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Projects » Technology Platform “Industry & Energy Integrated Safety and Security"


website: http://techppe.ru

Transition of the Russian economy to the innovative way of development is crucial for successful solution of strategic challenges facing Russia in the XXI century. The development of tools for transformation of innovative research ideas into advanced technologies, new types of products, goods and services demanded by the market as well as the establishment of an efficient system of industrial safety & security are the key prerequisites for such a transition.


In December 2009, the RF Prime Minister Vladimir PUTIN, having appreciated that experience, charged the Russian Ministry of Energy to apply it for establishing an integrated system of safety & security in the Russian fuel-and-power complex, and in the longer term ‑ in the entire Russian industry-and-energy sector. At the initiative of IBRAE and some other leading Russian research organizations in nuclear and industrial safety, a new Technology Platform – ‘Industry & Energy Integrated Safety and Security’ (TP IEISS) ‑ was established in July 2013.

Scientific supervisors of the TP IEISS are: Ì.V. Kovalchuk, Corresponding Member of RAS, Director of NRC ‘Kurchatov Institute’; L.A. Bolshov, Corresponding Member of RAS, Director of IBRAE RAN; and Prof. Dr. Sc. A.A. Aleksandrov, Rector of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The TP IEISS Expert Council is chaired by Acad. N.P. Aleshin, Director of Scientific-Educational Center ‘Welding and Control’ of MSTU. Prof. V.N. Ponomarev, State Councilor of the Russian Federation, IBRAE Deputy Director, is the Chairman of the TP IEISS Board. 

THE ‘INDUSTRY & ENERGY INTEGRATED SAFETY AND SECURITY’ TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM is a voluntary self-governing community of participating organization, which aims to coordinate and concentrate R & D, production, technology, financial, administrative and educational resources directed at:

  • development of innovative technologies, new products and services that enhance the integrated safety of industry and power as well as prediction and prevention of accidents and emergency situations; and
  • improvement of the system of technical regulations.

Goals and objectives of the TP IEISS are consistent with those of the European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety (ETPIS).

Over 150 organizations are participants of the TP IEISS including leading Russian universities, research organizations, development offices, governmental development institutions and financial institutions.

The key activities of the TP IEISS are: -adaptation of public-private partnership for solving problems of integrated industry & energy safety and security; and -cooperation with leading corporations and companies with state participation in search and commercial use of innovative technology solutions in the framework of the Innovative Development Programs (IDP) and the Federal Target Program ‘Research & Development on Priority Directions of the Development of Scientific and Technology Complex of Russia for 2014-2020’. The Federal Center for Project Financing (belonging to the ‘Vnesheconombank’ Group) is the TP IEISS Consultant.


  • Technology bases including: 
    • technologies and systems of integrated safety management; 
    • technologies and systems of intellectual technical diagnostics and nondestructive testing; 
    • technologies of mathematical computer simulation of complex engineering systems;  and
    • technologies of emergency management at all life-cycle stages of industrial and energy facilities.
  • Legal and regulatory framework including the areas of: 
    • emergency response and elimination of emergency implications; and
    • methods of assessing the safety & security of industrial-and-power facilities and elaborating recommendations on its enhancement to the owners, insurance companies and to the State (cross-sectoral technology consulting).
  • Educational programs.

At present, a Cooperation Agreement between the Technology Platform and the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostekhnadzor) is in effect. 

Increasing general industrial ‘safety culture’ is one of the factors that could have a significant beneficial effect on the Russian economy. This implies the development of an effective safety-management system integrated into basic branches of industry and energy. ENSURING SAFETY & SECURITY IS THE MAIN LEVER OF THE STATE FOR INFLUENCING VIABILITY AND MODERNIZATION OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY.

Within the TP IEISS framework, safety and security of industry & energy implies provision of accident-free and failure-free operation of facilities without inacceptable risk of harming human health and life, property of individuals and legal entities, state or municipal property and the environment.

A number of pilot projects are currently implemented within the Technology Platform, which are aimed at extending the experience achieved in the nuclear industry to other industries. 

The pilot projects

  • Creation of commercial prototype of facilities for detecting hidden entry (UPO-25FM) to organize a system of physical protection of long boundaries or security zones in the open territories
  • Development and launching the production of a package of automated technologies and tools for operational non-destructive testing of reactor vessel for modernized VVER-1200 reactor
  • Creation of innovative technologies and automated quality control tools of welded joints of large diameter pipes made by contact and combined welding methods
  • Implementation of a pilot project of innovative extinguishing system at industrial facilities (financing based on the principles of public-private partnership)
  • Development of technology for automated radiation monitoring of environment, assessment and prediction of potential impact on human, aqueous environment, biota and surrounding territories in case of a radiation accident at nuclear powered surface ships with the possibility of extension on the ships with other hazard sources
  • Creation of state information system of housing and communal services
  • Creation of a prototype of technical center for monitoring the state of design nodes, elements of complex buildings and structures designed for large accumulation of people (sport, entertainment and shopping centers, etc.)
  • Creation of standard regional crisis center of a head of Russian Regions
  • Implementation of the Basic project "The nuclear technology, radiation and environmental safety" of the Far Eastern Scientific and EducationalCenter of nuclear technology, radiation and environmental safety of the Far Eastern Federal University
  • Creation of hardware and software for channeling equipment of industrial radio channel (IRC) of data acquisition and transfer of integrated monitoring system, including radiation, chemical and other monitoring (SkyLINK)

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