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System analysis of causes and consequences of the Fukushima-1 NPP accidentSystem analysis of causes and consequences of the Fukushima-1 NPP accident

R. V. Arutyunyan, L. A. Bolshov, A. A. Borovoi, E. P. Velikhov

Many years have passed since the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. During this time hundreds of works regarding the event were published. Altogether they present fairly detailed and reliable picture of what happened, but much has not yet been properly explained. The questions cause not only technical aspects, but also the expediency, timeliness and effectiveness of some organizational solutions. In this regard, it is especially important to come to an understanding of what strategic errors caused the unfavorable scenario of the accident development.

Bibliographical reference: 
System analysis of causes and consequences of the Fukushima-1 NPP accident / R. V. Arutyunyan, L. A. Bolshov, A. A. Borovoi, E. P. Velikhov; Nuclear Safety Institute of
RAS. — M. : 2018. — 408 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-9907220-5-7 (bound).

Radioecological consequences of operation and decommissioning of nuclear fleet facilities in the Far Eeastern regionRadioecological consequences of operation and decommissioning of nuclear fleet facilities in the Far Eeastern region

Edited by A.A. Sarkisov, Academician of RAS

The radioecological problems associated with operation and dismantling of decommissioned nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities of the Pacific Fleet are described. The sources of hazards from these facilities, scenarios for evolution of possible emergency situations and their impact on personnel, population and environment are considered. The bottlenecks and problems that complicate disposal work and rehabilitation of contaminated areas are identified. Ways of optimization are suggested, and the basic ways to solve the existing problems are outlined.
For experts in nuclear, radiation and environmental safety, as well as representatives of the technical intelligentsia and the public interested in the problems of the Pacific Nuclear Fleet.

Bibliographic information

Radioecological Consequences of Operation and Decommissioning of Nuclear Fleet Facilities in the Far Eastern Region / S.V. Antipov, V.D. Akhunov, V.P. Bilashenko, V.L. Vysotsky, D.I. Gichev, N.A. Diansky, R.I. Kalinin, N.I. Lysenko, A.A. Sarkisov, A.S. Sarkisyan, Yu.V. Sivintsev, P.A. Shvedov, Yu.P. Shulgan; edited by A.A. Sarkisov, Academician of RAS; Nuclear Safety Institute of RAS (IBRAE RAN). — M., 2010. — 388 p.   ISBN 978-5-9907220-3-3.

Gauge approach and quantization methods in gravity theoryGauge approach and quantization methods in gravity theory

V. N. Ponomarev, A. O. Barvinsky, Yu. N. Obukhov 

The book gives an overview of the geometrical gauge approach to the gravity theory and the methods of quantization of the gravitational field. 

Bibliographical reference 

Gauge approach and quantization methods in gravity theory / Ponomarev V. N., Barvinsky A. O., Obukhov Yu. N. ; Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences — Ì. : Nauka, 2017. — 360 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-040047-4 (bound). DOI 10.17513/np.288.

The problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. Volume 3. DecommissioningThe problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. Volume 3. Decommissioning

Edited by  L.A. Bolshov, N.P. Laverov, I.I. Linge

The final volume of the three-volume monograph "Problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solution" is brought to reader’s attention. The volume covers the final stage of life cycle of nuclear facilities, namely decommissioning. 

Bibliographic reference:
The problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. Decommissioning. — Edited by L.A. Bolshov, N.P. Laverov, I.I. Linge. — Moscow: 2015 — 316 p. — V.3.

The problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. Volume 2. Development of radioactive waste management system in RussiaThe problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. Volume 2. Development of radioactive waste management system in Russia


Edited by  L.A. Bolshov, N.P. Laverov, I.I. Linge

The second volume of the three-volume monograph "Problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solution" covers a detailed analisys of the problems of radioactive waste management. The reader will find here a significant factual material on comparison of the risks associated with radioactive waste and conventional production and consumption wastes and the best practices in the RW management.

Bibliographic reference:  

The problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. Volume 2. Development of radioactive waste management system in Russia. — Edited by L.A. Bolshov, N.P. Laverov, I.I. Linge. — Moscow: 2013 — 392 p. — V.2.

The problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. Volume 1The problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. Volume 1


Edited by A.M. Agapov, L.A. Bolshov, E.V. Evstratov, N.P. Laverov, I.I. Linge

The first volume of the three-volume monograph "Problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solution" from new series “Nuclear science and industry” deals with the formation of problems of nuclear legacy in the defense and peace areas, assesses the scale of these problems, and analyzes the ways for their phased solution and mechanisms that prevent their reproduction in the future.

Bibliographic reference:  

The problems of the nuclear legacy and the ways of their solutions. — Edited by A.M. Agapov, L.A. Bolshov, E.V. Evstratov, N.P. Laverov, I.I. Linge. — Moscow: 2012 — 356 p. — V.1.

Special Radioactive WasteSpecial Radioactive Waste

A.A. Abramov, I.I. Linge, A.N. Dorofeev, A.A. Samoylov, S.S. Utkin, M.V. Vedernikova, V.I. Dorogov

Nuclear Legacy of the Cold War at the Arctic Bottom. Radio-ecological, technical and economic problems of radiation rehabilitation of the seasNuclear Legacy of the Cold War at the Arctic Bottom. Radio-ecological, technical and economic problems of radiation rehabilitation of the seas

A.A. Sarkisov, Yu.V. Sivintsev, V.L. Vysotskiy, V.S. Nikitin

Systematic information on nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities, sunken and submerged in the seas of the North-West Arctic, is presented in the book. The data on the current radio-ecological conditions in the places of facility flooding and the forecast of their changes are given. A state of protective barriers which prevent radionuclides ingress into marine environment and their expected access to the sea water in case of long-term presence of facilities at the bottom is assessed. The main directions and methods of restoration of marine areas are discussed, and the costs of its implementation are estimated. The capabilities of recycling at the enterprises of Northwest region, including management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, and their disposal are discussed.

The book is intended for experts in the field of radiation safety and environmental protection, radioecology and oceanography, as well as those dealing with the consequences of flooding of radioactive waste and wreck of nuclear submarines in the oceans.

Bibliographical reference 

Nuclear Legacy of the Cold War at the Arctic Bottom. Radio-ecological, technical and economic problems of radiation rehabilitation of the seas / A.A. Sarkisov, Yu.V. Sivintsev, V.L. Vysotskiy, V.S. Nikitin ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Ì., 2015. — 699 p. — ISBN 978-5-9907220-0-2 (bound).

Fast Breeder Reactor KineticsFast Breeder Reactor Kinetics

E. F. Seleznev

The monographers describes the algorithms and the results of solving nonstationary problems of nuclear reactor theory, as applied to the fast breeder reactors, in particular the direct and inverse problems of reactor kinetics, including both the direct solution of the spatial kinetics, and various approximations, up to the point kinetics, with demonstration problems of the latter. Assesses the use of approximate solutions related to the concept of reactivity. Also presented and the corresponding experimental data. This paper analyzes the algorithms for solving the problem of the kinetics of nuclide, the calculation of decay heat and activity of spent fuel assemblies.

For scientists, engineers and designers who specialize in the modeling of transient processes in nuclear fast breeder reactors.

Bibliographical reference 

Fast Breeder Reactor Kinetics / E. F. Seleznev; ed. by acad. RAS A. A. Sarkisov; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2013. — 239 p. — ISBN 978-5-02-038479-8 (bound).

Nuclear fuel in the «Shelter» encasement of the Chernobyl NPPNuclear fuel in the «Shelter» encasement of the Chernobyl NPP

R. V. Arutyunyan, L. A. Bolshov, A. A. Borovoi, E. P. Velikhov, A. A. Klyuchnikov

The work generalizes and systematizes the results of multi-year studies of damaged nuclear fuel within the «Shelter» encasement. Existing data are assessed from viewpoint of completeness and validity. Methods and means for fuel studies within the «Shelter» and its local zone, models of fuel behavior in accidental conditions of the 4th Unit of the ChNPP (including the models developed and implemented in 1986) and fuel behavior during the «Shelter» transformation are presented in the book chapters.

This work is dedicated to workers of research and design institutes, lecturers of high school, engineers of power industry as well as general public interesting in safety of nuclear energy.

