Language: Русский Publish year: 2014 Pages: 21
| Preprint IBRAE-2014-03
Sychugova, E., Seleznev, E.
This volume contains reports presented at the Fifteenth Conference of NSI RAS Young Scientists, held April 24-25, 2014. The authors are students, postgraduate students and young specialists learning and working at the Nuclear Safety Institute as well as participants from other institutes working in adjacent directions. The presented reports cover the most part of scientific activity aspects of the Institute. They are devoted to the problem of severe accidents at NPP, ecological problems, numerical modeling methods, probabilistic safety analysis, information technologies, and economics of energy industry.
Bibliographical reference
Sychugova, E., Seleznev, E. DISCONTINUOUS FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR SOLVING THE SN TRANSPORT EQUATION ON UNSTRUCTURED TETRAHEDRAL GRIDS — (Preprint / Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, 2014, № IBRAE-2014-03). — Moscow : NSI RAS, 2014. — 21 p. — Refs.: 14 items.