK Reactor. Preprint IBRAE-97-21. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, December 1997. 25 p.

 Migrations of 137Cs and potassium in the system “soil—plant”. Factual data, natural phenomena, hypotheses. Manual (preprint IBRAE-1997-20)

Preprint IBRAE-97-20

Bogachyov A.V. 

Natural phenomena of potassium and 137Cs migrations in the system “soil—plant” are examined. Particular attention has been given to the causes of inter-season and inter-annual fluctuations in specific radioactive contamination of plants as well as to those of interspecific differences in this index. 

Bibliographical reference

Bogachyov A.V. MIGRATIONS OF 137Cs AND POTASSIUM IN THE SYSTEM “SOIL—PLANT”. FACTUAL DATA, NATURAL PHENOMENA, HYPOTHESES. MANUAL. Preprint IBRAE-97-20. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. December 1997. 35 p. — Refs.: 138 items.

 A computer code for numerical modeling the experiments on interaction of a high-temperature molten metals with zirconium dioxide concrete (preprint IBRAE-1997-19)

Preprint IBRAE-97-19

Aksenova À.Å., Vasilev A.D., Varenkov V.V., Volchek A.M., Krylov S.F., Pakhomov E.P., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Chudanov V.V. 

The paper contains a description of a program code for the modeling the interaction of a high-temperature molten metals and zirconium dioxide concrete. The concrete is considered as a perspective refractory material to use in the ex-vessel core retention devices (core catchers). The models of thermal and chemical interactions, model of metal-inductor system coefficient are considered. The results of numerical modeling the metal melts and zirconium dioxide concrete are presented. The influence of main parameters of the problem has been investigated: power released, temperature of melting of concrete and metal, heat conductivity, emissivity, latent heat. Temperature distribution in the melt and concrete, evolution of the temperature in given points, dynamics of the heat fluxes are obtained. The comparison against experimental data are performed. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova À.Å., Vasilev A.D., Varenkov V.V., Volchek A.M., Krylov S.F., Pakhomov E.P., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Chudanov V.V. A COMPUTER CODE FOR NUMERICAL MODELING THE EXPERIMENTS ON INTERACTION OF A HIGH-TEMPERATURE MOLTEN METALS WITH ZIRCONIUM DIOXIDE CONCRETE (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-97-19. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. November 1997. 42 p. – Refs.: 35 items.

 An analysis of core-catchers concepts and numerical estimates of a thermal behavior of a flat core-catcher with the protective materials of zirconium dioxide concrete (preprint IBRAE-1997-18)

Preprint IBRAE-97-18

Vasilev A.D., Krylov S.F., Pakhomov Å.Ð., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Filippov A.S., Chudanov V.V. 

A brief description of ex- vessel core retention devices (core catchers) concepts is presented. Main requirements for core catchers designs are considered. The results of numerical estimates and brief description of experiments with corium simulants and prototypes are given. The results of preliminary numerical modeling of thermal behavior of core catcher with zirconium dioxide concrete as protective material are presented. 

Bibliographical reference

Vasilev A.D., Krylov S.F., Pakhomov Å.Ð., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Filippov A.S., Chudanov V.V.  AN ANALYSIS OF CORE-CATCHERS CONCEPTS AND NUMERICAL ESTIMATES OF A THERMAL BEHAVIOR OF A FLAT CORE-CATCHER WITH THE PROTECTIVE MATERIALS OF ZIRCONIUM DIOXIDE CONCRETE (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-97-18. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. November 1997. 47 p. – Refs.: 51 items.

 Some models for the numerical solving of diffusion/convection problems taking account of macrosegregation and stratification (preprint IBRAE-1997-17)

Preprint IBRAE-97-17

Aksenova À.Å., Pervichko V.A., Semenov V.N., Chudanov V.V. 

