JOURNAL "ARCTIC: ECOLOGY AND ECONOMY"pages: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] | show all  | Volume 14, No.4, 2024
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Dangerous gas-saturated objects on the Arctic shelf of Eastern Siberia, the Far East of Russia and Alaska; about Increased storm activity in the eastern sector of the Russian Arctic; about Formation of technogenic hydrochemical flows during the development of tin deposits in the Arctic regions of Yakutia; about Methodology for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from Arctic shipping;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
|  | Volume 14, No.3, 2024
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Development monitoring of the C22 gas blowout Doublet object on Yamal peninsula using remote sensing data; about Ecological problems of the Russian Arctic Zone on the example of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area; about Assessing the scale of wind energy rational use in remote areas of the eastern Russian Arctic; about Power capacity of a supership for operating in the Eastern part of the Arctic;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
|  | Volume 14, No.2, 2024
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Explosive degassing of the Earth on the Yamal Peninsula and the adjacent Kara Sea; about Preferential treatment effectiveness for enterprises of the Russian Arctic; about Assessment of the impact of accumulated harm objects in the Arctic on the natural environment components; about Ethnic potential for the formation of human resources in the Russian Arctic;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
|  | Volume 14, No.1, 2024
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Activity and isotopic composition of radionuclides accumulated in the FNPP reactors during the full lifecycle; about Promising lead and zinc ore districts in the Arctic zone of Russia; about Public perception of hydrological risks and flood damage mitigation practices in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia); about Ice cellars preservation technologies to ensure sustainable development of northern settlements;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
|  | Volume 13, No.4, 2023
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Distribution of subsea permafrost (frozen ground) in the Laptev Sea; about Resource base of therapeutic mineral waters in the Komi Republic; about Possibility of extending the service life of winter roads using renewable energy sources; about Organization of transport services for the population of the Russian Arctic remote areas;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
|  | Volume 13, No.3, 2023
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about New data on intensive Earth degassing in the Arctic in the north of Western Siberia; about Construction of the Barents-Kara mineral resource center for non-ferrous metals taking into account the development of sea communications; about Assessment of environmental safety and energy security for the development options of heat supply to a settlement in the Arctic; about The ways of combining nature conservation and recreation activities in the Arctic;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
|  | Volume 13, No.2, 2023
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Dangerous gas-saturated objects in the World Ocean; about Wildfires as a source of black carbon in the Arctic; about Problem-solving technique for transporting aviation fuel to remote airfields in the Arctic region; about Changes in the ice situation on the Northern Sea Route depending on the movement of the Solar system planets;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
|  | Volume 13, No.1, 2023
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about the Biome differentiation in the Russian Arctic; about Wind resources of the Western sector of the Arctic zone of Russian Federation; about Ice impact on the rockfill of port facilities; about the Dairy farming development in the Arctic zone;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
|  | Volume 12, No.4, 2022
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Climate changes in river flow and precipitation in the White Sea Region; about Compression of the ice cover in the Pechora Sea and its impact on marine operations; about Selection of the priority option for a floating power unit; about Determinants of demographic processes in the Russian Arctic;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
|  | Volume 12, No.3, 2022
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Monitoring of the methane concentration changes in the Arctic atmosphere in 2019—2021; about Prospects of using nuclear power technologies in the Arctic; about State support for agriculture in the Russian Arctic regions; about Methods for ensuring environmental safety in waste disposal in hard-to-reach areas of the Arctic zone;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
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