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 The composite fuel for BREST reactor (preprint IBRAE-2015-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2015-05

Bolshov L.A., Solodov A.A.

The revue is exposed on operational, technological and cost properties of the novel nuclear fuel for fast power reactor. The fuel element is made as a sandwich structure of thin oxides or nitridepellets and interposed molybdenum spacers. The molybdenum spacers are responsible for the high effective heat conduction constant of the fuel, typically in the range of 25 W/m·K or 40 W/m·K if oxide/nitride pellets are used. The startpoint  of the design is that molybdenum would be enriched in neutron – transparent isotopes 92,94Mo or 98,100Mo. The unique property of molybdenum from the viewpoint of recycling of that material is that its specific activity is low after postreactor storing ~ 1 year long, which enables recycling of molybdenum used after relatively short stay.  The estimate is performed on  the isotopes  92,94Mo and  98,100Mo mixtures cost.

By the virtue of specific structure of composite nitrides fuel as thin nitrides pellets and molybdenum spacers the blocking of pellets fragmentation is achieved. So the general degradation mechanism of fuel rods with nitrides pellets is turned off. The novel composite nitrides fuel should be regarded as reliable and safe candidate fuel for the BREST reactor.   

Bibliographical reference

Bolshov L.A., Solodov A.A. THE COMPOSITE FUEL FOR BREST REACTOR. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2015-05. Moscow Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2015. – 20 p. – Refs.: 23 items 

 The method of the nitrogen isotope 15N production (preprint IBRAE-2015-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2015-04

Lizunov A.V., Solodov A.A. 

The method of the nitrogen isotope N15 production is exposed, which is based on distillation of the liquid dinitrogen tetroxide. The method makes use of the early proposed multichannel isotope exchange column, which is made upon the cascade scheme with the stage including short multichannel column and a gas mixer element. The mathematic model of the channel, stage and column as a whole is described. The criteria of the column optimization is formulated. Essentials of practical items are discussed, such as: the needed and achieved precision of liquid and vapor distribution in the column channels, the list of candidate construction materials and the cost of N15 isotope produced. To minimize the cost of isotope the heat fluxes in  condenser/boiler  of the column are generated by use  of  vapor absorption chiller, by preference the lithium–bromide absorption chiller. In the case of available free waste heat to drive the chiller and production scale  ~ 600 kG of N15 per year, the cost of isotope is as low as ~ 10–15  doll/g–at of N15.

Bibliographical reference

Lizunov A.V., Solodov A.A. THE METHOD OF THE NITROGEN ISOTOPE 15N PRODUCTION. – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2015-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2015. – 35 p. – Refs.: 24 items

 Neutron source for loosely-coupled systems in Monte-Carlo criticality calculation (preprint IBRAE-2015-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2015-02

Kizub P.A., Mitenkova E.F. 

The neutron source correctness has a special significance in neutronic calculations using Monte Carlo methods. For supercritical and subcritical systems the evolution of neutron source is investigated for different calculation parameters. Stability and sensitivity of neutron source to variations of statistical parameters are analyzed for loosely-coupled systems and pin-cells. The calculation dominance ratios for pin-cells are obtained by fission matrix and noise propagation matrix methods using TDMCC program. The comparison of dominance ratio values is presented.

Bibliographical reference

Kizub P.A., Mitenkova E.F.  NEUTRON SOURCE FOR LOOSELY-COUPLED SYSTEMS IN MONTE-CARLO CRITICALITY CALCULATION  — Preprint IBRAE RAS IBRAE-2015-02. — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2015. — 30 p. — Bibliogr.: 11 items.

 Proceedings of the Sixteenth Scientific School of NSI RAS Young Scientists (preprint IBRAE-2015-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2015-01

This volume contains reports presented at the Sixteenth Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 23—24, 2015. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.

Bibliographical reference


 Geometric editor GEOMETRY_EDITOR for computing modules CONV-3D/V2 (preprint IBRAE-2015-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2015-03

Aksenova A.E., Korotkov A.A., Pervichko V.A., Romero Reyes I.V., Chudanov V.V.

The paper presents the software GEOMETRY_EDITOR which allows you to quickly build a three-dimensional geometric model without the use of modern CAD, as well as to build computational grid for this model. The document presents a graphical user interface (GUI) editor and features constructing with its help of geometric areas, and computational grids which required for the computational experiments. Geometric editor is a one component of the system of preparing input data for CFD module CONV-3D for the analysis of the safety and NPP.

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Korotkov A.A., Pervichko V.A., Romero Reyes I.V., Chudanov V.V. GEOMETRIC EDITOR GEOMETRY_EDITOR FOR COMPUTING MODULES CONV-3D/V2. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2015-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2015. - 40 p. - Bibliography: 12 refs.

 Ranking nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities according to the potential hazard (preprint IBRAE-2014-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-07

Bakin R.I., Biryukov D.V., Ilyushkin A.I., Kiselev A.A., Kovalchuk D.V., Krasnopyorov S.N., Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Shikin A.V. 