The some approaches for the numerical simulation of multicomponent molten corium behavior under severe accident in reactor are discussed. Thermal-concentration convection model taking account of phase changes in thermodynamic equilibrium approximation is considered. Results for the simplified setting are reported. Classification of approaches for the modelling of the multiphase flows is given and the some possible multifluid models are considered. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova À.Å., Pervichko V.A., Semenov V.N., Chudanov V.V. SOME MODELS FOR THE NUMERICAL SOLVING OF DIFFUSION/CONVECTION PROBLEMS TAKING ACCOUNT OF MACROSEGREGATION AND STRATIFICATION (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-97-17. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. November 1997. 19 p. – Refs.: 9 items.

 Database of nuclear power plants parameters (preprint IBRAE-1997-16)

Preprint IBRAE-97-16

Glushko V.A., Kiselyov V.P., Kudeshov E.V., Ogar V.P., Semin N.N. 

The article deals with the database of  nuclear power plants parameters of the russian NPPs, researched under contract 312571—A–RO with Pacific NorthEast National Laboratory (U.S.A.). The database structure and interface programs are described. 

Bibliographical reference

Glushko V.A., Kiselyov V.P., Kudeshov E.V., Ogar V.P., Semin N.N. Database of  nuclear power plants parameters. Preprint IBRAE-97-16. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. October 1997. 25 p. — Refs.: 1 items.

 Computer system of models for prediction radionuclides behavior in surface water (preprint IBRAE-1997-15)

Preprint IBRAE-97-15

Karabasov S.A. 

An application of the new direct three–layers “Cabaret” scheme with a space splited time–derivative to two non-linear problems of two–phase filtration was considered. Based upon the problems solved there was shown that the superb transport characteristics of “Cabaret” pattern, superior to classic linear schemes, have a special application to the non–linear problems when a high accuracy is required. 

Bibliographical reference

Karabasov S.A.THE APPLICATION OF “CABARET” FINITE DIFFERENCE SCHEME TO TWO-PHASE FILTRATION PROBLEMS OF NOT-MINGLED FLUIDS. Preprint IBRAE-97-15. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. August 1997. 11 p. — Refs.: 5 items.

 Computer system of models for prediction radionuclides behavior in surface water (preprint IBRAE-1997-14)

Preprint IBRAE-97-14

Vorobiev V.A, Kiselev V.P,, Korgov M.Yu., Krylov A.L. 

Surface water radionuclides behavior prediction system of models is presented. All coefficients, parameters and results are presented as databases. There also presented models and databases description, verification, user manual, screen samples. 

Bibliographical reference

Vorobiev V.A, Kiselev V.P,, Korgov M.Yu., Krylov A.L.  COMPUTER SYSTEM OF MODELS FOR PREDICTION RADIONUCLIDES BEHAVIOR IN SURFACE WATER. Preprint IBRAE-97-14. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. August 1997. 60 p. — Refs.: 16 items.

 RamisW — software for modelling migration of radionuclides in soil (preprint IBRAE-1997-13)

Preprint IBRAE-97-13

Kanevski M., Koptelova N., Demyanov V. 

The work includes description and a User’s Guide for RamisW software for Windows for modelling radionuclide migration in soil. RamisW is a computer realization of advection–diffusion model of vertical migration of radionuclides in soil. User’s guide is accompanied by a detailed case study based on data from the Chernobyl fallout. 

Bibliographical reference

Kanevski M., Koptelova N., Demyanov V. RamisWSOFTWARE FOR MODELLING MIGRATION OF RADIONUCLIDES IN SOIL. Preprint IBRAE-97-13. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. July 1997. 21 p. — Refs.: 6 items.

 The behaviour of spent fuel under transient accident conditions (preprint IBRAE-1997-12)

Preprint IBRAE-97-12

Likhanskii V.V., Matveev L.V. 

The survey of experimental investigations of nuclear fuel behaviour during its quick heatup is carried out. The models are proposed which describe various modes of relaxation of grain boundary porosity at sharp temperature increase in the absence of irradiation. The criterium of the beginning of the "brittle" mode of the grain boundary bubbles relaxation and the expression for their final radii are presented. The rate of diffusion growth of the grain boundary bubbles is calculated, and the conditions are pointed out for which the diffusion relaxation of the bubbles takes place. In addition various stress sourses in inhomogeneously heated fuel pellet are considered. 

