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 GEO-EAS Spatial Data Analysis Methodology. Sample Research: Chernobyl Fallout (preprint IBRAE NSI-24-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-24-94

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevskaya Å.V., Kanevsky Ì.F., Kiselyov V.P., Linge I.I., Shershakov V.M.

There are different approaches in spatial data analysis. One of them — based on Geostatistical Environment Assessment Software (Geo-EAS) — is fully discribed in the work. The methodology was applied to Chernobyl fallout. The results of structural analysis and spatial interpolation clearly show abilities and restrictictions of the software that was used.

Bibliographical reference

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevskaya Å.V., Kanevsky Ì.F., Kiselyov V.P., Linge I.I., Shershakov V.M. GEO-EAS SPATIAL DATA ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY. SAMPLE RESEARCH: CHERNOBYL FALLOUT (in Russian). Preprint NSI-24-94. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. August 1994. 55 p. – Refs.: 11 items

 Numerical simulation the free convective heat-generating fluid with phase transitions (preprint IBRAE NSI-07-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-07-94

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

A numerical algorithm is described in the work for 2D convection problem of heat-generating fluid with phase transitions in the stream function - vorticity - temperature formulation. Method of the fictitious domains is used for obtaining of approximate solution of the problem. Numerical implementation of the operator-splitting scheme used in calculations is based on the solution of elliptic grid problems at every time-level. The algorithm validation is conducted on the benchmark solutions for buoyancy-driven flow of the heat-generating fluid with phase transitions in a square cavity with isothermal boundary conditions. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL SIMULATION THE FREE CONVECTIVE HEAT-GENERATING FLUID WITH PHASE TRANSITIONS. – Preprint ¹ ¹ NSI-07-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1994. – 20 p. – Refs.: 12 items

 Numerical simulation the heat- and mass transfer problems with phase transitions (preprint IBRAE NSI-04-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-04-94

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Churbanov A.G., Vabishchevich P.N. 

A numerical algorithm is developed in the work for 2D convection problem with phase transitions in the stream function - vorticity -temperature formulation. Special approximations of convective terms are constructed via central differences. Numerical implementation of the operator-splitting scheme used in calculations is based on the solution of elliptic grid problems at every time-level. The algorithm validation is conducted on the benchmark solutions for buoyancy-driven flow with phase transitions in a square cavity with side walls of different temperatures at various Rayleigh number values. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Churbanov A.G., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL SIMULATION THE HEAT- AND MASS TRANSFER  PROBLEMS WITH PHASE TRANSITIONS. – Preprint ¹ NSI-04-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1994. – 20 p. – Refs.: 11 items

 The interactive postprocessor VV-2D for scientific and engineering applications (preprint IBRAE NSI-03-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-03-94

Aksenova À.Å., Chudanov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Varenkov V.V. 

In this paper an interactive postprocessor program intended for processing and visualizing scientific and engineering computational results is described. Main features and potentialities are considered.. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova À.Å., Chudanov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Varenkov V.V. INTERACTIVE POSTPROCESSOR VV-2D FOR SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS. – Preprint ¹ NSI-03-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1994. – 20 p. – Refs.: 4 items

 Self-descriptiveness data file (preprint IBRAE NSI-16-93)

Preprint IBRAE ¹ NSI-16-93

Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G. 

The paper is devoted to self-descriptiveness file that contains data together with description of their structure. With help of described procedures and utilities applied packages can work with unified files and have universal program tools for preparing of input data and for processing of obtained results. 

Bibliographical reference

Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G. SELF-DESCRIPTIVENESS DATA FILE. Preprint NSI-16-93. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. June 1993. 19 p. Refs.: 3 items.

 Modeling of core spreading processes (preprint IBRAE NSI-13-93)

Preprint IBRAE ¹ NSI-13-93

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Vabishchevich P.N. 

In this paper the mathematical aspects of the problem of spreading of molten core onto concrete basemat are considering. As principal processes the heat- and mass transfer in the gravity driven molten corium in different approximations are considering. Full models are based on the set of Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid, simplified quasi two dimensional models are based on the thin layer approximation. The process of corium solidification is taken into account. Computational results are presented. 

Bibliographical reference

Chudanov V.V., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Vabishchevich P.N., Aksenova A.E. MODELING OF CORE SPREADING PROCESSES. Preprint NSI-13-93. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. March 1993. 21 p. Refs.: 14 items.

 Numerical study of uncertainties in the models of heat transfer at MCCI (preprint IBRAE NSI-10-93)

Preprint IBRAE ¹ NSI-10-93

Aksenova À.Å., Chudanov V.V. 

The problem of the analysis of the uncertainties in the bubble models and the heat conduc­tivity into concrete is being observed. Numerical investigation is being done with the help of computer codes of the basis of the results of the natural experiments ACE MCCI TEST L4, MACE Ml, BETA V7.1. Time dependences of such parameters as the depth of erosion, the thickness of the crust, the average temperature of the melt are presented as the main results. The obtained results show the importance of the models being observed and their influence on the integral characteristics of the MCCI process. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova À.Å., Chudanov V.V. NUMERICAL STUDY OF UNCERTAINTIES IN THE MODELS OF HEAT TRANSFER AT MCCI. Preprint NSI-10-93. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. January 1993. 14 p. Refs.: 8 items.

 Modeling of SURC-4 experiments thermohydrolics (preprint IBRAE-1991-17)

Preprint IBRAE-1991-17

Arutjunjan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Varenkov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Kanukova V.D., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F , Chudanov V.V., Shipovskikh T.A. 

Thermophysics of SURC-4 experiments on molten core concrete interaction studies is analysed by means of CORCON and RASPLAV codes. The main attention is payed for modeling of heat losses in the specific one dimensional experimental geometry. The experimental and calculated results are compared. It is shown that chemical heat production play important role in this experiment and to reach good agreement it is necessary to consider carefully the zirconium chemistry in melt. 

Bibliographical reference

Arutjunjan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Varenkov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Kanukova V.D., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F , Chudanov V.V., Shipovskikh T.A. MODELING OF SURC-4 EXPERIMENTS THERMOHYDROLICS. - Preprint N 17. Institute of Nuclear Safety Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Moscow. 1991. 51 p. – Refs. 7 items.

 Computer code RASPLAV for MOLTEN core — concrete interaction analyses (preprint IBRAE 1991-16)

Preprint IBRAE ¹ 16 (1991)

Arutjunjan R.V., Belikov V.V., Belikova G.V., Bolshov L.A. Varenkov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Kanukova Y.D., Kiselev V.P. Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Chudanov V.V. 

New computer model for simulation of molten core-concrete interaction is being developed on the basis of numerical solution of two dimension heat transfer problem. The models of boundary conditions, heat transfer in the melt and concrete are described. The main features of code, realized on personal computer like IBM AT or compatibles are considered. 

Bibliographical reference

Arutjunjan R.V., Belikov V.V., Belikova G.V., Bolshov L.A. Varenkov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Kanukova Y.D., Kiselev V.P. Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F., Chudanov V.V. COMPUTER CODE RASPLAV FOR MOLTEN CORE — CONCRETE INTERACTION ANALYSES. - Preprint N 16. Institute of Nuclear Safety Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Moscow. 1991. 19 p. – Refs.: 5 items.

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