Ðóññêèé / English 
Science and Education » Publications » Journal "Arctic: Ecology and Economy"

NO. 3(31) 2018

No. 3(31) 2018

ISSN: 2223-4594
DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-3

In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):

about gas hydrates distribution in the Circum-Arctic region aquatories;
about conceptual principles for creating a polar drifting research platform;
about China’s arctic policy;
about a methodology for constructing underground complexes to dispose of small nuclear power plants in the Arctic conditions;

and about the studies and new technologies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, development of the shipbuilding for the Arctic, solving environmental problems, ensuring economic efficiency and management in the Arctic zone.

At the end of each of the articles of the Journal in the English language are presented: Abstract, References and Information about the authors
Cover and Out Data
Photo on Cover: ©  Rosatomflot
Authors Articles Pages
Column of Editorial Board
  To the IBRAE RAN Anniversary 4
I. Economics and management in the Arctic zone
FauzerV.V., SmirnovA.V. The World’s Arctic: Natural Resources, Population Distribution, Economics 6
II. Ecology

Miskevich I. V.

Ecological aspects of the presence of anomalously high suspended solids concentrations in macro-tidal estuaries of the Arctic zone 23

Netsvetaeva O. P., Makedonskaya I. Yu., Korobov V. B., Zmetnaya M. I.

Dependence of oxygen saturation on the “a” chlorophyll content in the surface layer of the White Sea 31
III. Research activities in the Arctic  
Bogoyavlensky V. I., Yanchevskaya A. S., Bogoyavlensky I. V., Kishankov A. V. Gas hydrates in the Circum-Arctic Region aquatories 42
Kalenova L. F., Melnikov V. P. The cryosphere ecosystems — a source of microorganisms with original biological potential 56
IV. Shipbuilding for the Arctic  
Makarov A. S., Lihomanov V. A., Sokolov V. T., Chernov A. V., Polovinkin V. N., Timofeev O. Ya., Mogutin Yu. B., Simonov Yu. A. Conceptual principles for creating a polar drifting research platform 65
Dobrodeev A. A., Sazonov K. E. Fast-speed escorting of heavy tonnage vessels by icebreakers: researching in ice model tank 76
V. Study and development of natural resources of the Arctic 
Volkov A. V., Sidorov A. A. Forecast-exploration model of gold deposits associated with granitoid intrusions of the Russian Arctic zone 84
Pivovarov K. N., Zolotukhin A. B. Use of multicriteria approach and methods of fuzzy mathematics for estimating development conditions of arctic seas in terms of southeastern part of the Barents Sea 100
Pilyasov A. N. The magnet of globalization — China’s Arctic Policy 112
VI. New technologies for the Arctic
MelnikovN.N. , GusakS.A., AmosovP.V., NaumovV.A., NaumovA.V., OrlovA.O., KliminS.G., SmirnovYu.G. Verification studies on a methodology for constructing underground complexes to dispose small nuclear power plants in the Arctic conditions 123
VII. Regional problems
Nikandrov V. Ya., Pavlisov À. À., Schindavina N. I., Lukin À. À., Golod V. Ì., Lipatova Ì. I. Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.) — a perspective aquaculture object for the North of Russia 137
  Editorial Policy of the Journal 144
  Requirements to the article preparation for authors 145

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