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 Multivariate geostatistical mapping of contamination in geneva lake sediments. Case study with MULTIGEO (preprint IBRAE-2001-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-04

Parkin R., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Raspa G., Savelieva E.

This work presents geostatistical algorithms for the spatial prediction of concentration of metal (Pb) using software “Multigeo”: ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging. The techniques are illustrated using concentrations of some metals measured at 200 points of Leman Lake and concentration of metal Pb measured at 175 points of Leman Lake. Cross-validation is used to compare the prediction performances of ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging with the various numbers of secondary variables (from cokriging with the only secondary variable to cokriging with the eight secondary variables).   

Bibliographical reference

Parkin R., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Raspa G., Savelieva E. MULTIVARIATE GEOSTATISTICAL MAPPING OF CONTAMINATION IN GENEVA LAKE SEDIMENTS. CASE STUDY WITH MULTIGEO. Preprint IBRAE-2001-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, March 2001, 20 p. — Refs.: 5 items. 

 Development of the working model of radiation monitoring system for faciliries for dismantling of nuclear submarine (project AMEC 1.5-1) (preprint IBRAE-2001-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-03

Belikov A., Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., et al.

In framework of military American-Norwegian-Russian cooperation NSI of RAS takes part in the development of radiation monitoring system for the facilities involved in decommissioning process of Russian nuclear submarines. Description of operating model of the system channel is presented. The channel includes gamma radiation sensors able to operate in spectral mode, smart controller, radio modems and modified Norwegian PICASSO-AMEC software for data acquisition, visualization and storage.   

Bibliographical reference

Belikov A., Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., Danilyan V., Egorkin A., Ermolaev A., Kisselev V., Konoplev A., Medved J., Semin N., Sharova G., Sundling C.-V., Endregard M., Krosshavn M., Moskowitz P, Pomerville J., Jokstad H. DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORKING MODEL OF RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEM FOR FACILIRIES FOR DISMANTLING OF NUCLEAR SUBMARINE (PROJECT AMEC 1.5-1). Preprint IBRAE-2001-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS. January 2001. 16 p. 

 Numerical Simulation of The Thermal Processes with Taking into Account of Reradiation on the Cavity Boundary (preprint IBRAE-2001-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-02

Aksenova A.E., Vabishchevich P.N., Vasilev A.D., Krylov S.F., Pervichko V.A., Chudanov V.V.

The solution for the heat exchange problem with taking into account the reradiation in the cavity is described in this paper. The basic features of numerical realization of the 2D–problem for multiply connected region are discussed. The basic expressions for view factors are obtain for the first time. The test results of the approach developed are also presented.   

Bibliographical reference

Aksenova A.E., Vabishchevich P.N., Vasilev A.D., Krylov S.F., Pervichko V.A., Chudanov V.V. Numerical Simulation of The Thermal Processes with Taking into Account of Reradiation on the Cavity Boundary (in Russian). Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2001-02. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, January 2001. 30 p. – Refs.: 3 items 

 Geostatistically based methods for electricity load analysis and forecasting (preprint IBRAE-2000-09)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-09

Savelieva E., Kanevski M., Kravetski A., Ogar V. 

In this work some geostatistically based methods are applied to short term and middle term electricity load forecasting. Application of such methods as ordinary kriging, sequential Gaussian simulations, simulated annealing, MLP prediction can be found there. Advantages and disadvantages of application of these methods for 1-dimensional time data are analyzed. 

Bibliographical reference

Savelieva E., Kanevski M., Kravetski A., Ogar V. GEOSTATISTICALLY BASED METHODS FOR ELECTRICITY LOAD ANALYSIS AND FORECASTING. Preprint IBRAE-2000-09. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. December 2000. 26 p. — Refs.: 15 items.

 Development of fission gas bubble models for UO2 fuel in framework of MFPR code (preprint IBRAE-2000-08)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-08

Veshchunov M.S., Berdyshev A.V., Tarasov V.I. 

In order to improve the microscopic description of the fission gas behaviour in UO2 fuel, the new models are developed and implemented in the mechanistic code MFPR. The models treat irradiation and thermal resolution effects on intra- and intergranular bubbles under various conditions of UO2 fuel operation: steady-state irradiation, transient and post-irradiation annealing. Implementation of the newly developed models in the MFPR code allows a significant improvement of code predictions with respect to gas release and fuel swelling, being also in a fair agreement with microstructure observations in various tests. 

