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 Modeling of supersonic currents by a method of piecewise parabolic approximation (preprint IBRAE-2002-06)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-06

Elkina N.V., Leonov A.A., Chudanov V.V. 

An application of a method of piecewise parabolic approximation to calculate supersonic currents with viscosity is considered in paper. 

Bibliographical reference

Elkina N.V., Leonov A.A., Chudanov V.V. MODELING OF SUPERSONIC CURRENTS BY A METHOD OF PIECEWISE PARABOLIC APPROXIMATION. Preprint IBRAE-2002-06. Moscow. Nuclear Safety Institute RAS. 2002. 24 p. – Refs.: 12 items.

 Assessment of radiological consequences for some hypothetical accidents at «DALRAO» facilities (preprint IBRAE-2002-05)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-05

Belikov V., Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., Danilyan V., Kiselev V., Semenov V., Tokarchyuk D.

Radiological consequences resulted from aircraft fall have been considered for the sites of former coastal technical naval bases handed over to Minatom for remediation. At present technical sites “Sysoeva bay” and “Gorbushechya bay” are considered as “DalRAO” facilities. Carrier-plane and anti-ship missile were taken as the aircrafts. It has been indicated that basic mechanism of radioactive cloud generation after jet fall is a fire of fuel remaining on the board. Fire results in resuspension of surface contamination from the area of 26 meters in diameter. Release from missile explosion consists of fine-grained particles of destructed substance. Dimension of explosion crater was used to assess the release quantitatively. Following buildings were taken as potential sources of radioactive release: spent fuel storage (building 30) and solid waste storage (building 31) at the site “Sysoeva bay” and solid waste storage (buildings 3 and 16) at the site “Gorbushechya bay”. Assessments having been done indicate that consequences of such accidents can result in evacuation of population from the areas at the distance of dozens kilometer from the source.

Bibliographical reference 

Belikov V., Bogatov S., Gavrilov S., Danilyan V., Kiselev V., Semenov V., Tokarchyuk D. ASSESSMENT OF RADIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES FOR SOME HYPOTHETICAL ACCIDENTS AT «DALRAO» FACILITIES. Preprint IBRAE-2002-05. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, March 2002. 30 p. — Refs.: 31 items.

 Creating a databank of IBRAE RAS electronic maps (preprint IBRAE-2002-04)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-04

Evdokimova Z.A., Zhilina N.I., Kisselev V.P., Pechenova O.I., Semin N.N., Tokarchuk D.N., Tokarchuk A.D., Yurchenko A.C.

The paper is dealing with different issues of creating a databank of vector & raster electronic maps at IBRAE RAS. The technique of generating the databank of vector electronic maps in MapInfo-system format using the created unified classifier of both layers and objects is considered. Program modules of preparing and review of cartographic information contained within the bank of electronic maps are described. In the paper annexes the description of MapInfo Mif/Mid exchange format and of the unified classifier of layers and objects is given.

Bibliographical reference 

Evdokimova Z.A., Zhilina N.I., Kisselev V.P., Pechenova O.I., Semin N.N., Tokarchuk D.N., Tokarchuk A.D., Yurchenko A.C. (IBRAE RAN); Dynnik A.Y., Rogachev A.V. (Russian State GIS Center). Creating a Databank of IBRAE RAS Electronic Maps. Preprint IBRAE-2002-04. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, March 2002. 60 p. — Refs.: 5 items.

 Anomalous diffusion in regular fractured media (preprint IBRAE-2002-03)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-03

Dykhne A.M., Dranikov I.L., Kondratenko P.S., Popov A.V.

Contaminant transport in regular heterogeneous media consisting of narrow areas (“fractures”) with diffusivity D and a matrix with the diffusivity d (D being much greater than d) has been analyzed. Considered are the following models: single flat and single cylindrical fracture, systems of two and of an infinite number of parallel fractures, and an “interconnection” of two semi-infinite flat parallel fractures, coming close to each other. For single fractures it has been found the time range where the contaminant transport is of subdiffusion behaviour When the ratio D/d  is extremely large, the regime of anomalous diffusion (subdiffusion) becomes to be asymptotic. Therefore, in connection with contaminant transport in fractured rocks, we may deal with the effect of suppression of the dispersion in fractures. Fracture “interconnections” are found to be inessential for complex systems diffusion time-patterns. The results obtained may be helpful for the development of methods to assess reliability of radioactive waste storage in rock massifs.

Bibliographical reference 

Dykhne A.M., Dranikov I.L., Kondratenko P.S., Popov A.V. ANOMALOUS DIFFUSION IN REGULAR FRACTURED MEDIA. Preprint IBRAE-2002-03. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Insitute RAS, February 2002, 15 p. — Refs.: 3 items.

 Fluctuation aspects in diffusion over highly disordered media (preprint IBRAE-2002-02)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-02

An extension of the model for an impurity transport in highly disordered media with fractal properties is proposed taking into account super-diffusion (at large distances) and fluctuation (at short distances) behavior. It is determined that spatial fluctuations of medium characteristics lead to renormalization of the power of an impurity source. Renormalization factor K considerably decreases with source size R if the latter is less than a correlation length determined by medium properties. In this range of the factor K as well as an effective power of the source experience an increasing statistic scattering.

