JOURNAL "ARCTIC: ECOLOGY AND ECONOMY"pages: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] | show all  | No. 4(16) 2014
In this issue of the magazine you can read (in Russian):
about The Legal and Methodological Problems of Strategic Planning of Development of the Arctic Regions of Russia
about The Problems of Environmental and Industrial Safety of Natural and Man-Made Marine Facilities during Development of the Arctic Shelf
and about other research related to the history, the economy and environment of the Arctic region |
|  | No. 3(15) 2014
In this issue of the magazine you can read (in Russian):
about Integrated Problem of Sustainable Development of the Transport Complex in the Russian Arctic
about Mineral Resourses of the Russian Arctic Continental Margin and Prospects for Their Development
and about other research related to the history, the economy and environment of the Arctic region
|  | No. 2(14) 2014
In this issue of the magazine you can read (in Russian):
about Development of geophysical monitoring systems in the Arctic
about Legal framework and methodological features of development of draft state program «Socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation up to 2020»
and about other research related to the history, the economy and environment of the Arctic region
|  | No. 1(13) 2014
In this issue of the magazine you can read (in Russian):
about Specifics of the emergency situations in the Arctic zone of Russia
about Assessment of the thermal impact of a low-power underground nuclear power plant on permafrost soil
and about other studies related to the history, economy and ecology of the Arctic region |
|  | No. 4(12) 2013
In this issue of the magazine you can read (in Russian):
about the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the system of national interests safety
about System reconstruction of temperature in the Russian Arctic regions during last two millennia
and about other studies related to the history, economy and ecology of the Arctic region |
|  | No. 3(11) 2013
In this issue of the magazine you can read (in Russian):
about Regulation of subsurface mineral resources management in subarctic countries (USA, Canada, Norway)
about Geological structure and oil and gas content of the Arctic part of North American continent
about Hydrometeorological support of navigation on the Northern sea routes
and about other studies and experiments related to the history, economy, ecology and safety of the Arctic region |
|  | No. 2(10) 2013
In this issue of the magazine you can read (in Russian):
about Åechnical availability of the Russian shelf for development in modern conditions
about Arctic militarization tendencies
about Specifics of scientific studies and hydrographic works in high widths under ice
and about other studies and experiments related to the history, economy, ecology and safety of the Arctic region |
|  | No. 1(9) 2013
In this issue of the magazine you can read (in Russian):
aboutStability of fresh-water reservoirs of Easten Fennoscandia to 137Cs sediments
about EMERCOM measures to prevent and mitigate emergency situations in Arctic regions
about Nuclear icebreaker fleet of Russia and prospects of the Northern Sea route development
and about other studies and experiments related to the history, economy, ecology and safety of the Arctic region.
|  | No. 4(8) 2012
In this issue of the magazine you can read (in Russian):
about Priority programs of the Arctic seas rehabilitation from flooded and sunk nuclear and radiation hazardous objects
about Prompt monitoring of structural behaviours of concrete using a non-destructive method for erection of crucial ferro-concrete constructions in the Arctic conditions
about Exercise "Arctic-2012"
and about other studies and experiments related to the history, economy, ecology and safety of the Arctic region
|  | No. 3(7) 2012
In this issue of the magazine you can read (in Russian):
about development of power industry in Arctic regions: problems and possibilities of small generation
about experience of seismographic studies of the soil basis of the facilities for processing and long-term storage of radioactive waste of dismantled nuclear- submarines in Sayda-bay
about experience and operation prospects of the icebreaker fleet in Russian Arctic regions
about diving to the bottom of Arctic ocean in the geographical point of the North Pole
and about other studies related to the history, economy and ecology of the Arctic region |
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