Bibliographical reference

Veshchunov M.S., Berdyshev A.V., Tarasov V.I. Development of Fission Gas Bubble Models for UO2 Fuel in Framework of MFPR Code. Preprint IBRAE-2000-08. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. December 2000. 38 p. — Refs.: 44 items.

 Stochastic simulations of spatially distributed data on environment (preprint IBRAE-2000-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-05

Nekhoroshih D.S., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Chernov S.Y., Savelieva E.A. 

This work is a review of different approaches for monitoring network analysis — geometrical, statistical, fractal and interpolation. Methods for network modification — declustering, clusters distinguishing are also described. The great attention was apportioned to methods of network optimization. Optimization was regarded as a way to decrease the error while following interpolation. Program products useful for network analysis, modification and optimization were analysed. The most attention was payed to the special program to deal with monitoring networks NETMAN. 

Bibliographical reference

Nekhoroshih D.S., Demyanov V.V., Kanevski M.F., Chernov S.Y., Savelieva E.A. STOCHASTIC SIMULATIONS OF SPATIALLY DISTRIBUTED DATA ON ENVIRONMENT (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2000-05. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. April 2000. 28 p. — Refs.: 14 items.

 Analytical review on monitoring networks analysis and optimization (preprint IBRAE-2000-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-03

Savelieva E.A. 

This work is a review of different approaches for monitoring network analysis — geometrical, statistical, fractal and interpolation. Methods for network modification — declustering, clusters distinguishing are also described. The great attention was apportioned to methods of network optimization. Optimization was regarded as a way to decrease the error while following interpolation. Program products useful for network analysis, modification and optimization were analysed. The most attention was payed to the special program to deal with monitoring networks NETMAN. 

Bibliographical reference

Savelieva E.A. ANALYTICAL REVIEW ON MONITORING NETWORKS ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2000-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. March 2000. 39 p. — Refs.: 117 items.

 Informational-modeling «Kassandra» system for prediction of radionuclides behavior in surface water (preprint IBRAE-2000-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-02

Gilina N.N., Kiselev V.P., Krylov A.L., Ulianov A.O. 

Surface water radionuclides behavior prediction informational-modeling system is presented. The system is destined to evaluate and analyze radioactive contamination of water objects consequences. Description of specialized GIS «Komponovka» is presented. There are also presented databases descriptions, user manual and screen samples. 

Bibliographical reference

Gilina N.N., Kiselev V.P., Krylov A.L., Ulianov A.O. INFORMATIONAL-MODELING «KASSANDRA» SYSTEM FOR PREDICTION OF RADIONUCLIDES BEHAVIOR IN SURFACE WATER. Preprint IBRAE-2000-02. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. February 2000. 29 p. — Refs.: 13 itemss.

 The Role of Forest Ecosystems in the Contribution of Radiation Dose (preprint IBRAE-2000-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2000-01

Panchenko S.V., Panfilova A.A. 

In the report a number of components of wood biocoenoses contributing the greatest values of exposure doses on the population is studied. Particular attention has been given to the primary contamination of forest plants and mushrooms, especially of their productive parts. For the root pathway a special review and analysis of the results concerning the transfer of ruthenium, cerium, cesium and other radionuclides into the productive parts of forest plants and mushrooms have been performed. 

Bibliographical reference

Panchenko S.V., Panfilova A.A. THE ROLE OF FOREST ECOSYSTEMS IN THE CONTRIBUTION OF RADIATION DOSE(in Russian). Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2000-01. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, January 2000. 50 p. — Refs.: 84 items.

 Environmental impact of power cycles: 3. Methodologiccal issues of health damage valuation (preprint IBRAE-1999-12)

Preprint IBRAE-99-11

Afanasiev A.A., Maksimenko B.P. 

Methodical outlines of health damage valuation are considered. Various approaches to quantitative assessment of health condition and damage caused by harmful health impact are described. In the framework of macroeconomic approach an economic-mathematical model of damage due to fatality is developed. Analytic dependencies for economic efficiency of human activity through life («added value through life») and economic damage due to premature death of a man taking into account his age are derived. 

Bibliographical reference

Afanasiev A.A., Maksimenko B.P. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF POWER CYCLES: 3. METHODOLOGICCAL ISSUES OF HEALTH DAMAGE VALUATION. Preprint IBRAE-99-12. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute. December 1999. 24 p. — Refs.: 31 items.

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