Language: Ðóññêèé Publish year: 2017 Pages: 34
Preprint IBRAE-2017-12
Cebakovskaya N. S., et al.
This paper continues a series of publications summarizing current international experience in the establishment and operation of underground research laboratories and deep geological repositories for spent nuclear fuel and long-lived radioactive waste. This paper overviews current international experience in the establishment and operation of underground research laboratories (URL). The first part introduces international classification of URL types, the key R&D tasks, as well as the changing role of URLs at different stages during the stepwise repository development. The paper provides an example of R&D strategic planning approach developed in the U.S. — repository development matrix comprising rows and columns, where the rows are key activities and the columns are the phases in the repository development timeline from an early research and development phase to later phases such as construction, operations, and closure. The second part provides a general description of R&D performed in four underground research laboratories in granite formations (Switzerland, Sweden, Canada, Finland).
Bibliographical reference
Cebakovskaya N. S., Utkin S. S., Pron I. A., Konovalov V. Yu. International experience in deep geological disposal of SNF and RW. Part 3. International experience in the development and operation of underground research laboratories. Preprint IBRAE-2017-12 — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017 — 34 p. — Bibliogr: 20 items.
© Nuclear Safety Institute, 2017