ISSUE 3(4)2018
* Translation into English is made to the summary, bibliography, information on authors and bibliography. Translation into English is in the author’s version. |
Cover |
Content |
Authors |
Articles (in Russian) |
Page |
I. USS RW development
Abalkina I.L., Linge I.I. |
Peculiarities of Decommissioning Waste Management |
6 |
II. Disposal of radioactive waste |
Morozov V. N., Tatarinov V. N., Kaftan V. I., Manevich A. I. |
Underground Research Laboratory: Geodynamic and Seismotectonical Aspects of Safety |
16 |
Savkin M. N., Vedernikova M. V., Panchenko S.V. |
Mutual Influence of Non-Human Biota and Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities: Environmental and Engineering Safety |
30 |
Safonov A. V., Zakharova E. V., Nazina T. N., Ponizov A.V., Zubkov A. A. |
Russian Experience on Microbiological Investigation of Groundwater from the Zone of Liquid Radioactive Waste Deep Burial |
39 |
III. Special Radioactive Waste Management |
Gavrilov P. M., Antonenko M. V., Druz D. V., Сhubreev D. O. |
Monitoring the Points of Special RAW Placement at FSUE “MCC” |
50 |
Mokrov Yu. G., Alexakhin A.I. |
Monitoring as the Basis for Ensuring Safety of Karachay Lake Closure Implementation |
60 |
Pavliuk A. O., Kotlyarevskiy S. G., Markov S. A., Shatrov M. V. |
Monitoring of RW Storage Facility Built as a Result of EI-2 Uranium-Graphite Reactor Decommissioning |
69 |
Glynskiy M. L., Glagolev A. V., Kotlov V. F. |
Subsoil Condition Monitoring in Nuclear and Radiation Facilities and the Estimation of Long Term Maintenance Safety Guide |
78 |
IV. Processing, conditioning and transportation of radioactive wast |
Evstigneev V. P., Semenov S. G., Lemus A. V., Chesnokov A. V., Shisha A. D. |
Problems of Temporary Storage of SNF of Research Reactors in At-Reactor Storages |
87 |
V. Models and software for the safety analysis of radioactive waste disposal facilities |
Grigorev F. V., Plenkin A. V., Kapyrin I.V. |
To the Necessity of Taking into Account the Disposal’s Structure Whilst Far Field Waste Input Modeling |
95 |
Remizov M. B., Kozlov P. V., Borisenko V. P., Dementeva I. I., Blokhin P. A., Samoylov A. A. |
Development of an Algorithm for Estimating the Radionuclide Composition of Vitrified HLW of FSUE “PA “Mayak” for the Purpose of Their Safe Disposal |
102 |
VI. News |
Information Report on the Results of the Review of the National Report of the Russian Federationon Compliance with the Obligations of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management |
111 |
Information Report on the Meeting of the Section No.1 “Environmental and Radiation Safety of Long-term RW Storage and Disposal Facilities” of the Scientific and Technical Council No.10 “Ecology and Radiation Safety” of the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” |
113 |
News — Spring 2018 |
114 |
Working Groups of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee of the Nuclear Energy Agency at Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development |
118 |
VII. Editorial (in Russian) |
Editorial Policy of the Journal |
122 |
Requirements to the Article Preparation for Authors |
123 |