Bibliographical reference 

Nuclear fuel in the «Shelter» encasement of the Chernobyl NPP / R. V. Arutyunyan, L. A. Bolshov, A. A. Borovoi, E. P. Velikhov, A. A. Klyuchnikov. — M. : Nauka, 2010. — 240 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-037465-2 (bound).

Fundamental problems in modeling of turbulent and two-phase flows, vol. 1Fundamental problems in modeling of turbulent and two-phase flows, vol. 1

The book presents the results of investigations obtained at the Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. These works were performed under the Program of Basis Research of the Energy, Engineering Industry, Mechanics and Management Problems Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The investigations are aimed at development of theoretical, experimental, and numerical methods of modelling of various turbulent and two-phase flows. The assumed target for specialists and students

Bibliographical reference

Fundamental problems in modeling of turbulent and two-phase flows : 2 vol. / Ed. by À. À. Sarkisov and G. À. Filippov. — Moscow: Nauka, 2010. — ISBN 978-5-02-037475-1 Vol. 1 : Theory and experiment. — 2010. — 304 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-037476-8 (bound).

Fundamental problems in modeling of turbulent and two-phase flows vol. 2Fundamental problems in modeling of turbulent and two-phase flows vol. 2

The book presents the results of investigations obtained at the Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. These works were performed under the Program of Basis Research of the Energy, Engineering Industry, Mechanics and Management Problems. The investigations are aimed at development of theoretical, experimental, and numerical methods of modeling of various turbulent and two-phase flows. The assumed target for specialists and students in the field of modeling of turbulent
flows, multiphase media and aerosol mechanics.

Bibliographical reference

Fundamental problems in modeling of turbulent and two-phase flows : 2 vol. / Ed. by À. À. Sarkisov and G. À. Filippov. — Moscow: Nauka, 2010. — ISBN 978-5-02-037475-1 Vol. 2 : Numerical Modeling. — 368 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-037477-5 (bound).

Fundamental problems in modeling of turbulent and two-phase flows, vol. 3Fundamental problems in modeling of turbulent and two-phase flows, vol. 3

The book presents the results of investigations obtained at the Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. These works were performed under the Program of Basis Research of the Energy, Engineering Industry, Mechanics and Management Problems Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The investigations are aimed at development of theoretical, experimental, and numerical methods of modelling of various turbulent and two-phase flows. The book coves a wide range of physical phenomena: undersonic and transonic flows laden with aerosol particles, droplets and bubbles; homogeneous, jet, and wall-bounded turbulence; heat-and-mass transfer at phase transitions; formation of coherent structures and clustering of particles in turbulent flows; anomalous transport of admixture in strongly inhomogeneous media. The book is assigned for students and specialists

Bibliographical reference

Fundamental problems in modeling of turbulent and two-phase flows: Vol. 3 / Ed. by À. À. Sarkisov and G. À. Filippov. — Moscow : ÑomTechPrint, 2012. — 487 p. : ill.— ISBN 978-5-903511-32-7 (bound).

Modeling of migration of radioactive substances in surface waterModeling of migration of radioactive substances in surface water

A. V. Nosov, A. L. Krylov, V. P. Kiselev, S. V. Kazakov

The monograph is scientific and methodological guide for the development of models for radionuclide migration in water medium objects and for prediction of aquatic ecosystem contamination levels. The main processes and parameters of radionuclide migration in water objects are discussed. Domestically developed and foreign models are addressed as well.

This guide is invented for university students and post-graduates as well as for scientists involved in modeling of water reservoir radioactive contamination.

Bibliographical reference 

Modeling of migration of radioactive substances in surface water/ A. V. Nosov, A. L. Krylov, V. P. Kiselev, S. V. Kazakov; ed. by R. V. Arutyunyan ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. – Moscow : Nauka, 2010. – 253 p. :ill. - ISBN978-5-02-037465-2 (bound)

Neutron-physical Processes in Fast Reactors with Liquid-metal CoolantsNeutron-physical Processes in Fast Reactors with Liquid-metal Coolants

À. À. Sarkisov , V. N. Puchkov

The key mechanisms of interactions between neutrons and nuclei of multiplicating medium, the conditions of criticality attainment and the neutron-field characteristics in fast reactors are addressed. The impact of the temperature reactivity effect on reactoroperation stability is analyzed. The kinetics of fast neutron multiplication and the processes of nuclear fuel burnup and breeding are considered. The emphasis is placed on the physics of the processes going on in fast reactors.