Bibliographical reference

Likhanskii V.V., Matveev L.V. THE BEHAVIOUR OF SPENT FUEL UNDER TRANSIENT ACCIDENT CONDITIONS. Preprint IBRAE-97-12. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. July 1997. 22 p. — Refs.: 29 items.

 The approximate analysis of the above-ground pipeline stability (preprint IBRAE-1997-11)

Preprint IBRAE-97-11

Petritis D.V. 

Presented in this paper is a mathematical model of vibrating dynamics of the ruptured above-ground pipeline. This model is based on the joist approximation. It allows to correlate technical and physical parameters of the pipeline and pipe flux with the distance between the immovable supporters that guarantees stability. 

Bibliographical reference

Petritis D.V. THE APPROXIMATE ANALYSIS OF THE ABOVE-GROUND PIPELINE STABILITY. Preprint IBRAE-97-11. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. June 1997. 18 p. — Refs.: 25 items.

 The radiation-hygienic situation and doses to the population (preprint IBRAE-1997-10)

Preprint IBRAE-97-10

Panchenko S.V., Savkin M.N., Shutov V.N. 

The development of the methods for radiological hygiene reconstruction on lands contaminated by the Chernobyl accident are examined from the historical point of view. Attention focuses on the dose estimation for the population as well as on structure of the dose distribution. Summary data on the major dose contribution factors are given. 

Bibliographical reference

Panchenko S.V., Savkin M.N., Shutov V.N. THE RADIATION-HYGIENIC SITUATION AND DOSES TO THE POPULATION. Preprint IBRAE-97-10. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. June 1997. 19 p. — Refs.: 39 items.

 Computer model for calculation of annual internal dose “RATION-DOSE”’ (version for MS Windows) (preprint IBRAE-1997-09)

Preprint IBRAE-97-09

Kanevsky M.F., Kiselev V.P., Krylov A.L., Krylov S.F., Martynenko E.D. 

Description of computer model for calculation of annual dose from ingestion of radionuclide contaminated food is presented. Model is realized for MS Windows operational system and can operate in two modes: interactive and package. MS ACCESS format is used for database. Main functions of computer model are presented. 

Bibliographical reference

Kanevsky M.F., Kiselev V.P., Krylov A.L., Krylov S.F., Martynenko E.D. COMPUTER MODEL FOR CALCULATION OF ANNUAL INTERNAL DOSE “RATION-DOSE”’ (version for MS WINDOWS). Preprint IBRAE-97-09. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. May 1997. 20 p. — Refs.: 2 items.

 Numerical approaches for the simulation of diffusion/convection problem with solid/liquid phase change (preprint IBRAE-1997-08)

Preprint IBRAE-97-08

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Churbanov A.G., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The some approaches for the numerical solving of diffusion/convection problem with solid/liquid phase change are considered. Special attention is given to the numerical methods for solving many dimensional Stefan problem with using of fixed grid techniques. Results on the use temperature formulation and fixed grid techniques in a solving of the standard benchmark problem are reported. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Churbanov A.G., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL APPROACHES FOR THE SIMULATION OF DIFFUSION/CONVECTION PROBLEM WITH SOLID/LIQUID PHASE CHANGE (in Russian). – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-97-08. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1997. – 25 p. – Refs.: 49 items

 Subsystem for working with data base for variables (preprint IBRAE-1997-07)

Preprint IBRAE-97-07

Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Chudanov V.V. 

This paper describes subsystem for working with data in computational code RASPLAV. Input and output data are stored in. files with special format. Text file of parameters defines input and output data flows for calculation module. The paper describes format of file of parameters and library for work with data on FORTRAN language. Example demonstrates the main ways of work with the subsystem. 

Bibliographical reference

Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Chudanov V.V.  DBV — SUBSYSTEM FOR WORKING WITH DATA BASE FOR VARIABLES (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-97-07. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute, April 1997. 30 p. – Refs.: 5 items.

