Publish year: 2017 Pages: 18
Preprint IBRAE-2017-06
Bakin R.I., et al.
The paper considers the concept of the basic calculation and forecasting system RELTRAN (CFS "R"). The system is developed in the course of the R&D "Establishment of practical methodology for comprehensive safety justification of the nuclear legacy facilities and radioactive waste disposal sites, including the development and implementation of system of codes and calculation and forecasting systems" within the framework of the FTP NRS-2. The system is designed to assess the parameters of atmospheric release, to simulate the atmospheric transport of radioactive substances, to assess the parameters of radiation situation and to determine the need for and effectiveness of countermeasures, and, along with other basic CFSs, is a part of the integrated CFS "M" complex. Based on the purpose and tasks to be solved, the composition of the physical and mathematical models of the complex CFS "R" is determined, and the functional requirements for them are formulated. The necessary initial data sets, functional and program modules, the principles of their operation and information interaction are determined for the functioning of the system.
Bibliographical reference R.I. Bakin, A.V. Zaryanov, A.A. Kiselev, S.N. Krasnoperov, V.P. Merkushov, D.A. Pripachkin, A.M. Shvedov, A.V. Shikin. Calculation and forecasting system RELTRAN for safety analysis of the nuclear legacy facilities. Concept development / Preprint IBRAE-2017-06 — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2017 — 18 p. — Bibliogr: 10 items.
© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017