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 Numerical investigation of a heat-generating fluid with regard solidification for different cooling regimes on the boundaries (preprint IBRAE-1995-06)

Preprint IBRAE-95-06

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The quasisteady natural convection of a heat-generating fluid with regard to solidification for the different cooling regimes on the boundaries is investigated numerically in present work. The main goal of this paper is investigation of different cooling regimes influence on the distribution of heat flux on the cavity boundaries.

To solve unsteady problems of hydrodynamics with heat conductivity, new efficient numerical method, inspected at the wide set of test problem, was employed. The obtained numerical results were verified on reability via conducting of calculations on the sequence of the fine grids.

These results may be used for construction of simplified models describing the behaviour of a molten heat-generating masses (corium) in different retention system(core catcher). 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF A HEAT-GENERATING FLUID WITH REGARD SOLIDIFICATION FOR DIFFERENT COOLING REGIMES ON THE BOUNDARIES (in Russian). – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-06. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 21 p. – Refs.: 17 items

 Program system RCS: organization of calculations for modeling of physics problems (preprint IBRAE-1995-05)

Preprint IBRAE-95-05

Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Chudanov V.V. 

This paper describes a program system for organization of problem solving in field of mathematical physics. Principles of manipulations with calculation modules and data are considered. System structure and types of handled objects are described. An example demonstrates the organization of computing environment. 

Bibliographical reference

Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Chudanov V.V.  PROGRAM SYSTEM RCS: ORGANIZATION OF CALCULATIONS FOR MODELING OF PHYSICS PROBLEMS (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-95-05. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. 1995. 16 p. Refs.: 6 items.

 Numerical investigation of the heat exchange in a heat-generating fluid with regard to solidification (preprint IBRAE-1995-04)

Preprint IBRAE-95-04

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The quasisteady natural convection of a heat-generating fluid with phase changes in the enclosures of a square section with isothermal boundary conditions is investigated numerically in present work. The main goal of this paper is correlation relations for heat fluxes distribution at the domain boundaries depending on Rayleigh and Ostrogradskii numbers.

To solve unsteady problems of hydrodynamics with heat conductivity, new efficient numerical method, inspected at the wide set of test problem, was employed. The obtained numerical results were verified on reability via conducting of calculations on the sequence of the fine grids.

These results may be used for construction of simplified models describing the behaviour of a molten heat-generating masses (corium) in different retention system(core catcher). 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SOME SINGULARITIES OF A HEAT-GENERATING FLUID BEHAVIOR WITH RE­GARD TO SOLIDIFICATION (in Russian). – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 21 p. – Refs.: 16 items

 Numerical simulation the buoyancy driven flow of the stratified heat-generating fluid (preprint IBRAE-1995-03)

Preprint IBRAE-95-03

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Strizhov V.F., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The 2D natural convection of a heat-generating fluid in a stratified corium for the different regimes of cooling on the upper boundary in a geometric domain similar to the vessel lower head is investigated numerically in present work. This paper deals to the analysis of the corium nonhomogeneity influence on the heat flux distribution on the lateral, lower and upper surfaces in depending on the cooling regimes at the upper boundary (Biot number) and different aspect ratio. To solve unsteady problems of hydrodynamics with heat conductivity, new efficient numerical method, inspected at the wide set of test problem, was employed. These results may be used for construction of simplified models describing the behaviour of a molten heat-generating masses (corium) in different retention system(core catcher).

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Strizhov V.F., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL SIMULATION THE BUOYANCY DRIVEN FLOW OF THE STRATIFIED HEAT-GENERATING FLUID (in Russian). – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 18 p. – Refs.: 10 items

 Numerical investigation of the heat exchange in a heat-generating fluid with melting and solidification depending on Ostrogradskii and Rayleigh numbers (preprint IBRAE-1995-01)

Preprint IBRAE-95-01

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

The quasisteady natural convection of a heat-generating fluid with phase changes in the enclosures of a square section with isothermal boundary conditions is investigated numerically in present work. The main goal of this paper is correlation relations for heat fluxes distribution at the domain boundaries depending on Rayleigh and Ostrogradskii numbers.

To solve unsteady problems of hydrodynamics with heat conductivity, new efficient numerical method, inspected at the wide set of test problem, was employed. The obtained numerical results were verified on reability via conducting of calculations on the sequence of the fine grids.

