Language: Английский Publish year: 1991 Pages: 51
| Preprint IBRAE-1991-17
Arutjunjan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Varenkov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Kanukova V.D., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F , Chudanov V.V., Shipovskikh T.A.
Thermophysics of SURC-4 experiments on molten core concrete interaction studies is analysed by means of CORCON and RASPLAV codes. The main attention is payed for modeling of heat losses in the specific one dimensional experimental geometry. The experimental and calculated results are compared. It is shown that chemical heat production play important role in this experiment and to reach good agreement it is necessary to consider carefully the zirconium chemistry in melt.
Bibliographical reference
Arutjunjan R.V., Bolshov L.A., Varenkov V.V., Goloviznin V.M., Kanukova V.D., Popkov A.G., Strizhov V.F , Chudanov V.V., Shipovskikh T.A. MODELING OF SURC-4 EXPERIMENTS THERMOHYDROLICS. - Preprint N 17. Institute of Nuclear Safety Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Moscow. 1991. 51 p. – Refs. 7 items.