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Science and Education » Publications » Journal «Radioactive waste»


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Issue 4(17) 2021Issue 4(17) 2021

In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):

about Training of Specialists for Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning in the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Technology;
about Magnesium Immobilization Matrices for LRW of a Complex Chemical Composition;
about Scientific and Design Aspects in the Development of Near-Surface Disposal Facilities for Low-and Intermediate-Level Waste;
about Method for the Coextraction of Actinides and Technetium from Aqueous Solutions for Radiological Monitoring Purposes;
about Challenges Faced under the IAEA’s Project Global Status of Decommissioning;

and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.

Issue 3(16) 2021Issue 3(16) 2021

In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):

about On the Training of Specialists for Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning in the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Technology;
about Assessing the Mobility of Clay Materials Used in the Construction of Engineered Safety Barriers for Radioactive Waste Disposal;
about Interpretation of Groundwater Inflow Testing from Imperfect Wells in Low-Permeable Rock Mass;
about Research on the St3 Carbon Steel Corrosion in the Presence of Microorganisms Isolated from the Groundwater at the Yeniseiskiy Site;

and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.

Issue 2(15) 2021Issue 2(15) 2021

In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):

about the challenge associated with the final stage of irradiated graphite management from water-graphite NPP reactor units;
about method for radioactive waste disposal in underground mines;
about the selection of a method allowing to evaluate the sensitivity of a model to its parameters within the safety Assessment of RW disposal facilities;
about assessment of requirements to the geological environment for the subsoil siting of a radioactive waste disposal facility in deep geological formations;

and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.

Issue 1(14) 2021Issue 1(14) 2021

In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):

about experience in the Development and Operation of Facilities for Primary Characterization of Waste from Nuclear Facilities;
about materials and Technologies Providing Radical Improvement of RW Storage Facility Waterproofing Capacities;
about evolution of the Repository in Nizhnekanskiy Massif under the Influence of Climatic Factors;
about mesh Generation for Radioactive Waste Management Tasks;

and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.

Issue 4(13) 2020Issue 4(13) 2020

In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):

about state-of-art in the improvement of industrial waste management with radionuclide levels not complying with radioactive waste assignment criteria;
about dismantlement of building structures in MR reactor hall;
about conditioning of solid radioactive waste using cement matrix;

and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.

Issue 3(12) 2020Issue 3(12) 2020

In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):

about the International Legal Regulation Framework for Radioactive Waste Management in the Russian Federation
about System Approach to the Selection of Safety Barriers for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste Class 3 and 4;
about Methods for Measuring the Radiation Characteristics of Waste;
about the Concept of Large-scale Thermomechanical URL Experiments in the Nizhnekanskiy Rock Massif.

and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.

Issue 2(11) 2020Issue 2(11) 2020

In this issue of the Journal you can read:

about decommissioning radioactive waste storage facilities of FSUE RosRAO’s Murmansk department branch in the North-Western territorial district;
about scientific and design aspects of liquid radioactive waste vitrification from nuclear power plants with WWER-1200 reactor units;
about potential of a “Digital Twin” technology for the purposes of research in the Nizhnekanskiy Rock Mass underground research laboratory;

and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.

Issue 1(10) 2020Issue 1(10) 2020

In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):

about underground research laboratory in the Nizhnekanskiy massif: evolutionary design study;
about buffer properties of bentonite barrier systems for radioactive waste isolation in geological repository in the Nizhnekanskiy massif;
about development of an integral digital model of FSUE “RADON” radioactive waste management facility for strategic decision-making;

and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.

Issue 4(9) 2019Issue 4(9) 2019

In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):

about the ideas on expanding the RW management system to cover industrial waste containing man-made radionuclides;
about assessing the state of the geological environment at the Yeniseyskiy site (Krasnoyarsk region);
about decontamination of soil contaminated by uranium using hydroseparation method with further reagent treatment of fractions;

and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.

Issue 3(8) 2019Issue 3(8) 2019

In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):

about workflow for the regulatory basis development in the realm of RW management;
about nuclear safety of disposal facilities for radioactive waste containing fissile nuclear materials;
about source term assessment software for atmospheric releases of radioactive gases and aerosols;

and about recent scientific researches on processing, conditioning, transportation, disposal of radioactive waste, international cooperation and more.

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