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Proceedings of IBRAE RAS, Issue 17:  Chernobyl and Fukushima. Unsolved problemsProceedings of IBRAE RAS, Issue 17: Chernobyl and Fukushima. Unsolved problems

Ed. by L. A. Bolshov

The collection highlights issues related to the difficulties encountered in solving the problems of finally overcoming the consequences of the two largest radiation accidents in history — Chernobyl and Fukushima.
The authors of the collection pay special attention to the analysis and prediction of the possible behavior of nuclear and radiation-hazardous fuel-containing materials (TCM) located inside the Shelter facility in the destroyed 4th block of the Chernobyl NPP and formed as a result of the accident at the Fukushima-1 NPP, as well as current problems related to the need for the speedy disposal of huge volumes of radioactive water accumulated at the Fukushima-1 NPP industrial site in the period from 2011 to the present.

Bibliographical reference:

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS /Ed. by L. A. Bolshov; Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN). — Moscow, 2007 — .
Issue 17: Chernobyl and Fukushima. Unsolved problems / Borovoy A.A., Gavrilov S.L., Krasnoperov S.N., Khvoshchinsky V.A. ; Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences — Ì. : 2024. — 152 p. : ill —
ISBN 978-5-907375-16-1 (bound).

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS, Issue 16:  Models and methods for calculation of multidimensional two-phase flows in the presence of surface tension forcesProceedings of IBRAE RAS, Issue 16: Models and methods for calculation of multidimensional two-phase flows in the presence of surface tension forces

Ed. by L. A. Bolshov

An overview of current status numerical modeling of compressible multiphase flows for nuclear industry applications is reviewed. Also numerical methodology for modeling of complex shock-wave processes in two-phase media in the presence of surface tension forces is presented. The methodology allows to model phenomena of boiling, evaporation and condensation by means of the method of discrete equations using the HLLC solver for aligning the temperature and Gibbs, taking into account peculiarities two-phase problems. The method is implemented in the form of a three-dimensional parallel code that can be used for calculations on clusters, for example “Lomonosov” (Moscow State University, Moscow). The features of the developed technique and its advantages in a comparison with others are discussed. Examples of its application to solve specific problems are demonstrated.
For students, postgraduates and specialists in the field of numerical methods for solving differential equations of mathematical physics.

Bibliographical reference:

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS / Ed. by L. A. Bolshov; Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN). — Moscow, 2007— . Issue 16: Models and methods for calculation of multidimensional two-phase flows in the presence of surface tension forces / Aksenova A. E., Leonov A. A., Makarevich A. A., Chudanov V. V. — 2016. — 368 p.

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS, Issue 15:  Development of Emergency Response and Radiation Monitoring SystemsProceedings of IBRAE RAS, Issue 15: Development of Emergency Response and Radiation Monitoring Systems

Ed. by L. A. Bolshov, R. V. Arutyunyan

A 10-year IBRAE RAN experience in the field of development and establishment of radiation emergency response systems and radiation monitoring systems is described and summarized in the present collection. The principles of modeling and construction of forecast systems to assess radiation situation parameters and decision-making support systems on the population protection in case of radiation emergency are described. The issues of preparation and conduct of exercises and drills aimed at enhancement of emergency preparedness are discussed. The facility-level and territorial radiation monitoring systems are described along with the principles of their construction, used measuring equipment and software, and data transfer systems.
For students, post-graduate students and personnel engaged in emergency preparedness and response activity.

Bibliographical reference

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS / Ed. by L. A. Bolshov ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2007— . Issue 15 : Development of Emergency Response and Radiation Monitoring Systems /
Ed. by R. V. Arutyunyan. — 2013. — 315 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-039111-6 (bound).

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS, Issue 14: Methods of direct numerical simulation in two-phase mediaProceedings of IBRAE RAS, Issue 14: Methods of direct numerical simulation in two-phase media

Ed. by L. A. Bolshov

The two-phase compressible flows numerical models equipped with Godunov method, using the precise or approximate Riemann solvers, are considered for calculations of shock-wave processes in twophase mixtures.

The method to improve the robustness of numerical algorithm for mechanical equilibrium two-phase model, using pressure non equilibrium model with relaxation, is explained. Two different numerical approaches to simulate evaporation and condensation phenomena underneath from process intensity and velocity, using reactive Riemann solver or special relaxation procedure for temperatures and chemical potentials of two-phase mixture components, are discussed.

The issue is intended for students, post-graduate students and specialists in numerical methods for
solving differential equations of mathematical physics.

Bibliographical reference

Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2007— .  Issue 14 : Methods of direct numerical simulation in two-phase media / À. À. Leonov, V. V. Chudanov, À. Å. Aksenova. — 2013. — 197 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-038150-6 (bound).

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS Issue 13 : Accident at «Fukushima-1» npp: response experience and lessonsProceedings of IBRAE RAS Issue 13 : Accident at «Fukushima-1» npp: response experience and lessons

Ed. by L. A. Bolshov, R. V. Arutyunyan

In this book, we present the results of evaluation and prediction of the accident development at the "Fukushima-1" NPP and its radiation consequences for the population and territories of Japan and Russia completed immediately following March 11, 2011, within the acute period. Predictions are compared against the actual data as of the end of 2012. Aimed at the experts in the problems of NPP safety, radiation safety, and protection of the population and territories. Recommended for students and postgraduates.

