ISSUE 2(3)2018
* Translation into English is made to the summary, bibliography, information on authors and bibliography. Translation into English is in the author’s version. |
Cover |
Content |
Authors |
Articles (in Russian) |
Page |
Editorial Board and Editorial Team |
4 |
Obituary. Rudolf Mikhaylovich Aksakhin |
6 |
L. A. Bolshov, I. I. Linge, S. S. Utkin, M.V. Vedernikova |
The 30-th anniversary of the Nuclear Safety Institute of RAS: key milestones in RW management |
7 |
I. USS RW development
O. V. Krukov |
Brief note on the approval of the Strategy for the Development of a Deep Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste |
16 |
II. Disposal of radioactive waste |
B. T. Kochkin |
Safety assessment of geological repositories for HLW and SNF: applying international experience to the Yeniseisky Project |
18 |
V. V. Krupskaya, D. V. Biryukov, P. E. Belousov, V. A. Lekhov, A. Yu. Romanchuk, S. N. Kalmykov |
The use of natural clay materials to enhance nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear legacy facilities |
30 |
T. A. Alexandrova, P. A. Blokhin, A. A. Samoylov, A. V. Kuryndin |
Analysis of the RW radionuclide composition in the context of long-term safety of its disposal |
44 |
K. V. Martynov, E. V. Zakharova |
Evaluating the localization and evolution scenario for RW deep disposal facility at the Yeniseisky site (Krasnoyarsk Region) |
52 |
III. Processing, conditioning and transportation of radioactive wast |
A. S. Danilovich, V. I. Pavlenko, V. N. Potapov, S. G. Semenov, A. V. Chesnokov, A. D. Shisha |
RW management technologies in the decommissioning of research reactors MR and RFT |
63 |
M. N. Diordiy, V. E. Semenov, O. K. Karlina |
The complex for collection, transportation, storage and disposal of spent radioactive sources |
73 |
IV. Models and software for the safety analysis of radioactive waste disposal facilities |
R. A. Butov, In. I. Linge, E. A. Saveleva, V. S. Svitelman, A. N. Dorofeev, V. L. Tikhonovsky |
Information platform for RW deep disposal R&D program |
79 |
A. A. Zherebtsov, A. P. Varlakov, A. V. Germanov, D. A. Sharov, V. F. Eltsin, A. K. Churakov, G. E. Skakun |
Approaches to the characterization of RW resulting from the «PRORYV» project implementation |
88 |
A. I. Blokhin, P. A. Blokhin, I. V. Sipachev |
Functionality of TRACT code in solving RW and SNF characterization problems |
95 |
S. E. Vinokurov, S. A. Kulikova, V. V. Krupskaya, B. F. Myasoedov |
Magnesium potassium phosphate matrix used to immobilize intermediate level waste containing actinides and ammonium nitrate |
105 |
V. New documents |
Strategies for the development of RW deep disposal facility |
114 |
VI. News |
Brief international news |
121 |
Bulletin on the session of SC Rosatom’s Scientific and Technical Council ¹10 Ecology and Radiation Safety of March 26, 2018 |
125 |
VII. Editorial (in Russian) |
Editorial Policy of the Journal |
126 |
Requirements to the Article Preparation for Authors |
127 |