 Comparative analysis of normative models for the transfer of radionuclides in the atmosphere with lagrange’s model, used in the integrated package “NOSTRADAMUS” (preprint NSI-1996-03)

Preprint NSI-1996-03

Belikov V.V., Belikova G.V., Fokin A.L., Semenov V.N., Sorokovikova O.S., Starodubtseva L.P. 

This article presents the results of comparison of two atmospheric radionuclides transport normative methods (Russia and USA) with lagrangian stochastic one, developed in IBRAE RAS for integrated system “Nostradamus”. It is shown that for standard conditions where there are many experimental observations, the results of all methods are near. For nonstandard conditions (small or big wind speed) the results of the normative methods are distinguish from experience, but lagrangian model describes such phenomena adequately. 

Bibliographical reference

Belikov V.V., Belikova G.V., Fokin A.L., Semenov V.N., Sorokovikova O.S., Starodubtseva L.P. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF NORMATIVE MODELS FOR THE TRANSFER OF RADIONUCLIDES IN THE ATMOSPHERE WITH LAGRANGE’S MODEL, USED IN THE INTEGRATED PACKAGE “NOSTRADAMUS”. Preprint NSI-1996-03. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. 1996. 12 p. Refs.: 15 items.

 Natural convective heat exchange of a heat-generating fluid for different cooling regimes on the boundaries (preprint IBRAE-1995-13)

Preprint IBRAE-95-13

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The quasisteady natural convection of a heat-generating fluid with regard to solidification for the different cooling regimes on the boundaries is investigated numerically in present work. The main goal of this paper is correlation relations for the Nusselt numbers, volume of solid phase, temperature etc. depending on Rayleigh and Ostrogradskii numbers.

To solve unsteady problems of hydrodynamics with heat conductivity, new efficient numerical method, inspected at the wide set of test problem, was employed. The obtained numerical results were verified on reabilit.y via conducting of calculations on the sequence of the fine grids.

These results may be used for construction of simplified models describing the behaviour of a molten heat-generating masses (corium) in different retention system(core catcher).

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. NATURAL CONVECTIVE HEAT EX­CHANGE OF A HEAT-GENERATING FLUID FOR DIFFERENT COOLING REGIMES ON THE BOUNDARIES (in Russian). – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-13. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 22 p. – Refs.: 16 items

 Numerical simulation of solidification processes in diffusion/convection problems. Review (preprint IBRAE-1995-11)

Preprint IBRAE-95-11

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Churbanov A.G., Vabishchevich P.N. 

A review of heat and mass transfer models in the mushy region formed during binary system solidification is presented. Enthalpy formulation of problem on fixed grids is considered. A review of basic numerical techniques for solving of these problems with a moving boundary (phase change interface), namely, methods with moving boundary-smearing are considered. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Churbanov A.G., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL SIMULA­TION OF SOLIDIFICATION PROCESSES IN DIFFUSION/CONVECTION PROBLEMS. Re­view. – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-11. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 30 p. – Refs.: 113 items

 Numerical investigation of a heat-generating fluid with regard solidification for different cooling regimes on the boundaries. Part II (preprint IBRAE-1995-09)

Preprint IBRAE-95-09

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The quasisteady natural convection of a heat-generating fluid with regard to solidification for the different cooling regimes on the boundaries is investigated numerically in present work. The main goal of this paper is investigation of different cooling regimes influence on the distribution of heat flux on the cavity boundaries.

To solve unsteady problems of hydrodynamics with heat conductivity, new efficient numerical method, inspected at the wide set of test problem, was employed. The obtained numerical results were verified on reability via conducting of calculations on the sequence of the fine grids.

