Language: русский Publish year: 2017 Pages: 35
Preprint IBRAE-2017-01
Cebakovskaya N.S., et al.
The paper introduces the structure of a database designed to store the outputs of the first R&D phase “Development of a Strategic Master Plan Supporting the Safety Case and Safety Assessments for a Deep Geological Disposal Facility for Class 1 and Class 2 RW in the Nizhnekansk massif (Eniseysk area)”. The paper overviews the international experience in the development of databases and information systems used to organize huge arrays of data supporting RW and SNF disposal projects gained during the past decades (USA, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and Japan).
Perspectives for the enhancement of the purposed SMP NKM database were outlined based on this analysis enabling its transformation from a design history file into a comprehensive information system involving three main sub-systems: requirement management sub-system, knowledge management sub-system and R&D management sub-system.
Bibliographical reference
N.S. Cebakovskaya, V.S. Svitelman, In.I. Linge, I.A. Pron, V.Yu.Konovalov. The structure of SMP NKM data base / Preprint IBRAE-2017-1 — Moscow: NSI RAS, 2017 — 35 p. — Bibliogr: 31 items.
© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017