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IAEA Fukushima Comprehensive Report

The IBRAE RAN specialist, Kirill Dolganov, took part in development of the comprehensive report analysing the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident (IAEA Fukushima Comprehensive Report), published for the 59th session of the IAEA General Conference.

The report represents the most comprehensive and detailed collection of information about the occurred accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. The report consists of the Report of the IAEA Director General, Mr. J.Amano, and five technical volumes with the following information: the actual information; analysis of reasons and consequences of the accident; estimation of radioactive release and radioactivity distribution in the environment and impact on the population and biosphere; the human factor; the questions related to interdepartmental and intrabranch interaction in Japan at the moment of the accident; emergency response; the lessons learnt; review of papers devoted the of reorganisation of regulatory organizations in Japanese nuclear branch and reassessment of NPP safety in Japan as of March, 2015, and other questions connected with the accident.

From the first days of the accident, the IBRAE experts carried out calculations on situation evolution for various power units and assessed the possible radioactive contamination. Kirill Dolganov was a member of the working group responsible for the volume 1 «Description and Context of the Accident». The area of his responsibility included section 1.4 («Radionuclide Inventory and Releases»). This section included: the calculated estimations of the fission product (FP) accumulation in the fuel by the time of the accident and results of calculations using the module BONUS; analysis of possible ways of radioactive FP releases to environment during the accident; analysis of conformity of the measurement data on the dose rate along the perimeter of the NPP site to the events occurred at the power units; state-of-the-art review of the results of atmospheric emission modelling (including express estimations made by IBRAE RAN), as well as assessment of sedimentation and various dumps to the ocean.

The IAEA Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security Mr. Denis Flory sent to IBRAE RAN a letter of thanks, where he expressed to Dr Kirill Dolganov a sincere appreciation for his valuable contribution to preparation of the IAEA Fukushima Comprehensive Report of the IAEA Director General and technical volumes with the analysis of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP.



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