These results may be used for construction of simplified models describing the behaviour of a molten heat-generating masses (corium) in different retention system (core catcher). 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF A HEAT-GENERATING FLUID WITH REGARD SOLIDIFICATION FOR DIFFERENT COOLING REGIMES ON THE BOUNDARIES. Part II. (in Russian). – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-09. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 16 p. – Refs.: 17 items

 Numerical investigation of a heat-generating fluid with regard solidification for different cooling regimes on the boundaries (preprint IBRAE-1995-06)

Preprint IBRAE-95-06

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The quasisteady natural convection of a heat-generating fluid with regard to solidification for the different cooling regimes on the boundaries is investigated numerically in present work. The main goal of this paper is investigation of different cooling regimes influence on the distribution of heat flux on the cavity boundaries.

To solve unsteady problems of hydrodynamics with heat conductivity, new efficient numerical method, inspected at the wide set of test problem, was employed. The obtained numerical results were verified on reability via conducting of calculations on the sequence of the fine grids.

These results may be used for construction of simplified models describing the behaviour of a molten heat-generating masses (corium) in different retention system(core catcher). 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF A HEAT-GENERATING FLUID WITH REGARD SOLIDIFICATION FOR DIFFERENT COOLING REGIMES ON THE BOUNDARIES (in Russian). – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-06. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 21 p. – Refs.: 17 items

 Program system RCS: organization of calculations for modeling of physics problems (preprint IBRAE-1995-05)

Preprint IBRAE-95-05

Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Chudanov V.V. 

This paper describes a program system for organization of problem solving in field of mathematical physics. Principles of manipulations with calculation modules and data are considered. System structure and types of handled objects are described. An example demonstrates the organization of computing environment. 

Bibliographical reference

Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Chudanov V.V.  PROGRAM SYSTEM RCS: ORGANIZATION OF CALCULATIONS FOR MODELING OF PHYSICS PROBLEMS (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-95-05. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. 1995. 16 p. Refs.: 6 items.

 Numerical investigation of the heat exchange in a heat-generating fluid with regard to solidification (preprint IBRAE-1995-04)

Preprint IBRAE-95-04

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The quasisteady natural convection of a heat-generating fluid with phase changes in the enclosures of a square section with isothermal boundary conditions is investigated numerically in present work. The main goal of this paper is correlation relations for heat fluxes distribution at the domain boundaries depending on Rayleigh and Ostrogradskii numbers.

To solve unsteady problems of hydrodynamics with heat conductivity, new efficient numerical method, inspected at the wide set of test problem, was employed. The obtained numerical results were verified on reability via conducting of calculations on the sequence of the fine grids.

These results may be used for construction of simplified models describing the behaviour of a molten heat-generating masses (corium) in different retention system(core catcher). 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SOME SINGULARITIES OF A HEAT-GENERATING FLUID BEHAVIOR WITH RE­GARD TO SOLIDIFICATION (in Russian). – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 21 p. – Refs.: 16 items

 Numerical simulation the buoyancy driven flow of the stratified heat-generating fluid (preprint IBRAE-1995-03)

Preprint IBRAE-95-03

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Strizhov V.F., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The 2D natural convection of a heat-generating fluid in a stratified corium for the different regimes of cooling on the upper boundary in a geometric domain similar to the vessel lower head is investigated numerically in present work. This paper deals to the analysis of the corium nonhomogeneity influence on the heat flux distribution on the lateral, lower and upper surfaces in depending on the cooling regimes at the upper boundary (Biot number) and different aspect ratio. To solve unsteady problems of hydrodynamics with heat conductivity, new efficient numerical method, inspected at the wide set of test problem, was employed. These results may be used for construction of simplified models describing the behaviour of a molten heat-generating masses (corium) in different retention system(core catcher).

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Strizhov V.F., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL SIMULATION THE BUOYANCY DRIVEN FLOW OF THE STRATIFIED HEAT-GENERATING FLUID (in Russian). – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 18 p. – Refs.: 10 items

 Numerical investigation of the heat exchange in a heat-generating fluid with melting and solidification depending on Ostrogradskii and Rayleigh numbers (preprint IBRAE-1995-01)

Preprint IBRAE-95-01

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The quasisteady natural convection of a heat-generating fluid with phase changes in the enclosures of a square section with isothermal boundary conditions is investigated numerically in present work. The main goal of this paper is correlation relations for heat fluxes distribution at the domain boundaries depending on Rayleigh and Ostrogradskii numbers.