Bibliographical reference

Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2007— .Issue 13 : Accident at «Fukushima-1» npp: response experience and lessons [in Russian] / Ed. by R. V. Arutyunyan. — 2013. — 246 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-038468-2 (bound).

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS Issue 12: Integral Codes Development and Application for NPP Safety AnalisisProceedings of IBRAE RAS Issue 12: Integral Codes Development and Application for NPP Safety Analisis

Ed. by L. A. Bolshov, R. V. Arutyunyan

This collection of papers includes materials dealing with simulation of various aspects of off-normal processes in the course of severe accidents using integral computational codes. Basic models being elements of the SOCRAT integral code are provided which describe the processes occurring at severe damages of reactor core. Examples practical application of integral computational codes for safety analysis at nuclear power plants with VVER are cited.

The assumed target for the issue are students and specialists in simulation radioecology of off-normal processes.

Bibliographical reference

Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2007— .  Issue 12 : Integral Codes Development and Application for NPP Safety Analisis [in Russian] / Ed. by R. V. Arutyunyan. — 2011. — 304 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-037971-8 (bound).

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS Issue 11: Radioecology IssuesProceedings of IBRAE RAS Issue 11: Radioecology Issues

Ed. by L. A. Bolshov, I. I. Linge

Materials reflect results of fundamental investigations and application studies in the field of assessment and regulation of human and environment radiation impact, development of strategies of application and effectiveness analysis of rehabilitation actions, mathematical modeling of migration of radioactive substances.

The assumed target for the issue are students and specialists in radioecology.

Bibliographical reference

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS / Ed. by L. A. Bolshov ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2007— . Issue 11 : Radioecology Issues / Ed. by I. I. Linge. — 2009. — 444 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-037457-7 (bound).

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS Issue 10: Safety and Reliability of the GasTransport SystemProceedings of IBRAE RAS Issue 10: Safety and Reliability of the GasTransport System

Ed. by L.A. Bolshov, V.M. Goloviznin

This issue is devoted to the problems of reliability and safety of gas industry ob jects providing. These problems have much in common with ones in nuclear indus try and this allows to use the same methods and approaches. The one of the most important problems discussing in the articles in this issue is the problem of detecting and control of natural gas leakage at different elements of process flow sheet. A set of original methods for solving these problems has been developed by authors. Some of them are realized in computer codes and are used in practice.

The issue should be interested for students and specialists on analyses and as sessment od industry reliability and safety.

Bibliographical reference

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS / Ed. by L.A. Bolshov ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2007— . Issue 10 : Safety and Reliability of the GasTransport System / Ed. by V.M. Goloviznin. — 2009. — 143 p. : ill. — ISBN 9785020374553 (bound).

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS Issue 9: Modeling of Radionuclide Transport in the EnvironmentProceedings of IBRAE RAS Issue 9: Modeling of Radionuclide Transport in the Environment

Ed. by L.A. Bolshov, R.V. Arutunjan

This issue is devoted to modeling of atmospheric dispersion of pollutions including radioactive ones in gas and/or aerosol form. Atmospheric modeling is widely used now for predicions of radiation situation for decision support in crisis situation and for safety analysis in projecting and licensing process.

The topics of articles correspond to main approaches to atmospheric transport modeling for various conditions and scales. Some of described methods form the basis of computer codes used in practice. The NOSTRADAMUS code was certified by the Russian regulatory service and used in NPP safety analysis and licensing.

The assumed target for the issue are students and specialists in atmospheric transport and radiation safety.

Bibliographical reference

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS / Ed. by L. A. Bolshov ; Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2007— .
Issue 9 : Modeling of Radionuclide Transport in the Environment [in Russian] / Ed. by R. V. Arutunjan. — 2008. — 229 p. : ill. — ISBN 978- 5-02-036954-2 (bound).

Proceedings of IBRAE RAS, Issue 8: Free convection and heat transfer in fluids with internal heat  sources heterogeneous mediaProceedings of IBRAE RAS, Issue 8: Free convection and heat transfer in fluids with internal heat sources heterogeneous media

Ed. by L. A. Bolshov

The results of investigations of free convection in heat-generating fluid are presented. The works were performed at Nuclear Safety Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences under the program of severe accidents at NPP’s. The collection consists of 13 papers. In the first seven papers, classification of heat-transfer regimes, integral regularities for heat flux to the boundary, dependence of free convection on cavity geometry and heat source distribution are obtained. In addition, a model is developed and numerical calculations are conducted for two-phase flow in porous heat-generating media. In the next five papers, turbulent convection, heat transfer from a stratified melt, heating up and melting of core, and corium-concrete interactions are modeled using modern CFD-codes. In the last paper thermodynamic model is developed for phase stratification of multicomponent fluid with internal heat sources.

The assumed target for the issue are students and specialists in heat and mass transfer phenomena.

Bibliographical reference

Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) RAS. — Moscow : Nauka, 2007— . Issue 8 : Free convection and heat transfer in fluids with internal heat sources heterogeneous media / Ed. by L.A. Bolshov. — 2008. — 223 p. : ill. — ISBN 978-5-02-036953-5 (bound)


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