NO. 4(28) 2017
№4(28)2017 DOI 10.25283/2223-4594-2017-4
* At the end of each of the articles of the Journal in the English language are presented: Abstract, References and Information about the authors
Cover and out data (in Russian)
Editorial Council and Editorial Board
I. Economics and management in the Arctic zone
Climate change impact on economic growth and specific sectors’ development of the Russian Arctic. Porfiriev B. N., Voronina S. A., Semikashev V. V., Terentiev N. E., Eliseev D. O., Naumova Yu. V.
Arctic Territories Differentiation by Density of Population and Economic Development. Fauzer V. V., Lytkina T. S., Smirnov A. V.
Indicators of sustainable development of Russian Federation Arctic zone: problems of selection and measurement. Gutman S. S., Basova А. А. |
II. Ecology
Nuclear Legacy Cleanup in the Continental Part of Russia as a Condition for Radiation Safety in the Arctic. Kryukov O. V., Abramov A. A., Linge I. I., Ivanov A. Yu.
III. Research activities in the Arctic
Evaluations of the frequency pollution trends of the atmosphere of the regions of the Russian Arctic in the 21st century. Makosko A. A., Matesheva A. V.
Structure and the lithological composition of the section of the deposits of Kola Bay (Fiord) according to the data of drilling wells and seismoacoustics and the neotectonic conditions of its formation. Shipilov E. V., Skarubo S. I., Kovalchuk E. A.
IV. Study and development of natural resources of the Arctic
Prospects of gold mining development in the Chukotka Autonomous district. Volkov A. V., Galyamov A. L., Sidorov A. A.
The Central area of the Arctic ocean: seismostratigraphy and background of oil and gas. Polyakova I. D., Borukaev G. Ch., Bogoyavlenskiy I. V., Sidorenko Sv. A.
V. Shipbuilding for the Arctic
Design problems and development prospects for ice-resistant semisubmersible floating drilling units. Kryzhevich G. B.
VI. State administration in the Arctic
Development conceptual foundations of intelligent information-management system for regional security support of Murmansk region. Masloboev А. V.
Index of the articles published in the journal “The Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2017, No. 1—4 (in Russian)
Editorial Policy of the Journal
Requirements to the article preparation for authors