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 Proceedings of the Fifteenth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists (preprint IBRAE-2014-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-02

This volume contains reports presented at the Fifteenth Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 24-25, 2014. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.

Bibliographical reference 

Proceedings of the Fifteenth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 24-25, 2014. – (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2014, ¹ IBRAE-2014-02). – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2014. – 230 ð.

 Analysis of thermal interaction between the corium and sodium (preprint IBRAE-2014-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-01

Melikhov V.I., Melikhov O.I., Rtischev N.A., Tarasov A.E.

Analysis of heat transfer processes during a sodium pool boiling is performed. Sodium coolant heat transfer map when it contact with a high temperature corium is prepared. Based on the heat transfer sodium map concluded that the direct contact between the corium surface and liquid sodium or transient heat transfer regime will be occurred, in a typical sodium cooled fast reactors severe accidents conditions. Integral model is developed to simulate thermal interaction between the corium and sodium coolant. Validation results are provided on the base of the THINA (Germany) and PLUTON (Russia) facilities experimental data.

Bibliographical reference 

Melikhov V.I., Melikhov O.I., Rtischev N.A., Tarasov A.E. ANALYSIS OF THERMAL INTERACTION BETWEEN THE CORIUM AND SODIUM. Preprint IBRAE-2014-01. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2014. 33 p. — Refs.: 39 items.

 Approaches to the evaluation and comparison of doses, risks and costs used to justify RW assignment to the category of special RW (preprint IBRAE-2013-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-06

Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Vedernikova M.V., Abalkina I.L., Dorogov V.I., Utkin S.S. and others authors

The paper presents the main approaches to the estimation of collective effective doses, risks of potential exposure, costs associated with elimination of radioactive waste and their disposal in situ, as well as the estimation of total potential damage caused to the environment if radioactive waste are disposed of in situ, for the purpose of radioactive waste assignment to the category of special or removable waste. 

The approaches were developed in accordance with laws and regulations including the federal norms and rules in the field of atomic energy use, sanitary rules of radiation safety and the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation.

Bibliographical reference 

Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Vedernikova M.V., Abalkina I.L., Dorogov V.I., Utkin S.S., Kuryndina L.A., Kryshev I.I., Bochkarev V.V., Nepeypivo M.A., Shchadilov A.E., Repin V.S., Mokrov Yu.G., Kochetkov O.A., Barchukov V.G. APPROACHES TO THE EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF DOSES, RISKS AND COSTS USED TO JUSTIFY RW ASSIGNMENT TO THE CATEGORY OF SPECIAL RW. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2013-06. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciensis (IBRAE RAN), 2013. — 38 p.

 Processing procedures of neutronic characteristics in CFC_BN (preprint IBRAE-2013-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-05

Mitenkova E., Solovieva E.

Processing procedures of neutronic characteristics in CFC_BN are intended for balance analysis of accumulation of actinides and fission products in burn-up calculation using MCNP5MONTEBURNS1.0ORIGEN2. They include the special procedures for express analysis of large output data sets. The program CFC_BN is designed for fuel cycle simulation using MCNP5MONTEBURNS1.0ORIGEN2.

Bibliographical reference

Mitenkova E. Processing procedures of neutronic characteristics in CFC_BN — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, October 2013, ¹ IBRAE-2013-05). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2013. — 19 p. — Bibliogr.: 8 items.

 Neutron characteristics analysis for VVER reactor lattice calculations using MCNP5 and MCU_FREE codes (preprint IBRAE-2013-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-04

E.F. Mitenkova, Kizub P.A.,  Koltashev D.A.

On the basis of VVER-1000 reactor lattice calculations using MCNP5 and MCU_FREE codes, the comparative analysis results of basic neutronic characteristics (effective multiplication factor, neutron flux, reaction rates and acquisitions division) are discussed. Ensuring the correct calculation results is largely determined by the use of the adequate neutron source. Generation of guaranteed-stable and correct neutron source is shown by example of a symmetric FA calculation model.

Bibliographical reference

Mitenkova E. Neutron characteristics analysis for VVER reactor lattice calculations using MCNP5 and MCU_FREE codes / P.A. Kizub, D.A. Koltashev, E.F. Mitenkova— (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, October 2013, ¹ IBRAE-2013-04). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2013. — 23 p. — Bibliogr.: 12 items.

