INSTITUTE NEWS11.04.2014On April 10 IBRAE RAN received the representatives from the Atomic Energy Commission and the Universities of Nigeria The meeting attended the IBRAE RAN staffs: L.G. Shpinkova, A.E. Kiselev, S.N. Krasnopyorov, E.M. Melikhova, T.A. Dolgova, I.G. Obukhov, and the guests: Ayoade Oludayo Ku, nuclear expert of the Center for Energy Studies at the Port Harcourt University, Dunah Abafoni Jackson, assistant director of the Atomic Energy Commission of Nigeria, Oniemaechi Ofodile, department head of Atomic Energy Commission of Nigeria, Ebisu Agueda, chief scientist of Atomic Energy Commission of Nigeria, Francis Ibitoye, chief specialist of the Center for Nuclear Research and Development at the Obafemi Awolowo University, A.V. Goncharova, specialist of ROSATOM-CICE&T international activities department, and D.E. Skripnikov, interpreter
During the meeting the IBRAE RAN main areas of R&D were presented to the Nigerian specialists: • Main activities of IBRAE RAN (L.G. Shpinkova); • Codes for severe accident analysis for nuclear power plants with VVER (A.E. Kiselev); • Analysis of the long-term risks in the field of nuclear and radiation safety and communication problems with the public in risk assessment (E.M. Melikhova); • IBRAE RAN activities in emergency response (S.N. Krasnopyorov). The Nigerian delegation visited the IBRAE RAN Technical Crisis Centre. IBRAE RAN experts emphasized the possibility of using the developed at IBRAE RAN codes to train specialists and recounted the experiences of foreign students training (from Vietnam) on the basis of ROSATOM-CICE&T. During the presentations, questions were asked, mainly related to the possibility of teaching the students, starting from the initial stage of higher education (bachelor’s degree), and internship at IBRAE RAN, as well as the opportunity to get codes or demo codes for training students at the universities. As far as SOCRATES code it was recommended to contact Rosatom SC. Nigerian delegation was provided with the IBRAE RAN contact data if additional information was needed.