These results may be used for construction of simplified models describing the behaviour of a molten heat-generating masses (corium) in different retention system(core catcher). 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE HEAT EXCHANGE IN A HEAT-GENERATING FLUID WITH MELTING AND SOLIDIFICATION DEPENDING ON OSTROGRADSKII AND RAYLEIGH NUMBERS. – Preprint ¹ IBRAE-95-01. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1995. – 25 p. – Refs.: 21 items

 The interactive preprocessor for data generation in application to mathematical physics problems (preprint IBRAE NSI-32-94)

Preprint IBRAE ¹ NSI-32-94

Aksenova À.Å., Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Chudanov V.V. 

In this paper an interactive preprocessor program intended for data generation in application to mathematical physics problems is described. The process of generation of computational regions, grids and boundary conditions with help of package is considered. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova À.Å., Varenkov V.V., Pervichko V.A., Popkov A.G., Chudanov V.V. THE INTERACTIVE PREPROCESSOR FOR DATA GENERATION IN APPLICATION TO MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS PROBLEMS (in Russian).   Preprint NSI-32-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 1994.   17 p. Refs.: 7 items.

 Models Of Radionuclides Transport In Atmosphere From Integrated Software Package «NOSTRADAMUS» (preprint IBRAE NSI-31-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-31-94

Arutunjan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Belikov V.V., Belikova G.V., Goloviznin V.M., Fokin A.L, Kanevsky M.F., Peschany S.E., Semenov V.N., Shilkova S.V, Sorokovikova O.S., Starodubtseva L.P.

The characteristics of the radionuclides transport model imbedded into the NOSTRADAMUS integrated software package of the Nuclear Safety Institute are described.

Bibliographical reference

Arutunjan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Belikov V.V., Belikova G.V., Goloviznin V.M., Fokin A.L, Kanevsky M.F., Peschany S.E., Semenov V.N., Shilkova S.V, Sorokovikova O.S., Starodubtseva L.P. MODELS OF RADIONUCLIDES TRANSPORT IN ATMOSPHERE FROM INTEGRATED SOFTWARE PACKAGE «NOSTRADAMUS». Preprint NSI-31-94. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. September 1994. 23 p. – Refs.: 33 items

 Numerical simulation of the natural convection in porous medium (preprint IBRAE NSI-33-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-33-94

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V., Vabishchevich P.N. 

A numerical algorithm is described in the work for 2D convection problem of fluid in porous medium in the stream function — vorticity — temperature formulation. Numerical implementa­tion of the operator-splitting scheme used in calculations is based on the solution of elliptic grid problems at every time-level. The algorithm validation is conducted on the benchmark solutions for buoyancy-driven flow of fluid in a square cavity with side walls of different temperatures. 

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Chudanov V.V.,Vabishchevich P.N. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE NATURAL CONVECTION IN POROUS MEDIUM. – Preprint ¹ ¹ NSI-33-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 1994. – 22 p. – Refs.: 12 items

 Comparative Analysis of Spatial Interpollation Methods by Using Chernobyl Fallout Data (in Russian) (preprint IBRAE NSI-26-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-26-94

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Kanevsky Ì.F., Linge I.I., Savel’eva E.A.

The spatial data analysis of the Chernobyl fallout by using different methods is presented. Results of the cross-validation and prediction maps are described. Several recommendations for the selection of the model and model-dependent parameters are discussed.

Bibliographical reference

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Kanevsky Ì.F., Linge I.I., Savel’eva E.A. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SPATIAL INTERPOLLATION METHODS BY USING CHERNOBYL FALLOUT DATA. (in Russian). Preprint NSI-26-94. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, August 1994. 43 p. – Refs.: 22 items

 Sample Geostatistical Analysis of Chernobyl Fallout (preprint IBRAE NSI-25-94)

Preprint IBRAE NSI-25-94

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevsky Ì.F., Linge I.I.

One of the approaches to the spatial data analysis is presented in the work. The following methods were sequentially applied to the Chenobyl data: cell declustering, moving window statistics, structural analysis, cross-validation and kriging. Anysotropical case was under special concern, as well as comparison between isotropic and anisotropic modelling. Ordinary kriging results were compared with classical inverse distance squared interpolation. All used methods are fully and clearly described.

Bibliographical reference

Arutyunyan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Demyanov V.V., Kanevsky Ì.F., Linge I.I. SAMPLE GEOSTATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF CHERNOBYL FALLOUT (in Russian). Preprint NSI-25-94. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute. 1994. 47 p. – Refs.: 16 items

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