To solve unsteady problems of hydrodynamics with heat conductivity, new efficient numerical method, inspected at the wide set of test problem, was employed. The obtained numerical results were verified on reability via conducting of calculations on the sequence of the fine grids.

These results may be used for construction of simplified models describing the behaviour of a molten heat-generating masses (corium) in different retention system(core catcher). 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE HEAT EXCHANGE IN A HEAT-GENERATING FLUID WITH MELTING AND SOLIDIFICATION DEPENDING ON OSTROGRADSKII AND RAYLEIGH NUMBERS. – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-01. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 25 p. – Refs.: 21 items

 The interactive preprocessor for data generation in application to mathematical physics problems (preprint IBRAE NSI-32-94)

Preprint IBRAE ¹ NSI-32-94

Aksenova À.Å., Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Chudanov V.V. 

In this paper an interactive preprocessor program intended for data generation in application to mathematical physics problems is described. The process of generation of computational regions, grids and boundary conditions with help of package is considered. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova À.Å., Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Chudanov V.V. THE INTERACTIVE PREPROCESSOR FOR DATA GENERATION IN APPLICATION TO MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS PROBLEMS (in Russian).   Preprint NSI-32-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 1994.   17 p. Refs.: 7 items.

 Models Of Radionuclides Transport In Atmosphere From Integrated Software Package «NOSTRADAMUS» (preprint IBRAE NSI-31-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-31-94

Arutunjan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Belikov V.V., Belikova G.V., Goloviznin V.M., Fokin A.L, Kanevsky M.F., Peschany S.E., Semenov V.N., Shilkova S.V, Sorokovikova O.S., Starodubtseva L.P.

The characteristics of the radionuclides transport model imbedded into the NOSTRADAMUS integrated software package of the Nuclear Safety Institute are described.

Bibliographical reference

Arutunjan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Belikov V.V., Belikova G.V., Goloviznin V.M., Fokin A.L, Kanevsky M.F., Peschany S.E., Semenov V.N., Shilkova S.V, Sorokovikova O.S., Starodubtseva L.P. MODELS OF RADIONUCLIDES TRANSPORT IN ATMOSPHERE FROM INTEGRATED SOFTWARE PACKAGE «NOSTRADAMUS». Preprint NSI-31-94. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. September 1994. 23 p. – Refs.: 33 items

 Numerical simulation of the natural convection in porous medium (preprint IBRAE NSI-33-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-33-94

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

A numerical algorithm is described in the work for 2D convection problem of fluid in porous medium in the stream function — vorticity — temperature formulation. Numerical implementa­tion of the operator-splitting scheme used in calculations is based on the solution of elliptic grid problems at every time-level. The algorithm validation is conducted on the benchmark solutions for buoyancy-driven flow of fluid in a square cavity with side walls of different temperatures. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V.,Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE NATURAL CONVECTION IN POROUS MEDIUM. – Preprint ¹ ¹ NSI-33-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1994. – 22 p. – Refs.: 12 items

 Comparative Analysis of Spatial Interpollation Methods by Using Chernobyl Fallout Data (in Russian) (preprint IBRAE NSI-26-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-26-94

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Kanevsky Ì.F., Linge I.I., Savel’eva E.A.

The spatial data analysis of the Chernobyl fallout by using different methods is presented. Results of the cross-validation and prediction maps are described. Several recommendations for the selection of the model and model-dependent parameters are discussed.

Bibliographical reference

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Kanevsky Ì.F., Linge I.I., Savel’eva E.A. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SPATIAL INTERPOLLATION METHODS BY USING CHERNOBYL FALLOUT DATA. (in Russian). Preprint NSI-26-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, August 1994. 43 p. – Refs.: 22 items

 Sample Geostatistical Analysis of Chernobyl Fallout (preprint IBRAE NSI-25-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-25-94

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevsky Ì.F., Linge I.I.

