INSTITUTE NEWS27.03.2014Academician Ashot A. Sarkisov was awarded the "Global Energy" PrizeEminent expert in the field of shipboard nuclear energy safety problems, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ashot Sarkisov was awarded the International Energy Prize "Global Energy" for 2014, and he shared the award with Swedish scientist Lars Larsson.
Names of the winners were named on Thursday at the Moscow press conference. Sarkisov and Larsson were honored for their outstanding contribution to the development of nuclear energy, its safety enhancement and solving the radiation- environmental challenges of the Arctic zone.

Ashot Sarkisov developed the theory of dynamic processes in the extreme situations typical for the operation of shipboard power installations, including severe external impacts. He took part in the studies, which enabled to improve qualitatively the performance of nuclear power installations (NPI) and enhance the combat effectiveness of domestic Navy ships. Sarkisov led the extensive research to develop a strategic master plan for dismantlement of decommissioned nuclear submarines, surface ships with NPI, civilian nuclear ships, as well as environmental rehabilitation of infrastructure in Russian North-West and the Far East. Over 30 years Sarkisov is heading scientific school created by him on the dynamics and safety of shipboard NPIs. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Vice Admiral (retired) Sarkisov was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I and II degrees, three Orders of the Red Star, the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces" III degree, Orders "Badge of Honor", Honor, "For merits before Fatherland" III and IV degrees. He was awarded the Alexandrov Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The team of scientists from several research centers in Russia, led by Sarkisov was previously honored with the governmental prize on science and technology in 2013 for the development of scientific and technical bases and information and analytical support to the elimination of nuclear legacy in northwestern Russia. International "Global Energy" Prize has been awarded since 2003 in Russia for outstanding scientific researches and technological developments in the energy sector. The award was established in Russia by "Global Energy" Partnership, with the support of leading Russian energy companies - "Gazprom", "Surgutneftegas" and "FGC UES" (Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System). By tradition, the winners’ award is held at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
The news on the award was published on the base of materials from the RIA Novosti source