Publish year: 2015 Pages: 700
| PUBLISHER: Издательство "Юлис"
A.A. Sarkisov, Yu.V. Sivintsev, V.L. Vysotskiy, V.S. Nikitin
Systematic information on nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities, sunken and submerged in the seas of the North-West Arctic, is presented in the book. The data on the current radio-ecological conditions in the places of facility flooding and the forecast of their changes are given. A state of protective barriers which prevent radionuclides ingress into marine environment and their expected access to the sea water in case of long-term presence of facilities at the bottom is assessed. The main directions and methods of restoration of marine areas are discussed, and the costs of its implementation are estimated. The capabilities of recycling at the enterprises of Northwest region, including management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, and their disposal are discussed.
The book is intended for experts in the field of radiation safety and environmental protection, radioecology and oceanography, as well as those dealing with the consequences of flooding of radioactive waste and wreck of nuclear submarines in the oceans.
Bibliographical reference
Nuclear Legacy of the Cold War at the Arctic Bottom. Radio-ecological, technical and economic problems of radiation rehabilitation of the seas / A.A. Sarkisov, Yu.V. Sivintsev, V.L. Vysotskiy, V.S. Nikitin ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — М., 2015. — 699 p. — ISBN 978-5-9907220-0-2 (bound).