Ðóññêèé / English 


The problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. Volume 1

Publish year: 2012
Pages: 356
PUBLISHER: Îòêðûòîå àêöèîíåðíîå îáùåñòâî «ÝÍÅÐÃÎÏÐÎÌÀÍÀËÈÒÈÊÀ»


Edited by A.M. Agapov, L.A. Bolshov, E.V. Evstratov, N.P. Laverov, I.I. Linge

The first volume of the three-volume monograph "Problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solution" from new series “Nuclear science and industry” deals with the formation of problems of nuclear legacy in the defense and peace areas, assesses the scale of these problems, and analyzes the ways for their phased solution and mechanisms that prevent their reproduction in the future.

Bibliographic reference:  

The problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. — Edited by A.M. Agapov, L.A. Bolshov, E.V. Evstratov, N.P. Laverov, I.I. Linge. — Moscow: 2012 — 356 p. — V.1.



Authors: Agapov A.M. (Chapters 1-7), Abramov A.A. (Section 2.1), Dyakov S.V. (Chapters 6-8), Kudryavtsev E.G. (Chapters 2, 8), Medved Yu.I. (Chapters 7, 8), Nikishin D.A. (Chapters 7, 8) - State Corporation "Rosatom"; Gavrilov P.M., Zyaparov I.R., Kozyrev A.S., Skurynina E.S., Shishlov A.E. (Section 2.1.3, 8.3.2) - FSUE MCC; Korotkevich V.M., Balakhonov V.G., Zagumennov V.S., Lazarchuk V.V., Khvostov V.I. (Section 2.1.2, 8.3.3) - OJSC SCC; Baranov S.V., Batorshin G.Sh., Kirillov S.N., Mokrov Yu.G., Pron I.A. (Section 2.1.1, 8.3.1) - FSUE "PO Mayak"; Kochetkov L.A., Ryazanov B.G., Smolyakov V.I. (Section 3.1) - FSUE "SSC RF IPPE"; Yaroslavtsev G.F., Aparkin F.M. (Chapter 4) - Energoatom Concern; Shatalov V.V., Brykin S.N., Kudryavtsev V.V., Matyushin A.P. (Section 3.3, 6.5.5, 8.3.4) - JSC VNIIHT; Kazakov S.V. (Section 2.3, Chapters 5 and 7), Kachur L.I. (Section 2.3) - FSUE FCNRS"; Rybalchenko A.I. (Section 2.1.2., 2.1.3) - JSC VNIPIpromtechnologies; Aleev Sh.Z., Bychkov A.V., Gremyachkin V.A., Mironov V.V., Ulyushkin A.Ì. (Section 3.2, 8.3.4) - JSC SRC NIIAR; Staurin N.V. (Chapters 7, 8) - FSUE RosRAO; Antipov S.V. (Section 2.6, 3.4), Arutyunyan R.V. (Chapters 5 and 6), Bolshov L.A. (Chapters 5, 7), Bobrov N.G. (chapters 7, 8), Bakin R.I. (Chapter 6), Vorobyova L.M. (Chapter 5), Dorogov V.I. (Chapter 6), Ilyushkin A.I. (Chapters 7, 8), Kalinin R.I. (Section 3.4), Kovalchuk V.D. (Chapter 2), Linge I.I. (Chap. 1-8), Melikhova E.M. (Section 1.1, Chapter 5), Panchenko S.V. (Section 2.2, 2.6), Sarkisov A.A. (Section 2.6), Strizhova S.V. (Section 6.3), Frolova O.B. (Chapter 8), Khandogina E.K. (Section 1.1, 1.2), Utkin S.S. (Chapter 2) - IBRAE RAN; Myasoyedov B.F. (Section 3.4) - Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Supataeva O.A. (Section 1.2, 1.3) - The Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Ponomarev-Stepnoy N.N., Volkov V.G., Chesnokov A.V. (Section 1.5, Section 7.2). - RRC KI.


The first volume of the three-volume monograph "Problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solution" from new series “Nuclear science and industry” is brought to reader’s attention. The first volume deals with the formation of problems of nuclear legacy in the defense and peace areas, assesses the scale of these problems, and analyzes the ways for their phased solution and mechanisms that prevent their reproduction in the future.

The reader will find here a significant factual material on nuclear legacy facilities, including enterprises for weapon plutonium production: Mayak, SCC, MCC, other facilities of nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear research centers and nuclear power plants. The materials of the publication provide an opportunity to correlate the real legacy, which must be dealt with to save future generations from this burden, with a realistic assessment of radiation risks from these facilities.

The book also covers many related issues, including the organization and principles of nuclear and radiation safety. The foreign experience in solving nuclear legacy problems is considered. Much attention is paid to the federal target program "Ensuring Nuclear and Radiation Safety for 2008 and for the Period to 2015" which is, in fact, the first national program in this area.

The book is addressed to scientists and experts of nuclear science and industry, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the issues of safe solution of nuclear legacy problems.

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