One of the approaches to the spatial data analysis is presented in the work. The following methods were sequentially applied to the Chenobyl data: cell declustering, moving window statistics, structural analysis, cross-validation and kriging. Anysotropical case was under special concern, as well as comparison between isotropic and anisotropic modelling. Ordinary kriging results were compared with classical inverse distance squared interpolation. All used methods are fully and clearly described.

Bibliographical reference

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevsky Ì.F., Linge I.I. SAMPLE GEOSTATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF CHERNOBYL FALLOUT (in Russian). Preprint NSI-25-94. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. 1994. 47 p. – Refs.: 16 items

 GEO-EAS Spatial Data Analysis Methodology. Sample Research: Chernobyl Fallout (preprint IBRAE NSI-24-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-24-94

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevskaya Å.V., Kanevsky Ì.F., Kiselyov V.P., Linge I.I., Shershakov V.M.

There are different approaches in spatial data analysis. One of them — based on Geostatistical Environment Assessment Software (Geo-EAS) — is fully discribed in the work. The methodology was applied to Chernobyl fallout. The results of structural analysis and spatial interpolation clearly show abilities and restrictictions of the software that was used.

Bibliographical reference

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevskaya Å.V., Kanevsky Ì.F., Kiselyov V.P., Linge I.I., Shershakov V.M. GEO-EAS SPATIAL DATA ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY. SAMPLE RESEARCH: CHERNOBYL FALLOUT (in Russian). Preprint NSI-24-94. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. August 1994. 55 p. – Refs.: 11 items

 Numerical simulation the free convective heat-generating fluid with phase transitions (preprint IBRAE NSI-07-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-07-94

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

A numerical algorithm is described in the work for 2D convection problem of heat-generating fluid with phase transitions in the stream function - vorticity - temperature formulation. Method of the fictitious domains is used for obtaining of approximate solution of the problem. Numerical implementation of the operator-splitting scheme used in calculations is based on the solution of elliptic grid problems at every time-level. The algorithm validation is conducted on the benchmark solutions for buoyancy-driven flow of the heat-generating fluid with phase transitions in a square cavity with isothermal boundary conditions. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL SIMULATION THE FREE CONVECTIVE HEAT-GENERATING FLUID WITH PHASE TRANSITIONS. – Preprint ¹ ¹ NSI-07-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1994. – 20 p. – Refs.: 12 items

 Numerical simulation the heat- and mass transfer problems with phase transitions (preprint IBRAE NSI-04-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-04-94

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Churbanov A.G., Vabishchevich P.N. 

A numerical algorithm is developed in the work for 2D convection problem with phase transitions in the stream function - vorticity -temperature formulation. Special approximations of convective terms are constructed via central differences. Numerical implementation of the operator-splitting scheme used in calculations is based on the solution of elliptic grid problems at every time-level. The algorithm validation is conducted on the benchmark solutions for buoyancy-driven flow with phase transitions in a square cavity with side walls of different temperatures at various Rayleigh number values. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Churbanov A.G., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL SIMULATION THE HEAT- AND MASS TRANSFER  PROBLEMS WITH PHASE TRANSITIONS. – Preprint ¹ NSI-04-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1994. – 20 p. – Refs.: 11 items

 The interactive postprocessor VV-2D for scientific and engineering applications (preprint IBRAE NSI-03-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-03-94

Aksenova À.Å., Chudanov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Varenkov V.V. 

In this paper an interactive postprocessor program intended for processing and visualizing scientific and engineering computational results is described. Main features and potentialities are considered.. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova À.Å., Chudanov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Varenkov V.V. INTERACTIVE POSTPROCESSOR VV-2D FOR SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS. – Preprint ¹ NSI-03-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1994. – 20 p. – Refs.: 4 items

 Self-descriptiveness data file (preprint IBRAE NSI-16-93)

Preprint IBRAE ¹ NSI-16-93

Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G. 

