Publish year: 2019
| Preprint IBRAE-2019-03
I.L. Abalkina, L.A. Bolshov, I.I. Linge, S.S. Utkin, E.A. Saveleva, V.S. Svitelman, I.V. Kapyrin
This paper considers the main aspects of the safety case methodology for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. The paper shows that the required predictive capability associated foremost with the large timeframes is at least does not exceed similar requirements for safety analysis of reactor facilities. The main focus is the analysis of the list of significant for deep geological disposal Features, Events, Processes, development of the relevant evolution scenarios based on this list and corresponding computation tools for their assessment. The associated knowledge management issues are also touched upon.
The material takes into account the best international practices and could benefit a wide range of experts in the area of nuclear fuel cycle long-term safety analysis.
Bibliographical reference
Abalkina I. L., Bolshov L. A., Kapyrin I. V., Linge I. I., Saveleva E. A., Svitelman V. S., Utkin S. S. Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Deep Geological Disposal Long-Term Safety Assessment for 10 000 Years and Over: Methodology and The Current State. Preprint IBRAE-2019-03 — Moscow: Nuclear Safety Institute, 2019 — 40 p. — Bibliogr: 84 items.