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Projects » Ensuring Nuclear and Radiation Safety


  «Since the establishment of the Institute, one of the key areas of its activities was associated with Chernobyl and included modeling, impact assessment, and support of authorities on the issues related to overcoming of the accident consequences and learning lessons for emergency-response purposes. Since the mid-1990s, the latter direction drew attention not only by foreign customers, but also by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) and Ministry of Atomic Energy (Minatom). The gained experience of assessing the risks associated with the past accidents initiated the interest of individual organizations and Minatom in analysis of the situation in the vicinity of operating facilities; evaluation of the status of nuclear-fuel-cycle facilities; and development of measures to enhance their safety. Since the early 2000s, Rosatom engaged IBRAE RAN to take part in the work on ensuring the safety at the final life-cycle stages of nuclear-fuel-cycle facilities including development of concepts, programs, regulatory documents and recommendations, computational methods and tools for analysis of nuclear, radiation and environmental safety. For about last ten years, IBRAE RAN has been engaged in ensuring the safety of nuclear-legacy facilities; establishment and development of radwaste and Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) management systems; decommissioning of nuclear power facilities; and rendering the administrative, scientific and technical support to the Federal Target Program (FTP) on Nuclear and Radiation Safety».


Igor I. LINGE, 
Dr.Sci.Tech, IBRAE RAN Deputy Director for Information & Analytical Support of Complex Problems of Nuclear and Radiation Safety


Main Activities of IBRAE RAN in the Filed of Nuclear, Radiation and Environmental Safety


  • Development of the concept of the ‘Federal Target Program (FTP) ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety for 2008 and for the period till 2015’;
  • Investigations on long-term safety evaluation of nuclear power and industry facilities, and development on their basis of mathematical methods and algorithms for safety evaluation;
  • Generation of the database for 2500 Nuclear-and Radiation-Hazardous Facilities (NRHF);
  • Development of computer codes for: analysis, calculations and justification of nuclear and radiation safety of facilities; 3D-modeling of radionuclide transport in all media; and calculations of exposure doses, radiation risks and environmental threats;
  • Provision of expert support to federal authorities on legal regulation of nuclear industry and participation in development of federal laws and regulatory documents that determine the national radiation-safety policy;
  • Development, jointly with the “Rosatom” State Corporation, of Federal Laws № 190-FZ ‘On Radioactive Waste Management’, № 170-FZ and № 347-FZ, and justification of national and branch concepts and programs.


25 years of the Institute are marked by the achievement of important scientific and practical results in ensuring the nuclear, radiation and environmental safety of Russia.


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