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 Verification and analysis of practical applicability of the models of prognosis of radioactive contamination of water objects (preprint IBRAE-2001-14)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-14

Gilina N., Kazakov S., Kiselev V., Krylov A.

In the work the verification, analysis of practical applicability and conformity to the normative documents of the models included in the GIS-based informational modeling system «Kassandra» are discussed. The test calculation and analysis of consequences of speculative nuclear accident at the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant are presented also.   

Bibliographical reference

Gilina N., Kazakov S., Kiselev V., Krylov A. VERIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF PRACTICAL APPLICABILITY OF THE MODELS OF PROGNOSIS OF RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION OF WATER OBJECTS. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2001-14. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2001, 27 p. — Refs.: 9 items. 

 Mathematical models of cooler flow through cracs in pipes for applying of «leak before break» concept (preprint IBRAE-2001-13)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-13

Semenov V.N., Starodubtseva L.P., Filippov A.S.

The mathematical model for estimation of critical flashing water flow through channels with large length-to diameter ratio (cracks) is described. The problem of critical leak rate estimation arises when applying Leak Before Break (LBB) concept. This concept is an approach for demonstration of NPPs safety. Approximation of homogeneous non-equilibrium two-phase fluid is employed in described model. The comparison of model result with experimental data concerning critical two-phase water flow has been done. The model estimates critical leak rate correctly in general. The simple engineer formulas that are used in practice for estimation of crack opening displacement (COD) on straight pipe with circumferential crack are described as well.   

Bibliographical reference

Semenov V.N., Starodubtseva L.P., Filippov A.S. Mathematical models of cooler flow through cracs in pipes for applying of «Leak Before Break» concept (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-13. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, July 2001. 35 p. — Refs.: 43 items. 

 Impacts of nuclear submarine dismantlement and salvaging on the ecological state of the site of the Russian state center of nuclear shipbuilding (preprint IBRAE-2001-12)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-12

Danilyan V.A., Vysotskiy V.L., Nikitin V.S., Sinitskaya E.A., Stoyanova D.A., Kharitonov E.I., Khrebetova I.V., Shepurev A.M.

The report presented is dealing with the impact of repair, dismantlement and salvaging of nuclear submarines carrying out in Russian State Center of Nuclear Shipbuilding (RSCNS) on the ecological situation of Severodvinsk-town. The research is based on comparative analysis of the data obtained in the course of long-term observations. An estimate of the existent system of the ecological monitoring over different components of the environment in the context of RSCNS increasing productive capacities is presented. Recommendations concerning improvements of the radioecological monitoring system and of its strategic baselines in order to estimate radiation risks from different points of view are given.   

Bibliographical reference

Danilyan V.A., Vysotskiy V.L., Nikitin V.S., Sinitskaya E.A., Stoyanova D.A., Kharitonov E.I., Khrebetova I.V., Shepurev A.M. IMPACTS OF NUCLEAR SUBMARINE DISMANTELMENT AND SALVAGING ON THE ECOLOGICAL STATE OF THE SITE OF THE RUSSIAN STATECENTER OF NUCLEA SHIPBUILDING (In Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-12. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, June 2001. 36 p. — Refs.: 24 items. 

 Anomalous diffusion in regularly non-uniform media (preprint IBRAE-2001-11)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-11

Dykhne A.M, Dranikov I.L., Kondratenko P.S., Popov A.V.

Contaminant transport in homogeneous medium (I), restricted in one direction (plane-parallel layer) or in two directions (straight cylinder) and surrounded by another medium (II) filling the rest of the space has been analyzed. Both media are regular. Diffusivity of the medium I is significantly greater than that for the medium II. The time range has been found where the contaminant transport is of subdiffusion behavior. The results obtained may be helpful for the development of methods to assess reliability of radioactive waste storage in rock massifs.   

Bibliographical reference

Dykhne A.M, Dranikov I.L., Kondratenko P.S., Popov A.V. ANOMALOUS DIFFUSION IN REGULARLY NON-UNIFORM MEDIA (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-11. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2001. 8 p. — Refs.: 1 items. 

 Objectives of and ways towards restructuring the power industry (preprint IBRAE-2001-10)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-10

Platonov V.V.

The paper presents the author’s views of key issues associated with restructuring the Russian electric power industry, viz., objectives, tasks, major principles, and stages of this effort. It is shown that, for a number of reasons, the concept of restructuring put forth by the “UPS of Russia” Company guarantees neither reliable power supply of regions nor the energy safety of the country. Considered are practical solutions on orienting the electric power industry to not only the self-regulating impact of market relations, but also possible state regulation, with regional power systems preserved as base forming links of the industry.   