 Proceedings of the Fourteenth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists (preprint IBRAE-2013-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-03

This volume contains reports presented at the Fourteenth Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 25-26, 2013. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.

Bibliographical reference 

Proceedings of the Fourteenth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 25-26, 2013. – (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2013, ¹ IBRAE-2013-03). – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2013. – 18􀀔 ð.

 The application of the variogram, covariance, and the spectral density functions in the geostatistical analysis of the rock microstructures (preprint IBRAE-2013-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-02

Savelyeva E., Dinariev O., Svitelman V. 

The adaptation of geostatistical methods for the analysis of microstructural properties on the basis of the Xray microtomographic (μCT) data is discussed in this manuscript. It is shown that the fields of correlation functions contain the information about the structural properties of the rock micromodels, in particular, about the anisotropy at different scales and about inhomogeneity scale sizes. The following techniques are described:

• the anisotropy estimation and classification using the spherical harmonics expansion of the variogram;
• the spectrum of correlation lengths extraction using the spectral representation of the covariance.

These methods represent the mathematical tools required for the geostatistical analysis application to classification and the typification of the three-dimensional μCT models. The techniques are validated on artificially generated samples with various characteristics and applied to the real μCT images

Bibliographical reference


 BR-FUEL programming module for breeding ratio calculations (preprint IBRAE-2013-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2013-01

Mitenkova E. 

The breeding ratio and other characteristics of plutonium accumulation are analyzed in fast sodium reactors with UO2, MOX, UC and metallic (U-Pu-Zr) fuel. For reactor of BN-800 type the analysis of accumulation factors are performed by using BR-FUEL for different calculated models. The dependence of breeding ratio on a burnup is also considered.

Bibliographical reference 

Mitenkova E. BR-FUEL programming module for breeding ratio calculations / E.F. Mitenkova, E.V. Solovjeva — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, February 2013, ¹ IBRAE-2013-01). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2013. — 16 p. — Bibliogr.: 6 items.

 Some Problems of the Long Live Education in Russia (preprint IBRAE-2012-08)

Preprint IBRAE-2012-08

Ponomarev V.

Papers of this issue are combined around the main paper “Common Scientific Knowledge, Scientific and Technical Progress and Several Problems of the Long Live Education System Formation”. This paper was written 20 years ago but its ideas were actual till nowadays. So, new generation of teachers could feel their interest in these ideas. All authors of this issue have Doctor’s or Master’s Degree and all of them have long experience of teacher’s work. Subject matter of presented papers is covered the most important problems of modern education: Long Live Education, school-university alliance, Bologna system and its adaptation in Russia, some experiments by innovation using in educational process organization.

Bibliographical reference 

Some Problems of the Long Live Education in Russia – (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, October 2012, ¹ IBRAE-2012-08). – Moscow: NSI RAS, 2012. – 67 p.

 Chernobyl NPP Accident Mitigation Activities (preprint IBRAE-2012-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2012-07

Arutunyan R., Bogatov S., Borovoi A., Gavrilov S., Orekhov S., Strizhov V.

Main activities, undertaken for Chernobyl accident mitigation (26.04.86 – 10.05.86) are described. Their efficacy is assessed both on the base of many years studies carried out at the Shelter and the model of active phase of the accident developed by RRC “Kurchatov Institute” and NSI of RAS during 2006-2008. Foregoing interpretation of situation in 1986 is presented with the measures undertaken, then their efficacy is assessed from nowadays viewpoint. The most significant measure, resulted in environment protection against radioactive substance in the Shelter was creation of a “ChNPP Unit 4 Shelter”. Associated items are considered as well.

In conclusion some assessments are presented concerning the accident at the Japanese NPP Fucushima-Daich

Bibliographical reference 

Arutunyan R., Bogatov S., Borovoi A., Gavrilov S., Orekhov S., Strizhov V. Chernobyl NPP Accident Mitigation Activities. — Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS IBRAE-2012-07. Moscow: NSI RAS, 2012 — 51 p. — Bibliogr.: 49 items

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