The paper examines the main aspects of ranking nuclear facilities according to the potential hazard using the methodology developed by the U.K. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to calculate the indicator integrating the environmental safety and the environmental damage. The paper involves an adaptation of the methodology, in particular, for accounting radiological emergencies, and shows the necessity of such adaptation. This was exemplified by typical applications of the adapted methodology in Russian practices – to meet the challenges in inventorying, ranking and prioritizing legacy facilities under the nuclear and radiation safety programmes. 

Bibliographical reference 

Bakin R.I., Biryukov D.V., Ilyushkin A.I., Kiselev A.A., Kovalchuk D.V., Krasnopyorov S.N., Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Shikin A.V. RANKING NUCLEAR AND RADIATION HAZARDOUS FACILITIES ACCORDING TO THE POTENTIAL HAZARD. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2014-07. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2014. — 16 p.

 Dynamic of radiological parameters in rural settlements contaminated by the Chernobyl accident in april 1986 (preprint IBRAE-2014-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-06

Sergey Panchenko, Aram Arakelyan, Ekaterina Gavrilina

The systematization of empirical data on radiation situation in the village of Novye Bobovichi contaminated by the Chernobyl accident for the period from 1986 to 2014 is carried out. Based on the performed analysis, the dynamic of the levels of external radiation dose rates for various typical points of the settlement is considered. The radiation dose rates are estimated for the study period.

The isotope cesium-137 behavior in human environment and its migration in soils is observed.

Bibliographical reference 

Sergey Panchenko, Aram Arakelyan, Ekaterina Gavrilina. DYNAMIC OF RADIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN RURAL SETTLEMENTS CONTAMINATED BY THE CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT IN APRIL 1986. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2014-06. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciensis (IBRAE RAN), 2014. — 35 p.

 Inventatization of nuclear and radiation facilities: results and their application in future (preprint IBRAE-2014-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-05

Abalkina I. L., Birukov D. V., Vedernikova M. V., et al.

The paper describes general aspects of nuclear and radiation hazard facilities (NRHFs) inventory, including primary registration of radioactive wastes (RWs), conditions at the RW storages and disposals. Outcomes of performed works are presented. Three-level approach of preliminary, basic and detailed inventory is considered. The analysis of the three alternative methods for ranking of NRHFs according to potential hazards was carried out and further steps for their application were recommended. Ranking for already registered facilities and for main part of facilities indicated in the Consolidated List of NRHFs was demonstrated. It means the periodic revision of ranking results is needed. Expected final outcomes of work by the end of the Federal Target Program «Nuclear and Radiation Safety» in 2015 are formulated. Recommendations for the State System of Radioactive Sources and Wastes Accounting and Control improvement are given. It is considered to use the Consolidated List of NRHFs as a base for monitoring of works concerning the nuclear legacy.

Bibliographical reference 

Abalkina I. L., Birukov D. V., Vedernikova M. V., et al. INVENTATIZATION OF NUCLEAR AND RADIATION FACILITIES: RESULTS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN FUTURE. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2014-05. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 2014. — 39 p.

 Evolution of approaches used to justify RW assigment to the category of special RW (preprint IBRAE-2014-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-04

Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Abalkina I.L., Dorogov V.I., Utkin S.S. and others authors

The paper lays down and substantiates the refinements and modifications to previously developed basic approaches to assessing collective effective doses, generalized risks of potential exposure, costs associated with radioactive waste retrieval and in-situ disposal, as well as the total extent of environmental hazard in case of radioactive waste disposal in-situ to justify radioactive waste attribution to special RW.

Methodology refinement is based on the experience of its application at pilot radioactive waste storage facilities during RW initial registration and proposals on how to improve the approaches pragmatically introduced by experts from regulatory bodies, scientific institutions and operating organizations. These refinements are consistent with laws and regulations, including federal norms and rules in the field of atomic energy use, sanitary rules for radiation safety, and Russian legislation on environmental protection.

Bibliographical reference 

Linge I.I., Savkin M.N., Abalkina I.L., Dorogov V.I., Utkin S.S., Ivanov V.A., Vedernikova M.V., Panchenko V.S., Myznikova O.G., Kuryndina L.A., Kryshev I.I., Bochkarev V.V., Nepeypivo M.A., Shchadilov A.E., Repin V.S., Mokrov Yu.G., Kochetkov O.A., Barchukov V.G. EVOLUTION OF APPROACHES USED TO JUSTIFY RW ASSIGNMENT TO THE CATEGORY OF SPECIAL RW. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2014-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciensis (IBRAE RAN), 2014. — 29 p.

 Discontinuous Finite Element Method for Solving the Sn Transport Equation on Unstructured Tetrahedral Grids (preprint IBRAE-2014-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2014-03

Sychugova, E., Seleznev, E.

This volume contains reports presented at the Fifteenth Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 24-25, 2014. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.

Bibliographical reference 

Sychugova, E., Seleznev, E. DISCONTINUOUS FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR SOLVING THE SN TRANSPORT EQUATION ON UNSTRUCTURED TETRAHEDRAL GRIDS — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2014, ¹ IBRAE-2014-03). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2014. — 21 p. — Refs.: 14 items.

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