The paper is devoted to self-descriptiveness file that contains data together with description of their structure. With help of described procedures and utilities applied packages can work with unified files and have universal program tools for preparing of input data and for processing of obtained results. 

Bibliographical reference

Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G. SELF-DESCRIPTIVENESS DATA FILE. Preprint NSI-16-93. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. June 1993. 19 p. Refs.: 3 items.

 Modeling of core spreading processes (preprint IBRAE NSI-13-93)

Preprint IBRAE ¹ NSI-13-93

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Vabishchevich P.N. 

In this paper the mathematical aspects of the problem of spreading of molten core onto concrete basemat are considering. As principal processes the heat- and mass transfer in the gravity driven molten corium in different approximations are considering. Full models are based on the set of Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid, simplified quasi two dimensional models are based on the thin layer approximation. The process of corium solidification is taken into account. Computational results are presented. 

Bibliographical reference

Chudanov V.V., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Vabishchevich P.N., Aksenova A.E. MODELING OF CORE SPREADING PROCESSES. Preprint NSI-13-93. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. March 1993. 21 p. Refs.: 14 items.

 Numerical study of uncertainties in the models of heat transfer at MCCI (preprint IBRAE NSI-10-93)

Preprint IBRAE ¹ NSI-10-93

Aksenova À.Å., Chudanov V.V. 

The problem of the analysis of the uncertainties in the bubble models and the heat conduc­tivity into concrete is being observed. Numerical investigation is being done with the help of computer codes of the basis of the results of the natural experiments ACE MCCI TEST L4, MACE Ml, BETA V7.1. Time dependences of such parameters as the depth of erosion, the thickness of the crust, the average temperature of the melt are presented as the main results. The obtained results show the importance of the models being observed and their influence on the integral characteristics of the MCCI process. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova À.Å., Chudanov V.V. NUMERICAL STUDY OF UNCERTAINTIES IN THE MODELS OF HEAT TRANSFER AT MCCI. Preprint NSI-10-93. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. January 1993. 14 p. Refs.: 8 items.

 Modeling of SURC-4 experiments thermohydrolics (preprint IBRAE-1991-17)

Preprint IBRAE-1991-17

Arutjunjan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Varenkov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Kanukova V.D., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F , Chudanov V.V., Shipovskikh T.A. 

Thermophysics of SURC-4 experiments on molten core concrete interaction studies is analysed by means of CORCON and RASPLAV codes. The main attention is payed for modeling of heat losses in the specific one dimensional experimental geometry. The experimental and calculated results are compared. It is shown that chemical heat production play important role in this experiment and to reach good agreement it is necessary to consider carefully the zirconium chemistry in melt. 

Bibliographical reference

Arutjunjan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Varenkov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Kanukova V.D., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F , Chudanov V.V., Shipovskikh T.A. MODELING OF SURC-4 EXPERIMENTS THERMOHYDROLICS. - Preprint N 17. Institute of Nuclear Safety Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Moscow. 1991. 51 p. – Refs. 7 items.

 Computer code RASPLAV for MOLTEN core — concrete interaction analyses (preprint IBRAE 1991-16)

Preprint IBRAE ¹ 16 (1991)

Arutjunjan R.V., Belikov V.V., Belikova G.V., Bolshov L.A. Varenkov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Kanukova Y.D., Kiselev V.P. Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Chudanov V.V. 

New computer model for simulation of molten core-concrete interaction is being developed on the basis of numerical solution of two dimension heat transfer problem. The models of boundary conditions, heat transfer in the melt and concrete are described. The main features of code, realized on personal computer like IBM AT or compatibles are considered. 

Bibliographical reference

Arutjunjan R.V., Belikov V.V., Belikova G.V., Bolshov L.A. Varenkov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Kanukova Y.D., Kiselev V.P. Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Chudanov V.V. COMPUTER CODE RASPLAV FOR MOLTEN CORE — CONCRETE INTERACTION ANALYSES. - Preprint N 16. Institute of Nuclear Safety Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Moscow. 1991. 19 p. – Refs.: 5 items.

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