Bibliographical reference

Platonov V.V. Objectives of and Ways towards Restructuring the Power Industry (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-10. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, May 2001. 17 p. — Refs.: 7 items. 

 New mechanism of burning propagation in two-phase gas-drop systems (preprint IBRAE-2001-09)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-09

Semenov V.N.

The new mechanism of burning propagation is investigated that differs from deflagration and detonation as well. The presence of sprayed water in flammable gas mixture may result in narrowing of concentration limits of usual Chapman-Jouguet detonation. Outside of these limits the usual detonation does not exist, and any initial ignition will damp. However under such conditions quite different mechanism of burning propagation may exist that allows combustion to propagate through large distances. This mechanism is associated with interphase friction and may exist in two-phase systems, where moving gas undergoes resistance force. The gas-drop suspension is the example of such a media.   

Bibliographical reference

Semenov V.N. NEW MECHANISM OF BURNING PROPAGATION IN TWO-PHASE GAS-DROP SYSTEMS (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-09. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, May 2001. 17 p. — Refs.: 10 items. 

 Exact resolution algorithms for linear grid transport (preprint IBRAE-2001-08)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-08

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A.

A radically new numerical algorithm is presented that is free from traditional approximation viscosity and dispersion. The new algorithm called Jumping Transport Algorithm (JTA) allows one to calculate exactly the co-ordinates of strong discontinuities on a sub grid-cell scale. The algorithm is explicit, two-time-layer and operates with a fixed compact computational stencil.

JTA has a linearity property, i.e. the principle of linear superposition is valid for its solutions. For the linear advection equation the algorithm gives the exact solution in the sense of integral averages over computational cells. Under all time steps satisfying the condition mod (CFL)£1 the JTA can translate an initial grid-delta-function without distortion for unlimited distance.

An algorithm extension to the convection-diffusion equation is presented. Numerical examples are provided illustrating uncommon features of the algorithm.   

Bibliographical reference

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A. EXACT RESOLUTION ALGORITHMS FOR LINEAR GRID TRANSPORT (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-08. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, May 2001. 41 p. — Refs.: 17 items. 

 Assessment of radioactive release for several hypothetical navy ship accidents (preprint IBRAE-2001-07)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-07

Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., Danilyan V., Kiselev V.

On the base of promulgated information an assessment has been done for radiologically significant nuclides inventory of technical service ships and nuclear submarine core and metallic reactor structures depending on fuel burn up. Self-sustaining chain reaction during recharge of active core, submersion of submarine and technical service ships were considered as hypothetical accidents. Some principles of gamma dose rate sensors location to detect such a type accident has been defined.   

Bibliographical reference

Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., Danilyan V., Kiselev V. ASSESSMENT OF RADIOACTIVE RELEASE FOR SEVERAL HYPOTHETICAL NAVY SHIP ACCIDENTS (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-07. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2001. 33 p. — Refs.: 44 items. 

 Assessment of radiological consequences of the accident induced by shelter roofing collapse (preprint IBRAE-2001-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-06

Bogatov S.

An assessment has been done to describe adequately ways of the Shelter roofing collapse (accidental Unit 4 of the ChNPP) as well as lifting and penetration of dust cloud out of the Unit. Expectable air dust concentrations were calculated by two methods – accordingly standard OND-86 recommendations and dynamic compartment model. Integral dust concentrations are similar for both models. Inhalation doses to personnel near the Unit may be of several rem by the order of magnitude, other ways of irradiation are insignificant. Radioactive fallouts and open “ruins” of the Shelter may be sources of dust resuspension and of hazardous air contamination.   

Bibliographical reference

Bogatov S. ASSESSMENT OF RADIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE ACCIDENT INDUCED BY SHELTER ROOFING COLLAPSE (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-06. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2001. 29 p. — Refs.: 23 items. 

 POSTPLO3D — visualization of 3-dimensional spatially-distributed data (preprint IBRAE-2001-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-05

Chernov S., Zhukov S.

This work presents program PostPlot3D that is written specially for visualization of 3-Dimensional spatially distributed data. There’re shown its opportunities, its advantages and restrictions. This preprint also describes some common tasks and problems of 3D-visualization of spatially-distributed data. It contains analysis of software, which could be used for this task.   

Bibliographical reference

Chernov S., Zhukov S. POSTPLO3D — VISUALIZATION OF 3-DIMENSIONAL SPATIALLY-DISTRIBUTED DATA. Preprint IBRAE-2001-05. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, April 2001, 15 p. — Refs.: 5 items. 

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