The book is intended for students and post-graduate students, engineers and technicians specializing in nuclear power engineering.

Bibliographical reference 

Neutron-physical Processes in Fast Reactors with Liquid-metal Coolants [in Russian] / À. À. Sarkisov , V. N. Puchkov ; ed. by Acad. À. À. Sarkisov ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2011. — 168 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-037973-2 (bound).

Anomalous Radionuclide Diffusion in Highly Heterogeneous Geological  FormationsAnomalous Radionuclide Diffusion in Highly Heterogeneous Geological Formations

V. M. Goloviznin, P. S. Kondratenko, L. V. Matveev et al.

In the monograph some of the most perspective physical and mathematical models that were investigated at NSI RAS in the framework of new technique development for safety evaluation of radioactive waste disposal in geological formations are presented. In order to describe nonclassical anomalous radionuclide transport in highly eterogeneous porous media the models of fractional diffusion, stochastic advection, diffusion in percolation cluster, etc. are suggested. Computational methods and results of numerical calculations are given. In addition, a review of field and laboratory experiment results is presented.

The assumed target for specialists and students in the field of modelling of safety evaluation of radioactive waste.

Bibliographical reference 

Anomalous Radionuclide Diffusion in Highly Heterogeneous Geological Formations [in Russian] / V. M. Goloviznin, P. S. Kondratenko, L. V. Matveev et al. ; ed. by L. A. Bolshov ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2010. — 342 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-037607-6 (bound).

Geostatistics: theory and practiceGeostatistics: theory and practice

V.V. Demyanov, E.A. Savelyeva

The monograph details the methods of geostatistics and related sections of spatial modeling. The presentation of theory is accompanied by examples of the use of models in various fields: ecology, geology, hydrogeology, oil production, energy, fish stock assessment, etc. The concluding section outlines the main directions for development of modern geostatistical theory. The publication can be used as a textbook. The material is presented with a gradual complication. To consolidate the knowledge obtained, the questions and exercises are given. The book includes applications that allow you to use it as a guide to geostatistics. For scientists, engineers and practitioners interested in the problems of spatial data analysis, for students (geologists, geographers, soil scientists, geophysicists, biologists, oil workers, sociologists, etc.).

Bibliographic information

Geostatistics: Theory And Practice / V.V. Demyanov, E.A. Savelyeva, edited by R.V. Arutyunyan Â. Â. Nuclear Safety Institute of RAS (IBRAE RAN). — M. : Nauka, 2010. — 327 p. — ISBN 978-5-02-037478-2.

Strategic Approaches to Solution of Environmental Problems Related to Decommissioning of Retired Nuclear Fleet in Northwest Russia Strategic Approaches to Solution of Environmental Problems Related to Decommissioning of Retired Nuclear Fleet in Northwest Russia

S. V. Antipov, R. V. Arutyunyan, L. À. Bolshov, V. P. Bilashenko, Å. V. Evstratov, À. À. Zakharchev, G. E. Ilyushchenko, À. P. Vasiliev, V. L. Vysotskiy, R. I. Kalinin, N. Å. Kukharkin, Ì. N. Kobrinskiy, V. S. Nikitin, À. Î. Pimenov, V. N. Puchkov, À. À. Sarkisov, B. S. Stepennov, P. À. Shvedov, and V. À. Shishkin

‘Nauka’ Publishers

Supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project 07-08-13543-ofi_ts), the monograph summarizes the results of many years’ work of the authors as well as of many scientists and specialists from various agencies on safety for decommissioning of radiation-hazardous facilities of the nuclear fleet in Northwest Russia. The attention focuses on the justification and methodology of long-term strategic planning of nuclear submarine complex decommissioning with the task of fast decrease of existing radiation risks, rationalizing operations and reducing the related costs. For the first time in the domestic literature, the concept of ‘Strategic Master Plan’ is formulated, and the basis for its generation is considered including characterization of necessary procedures used in its development.
For professionals in design and lifecycle (including decommissioning) of nuclear power facilities and for a wide range of scientists and experts in strategic planning of various science-and-technology areas.