Bibliographical reference 

Bolshov L.A., Dykhne A.M, Kondratenko P.S. Fluctuation aspects in diffusion over highly disordered media. Preprint IBRAE-2002-02. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Insitute RAS, February 2002. 6 p.

 Some features of computing algorithms for the equations fractional diffusion (preprint IBRAE-2002-01)

Preprint IBRAE-2002-01

Goloviznin V., Kiselev V., Korotkin I., Yurkov Y.

In the work the analysis of numerical methods of the decision of the equation fractional diffusion is given. A Fourior’s method, explicit and partially implicit difference scheme of the first order of approximation are considered. The elementary methods of identification of parameters fractional diffusion also are given.

Bibliographical reference 

Goloviznin V., Kiselev V., Korotkin I., Yurkov Y. SOME FEATURES OF COMPUTING ALGORITHMS FOR THE EQUATIONS FRACTIONAL DIFFUSION. Preprint ¹ IBRAE-2002-01. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, January 2002. 57 p. — Refs.: 22 items.

 Principal component analysis of spatial data (preprint IBRAE-2001-18)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-18

Parkin R., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Raspa G., Hakamata T., Savelieva E. Kalantarov E.

This work presents review of various Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methods and application PCA for the spatial prediction of concentration of metals using software “Multigeo”. Principal component analysis is one of the most popular techniques for processing, compressing and visualizing data, although its effectiveness is limited by its global linearity. The technique is illustrated using the real data on Geneva Lake sediments contamination and Japanese soil contamination by heavy metals.   

Bibliographical reference

Parkin R., Kanevski M., Maignan M., Raspa G., Hakamata T., Savelieva E. Kalantarov E. PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS OF SPATIAL DATA. Preprint IBRAE-2001-18. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2001. 21 p. — Refs.: 41 items. 

 How many attributable cases of mortality associated with air pollution occur in Russia? (preprint IBRAE-2001-17)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-17

Arutyunyan R.V., Reshetin V.P., Sorokin V.S.

Assessment of attributable cases of mortality associated with air pollution is presented. The data of daily monitoring of air pollution in 1993 and 1998 carried out by Rosgidromet were used for assessment. To determine the dose-response function, the well known results of Dockery et al., 1993 were applied. In Dockery’s prospective cohort investigations in six US towns, the statistically significant relationship between mortality and air pollution was confirmed. The estimates obtained by direct formal transition of the Dockery’s results to the conditions of Russian cities allowing for the actual level of the atmosphere pollution, result in the number of the premature deaths on the order of 300 thousand annually. Various factors effecting the accuracy of assessments are discussed.   

Bibliographical reference

Arutyunyan R.V., Reshetin V.P., Sorokin V.S. How many attributable cases of mortality associated with air pollution occur in Russia? (in Russian) Preprint IBRAE-2001-17. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, November 2001. 13 p. — Refs.: 14 items. 

 Analysis of models of restructuring the electric power industry of the Russian Federation (preprint IBRAE-2001-16)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-16

There is given an analysis of models for re-structuring the electric power industry of the Russian Federation, which were prepared by the Government of the Russian Federation (1997), the management of the Russian Corporation "United Power System of Russia" (RAO "EES Rossii"), the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the working group of the State Council of Russia. The model prepared by the State Council of Russia was shown to ensure the electrical power safety of the country at the weighted application of market mechanisms in the electric power industry. It was noted, that the model of re-structuring approved by the government of the Russian Federation retains the basic aspects of the RAO "EES Rossii" concept, which is oriented on formal market principles in the electric power industry operation and does not take into account the problems of reliability of the customer power supply. The results of the expertise showed the accepted solutions inefficiency.   

Bibliographical reference

Discussed at and approved by the scientific seminar of the Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS; participated: specialists from Department of physical and technical problems of power engineering, RAS; Institute of power research, RAS; Institute of Macroeconomics of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. ANALYSIS of MODELS of RESTRUCTURING the electric power INDUSTRY of THE RUSSIAn Federation. Preprint IBRAE-2001-16. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, November 2001. 31 p. — Refs.: 12 items. 

 CABARET schemes for one-dimensional gas dynamics equations in eulerian variables (preprint IBRAE-2001-15)

Preprint IBRAE-2001-15

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A.

In the present paper we develop a few Godunov-type compact upwind difference schemes with a space split time derivative (CABARET) in application to one-dimensional compressible gas flows. As opposed to the conventional approach in improving the order of approximation by incorporating the information from adjacent space cells, we use an approach that does not lead to extending the spatial stencil. Instead the approximation accuracy is improved by using additional time layers. Adopting the first order Roe scheme as the base scheme we construct a few compact schemes which are conservative, not resulting in non-physical oscillations, and second-order accurate in the region of smooth solutions. In numerical experiment there are two shock tube problems with uniform and non-uniform space grid used. For the sake of comparison we consider several classical second-order TVD schemes. In particular, we show that the most successful of CABARETs schemes developed results in a notably better solution quality than the well-known variable extrapolation method MUSCL.   

Bibliographical reference

Goloviznin V.M., Karabasov S.A. CABARET schemes for one-dimensional gas dynamics equations in Eulerian variables (in Russian). Preprint IBRAE-2001-15. Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, November 2001. 20 p. — Refs.: 15 items. 

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