Bibliographical reference

Strategic Approaches to Solution of Environmental Problems Related to Decommissioning of Retired Nuclear Fleet in Northwest Russia / S. V. Antipov, R. V. Arutyunyan, L. À. Bolshov, V. P. Bilashenko and ets. / ; ed. by acad. RAS A. A. Sarkisov; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2010. — 346 p. — ISBN  978-5-02-037489-8 (bound).

Ensuring the Regulatory and Legal Safety during Decommissioning of Nuclear- and Radiation-Hazardous Facilities of Russian Nuclear FleetEnsuring the Regulatory and Legal Safety during Decommissioning of Nuclear- and Radiation-Hazardous Facilities of Russian Nuclear Fleet

À.I. Iojrysh, À.À. Kozodubov, V.G. Markarov, V.G. Terentiev and À.B. Chopornyak

‘Nauka’ Publishers

The book focuses on analysis of the basic laws; regulations and legal acts of the President and the Government of Russia; and federal rules and regulations related to decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities of Russian nuclear fleet. The international regime for safe use of nuclear energy and environmental safety is analyzed as applied to the processes of complex decommissioning of Russian nuclear fleet and environmental rehabilitation of temporary storage facilities including their terrestrial and aquatic areas. The implementation of requirements and recommendations of international conventions and international organizations into the RF legislation is considered.
For professionals in nuclear, radiation and environmental safety as well as for everyone interested in the problems of legal safety support to decommissioning of nuclear- and radiation-hazardous facilities of Russian nuclear fleet.

Bibliographical reference

Ensuring the Regulatory and Legal Safety during Decommissioning of Nuclear- and Radiation-Hazardous Facilities of Russian Nuclear Fleet / À.I. Iojrysh, À.À. Kozodubov, V.G. Markarov, V.G. Terentiev, À.B. Chopornyak ; ed. by acad. RAS A. A. Sarkisov; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2008. — 204 p. — ISBN 978-5-02-037030-2 (bound).

Bases of the Theory and Operation of Naval Nuclear ReactorsBases of the Theory and Operation of Naval Nuclear Reactors

Acad. À. À. Sarkisov (eds.)

Main neutronics and thermal processes inherent in operation of various-purpose nuclear reactors including naval ones are addressed. The emphasis is made on achieving the maximum logical consistency and revealing the physical meaning of basic laws.
The authors used their more than 40-year experience in research, teaching and writing of widely recognized textbooks and monographs in the field of nuclear power. The information used was updated as of the beginning 2007.
The monograph is intended for professionals in operation of nuclear power installations, as well as for a wide range of adjacent specialists in design, construction and operation of stationary and transport of nuclear power facilities. The book may be also used by university students of related disciplines.

Bibliographical reference 

Bases of the Theory and Operation of Naval Nuclear Reactorsâ /À. À. Sarkisov, L. B. Gusev, R. I. Êalinin ; ed. by  acad. RAS À. À. Sarkisov ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2008. — 397 p. — ISBN 978-5-02-036955-9 (bound).

Approaches and Principles of Radiation Protection of Water BodiesApproaches and Principles of Radiation Protection of Water Bodies

S.V. Kazakov and S.S. Utkin

‘Nauka’ Publishers

The monograph discusses the key approaches to radiation protection of the environment and compares the indices and criteria regulating the quality of water bodies. Two fundamental points are put forward: the need to move from the anthropocentric and environmental principles of regulation to the biospheric approach for radiation protection of the environment; and the need to address integrated water-resource management when regulating radiation quality of water bodies. The application of biospheric approach was demonstrated within the frameworks of the modified hygienic principle that allows resolving most of the contradictions between the anthropocentric and environmental approaches and is much more promising area of developing the environment radiation-protection system compared to the fundamental review of the current paradigms. The developed models enable calculations of permissible single and annual radionuclide effluents and discharges to water bodies taking into account a sophisticated pattern of their redistribution between biotic and abiotic components in aquatic ecosystems.
The book is recommended for radio-ecologists and specialists in regulation of the effects of ionizing radiation.

Bibliographical reference

Approaches and Principles of Radiation Protection of Water Bodies / S.V. Kazakov, S.S. Utkin; by ed. I.I. Linge ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2008. — 381 p. — ISBN 978-5-02-037029-6 (bound).

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